Security meassures or just plain stupidity

2008-01-18 Thread coolzone

In the last couple of weeks I have been reading a lot of security
related literature with a strong emphasis on web related issues.

It seems to me that a lot of people tend to call themselves Security
Experts and they work with security and they write articles and/or
books about the subject.

But.. is it just me or is there something wrong somewhere!? A LOT of the
examples provided in the material are just so damn stupid that I can't
believe anyone can take them serious.

A lot of the material are using example where a malicious user inserts
some code into the web page which is pointing towards a hostile server.
In order for this thread to be executed the attacker must hack the
server (we are not talking about cross-site problems). WTF!? Someone
hacks the server and the document talks about a session fixation attack.
Yea, sure, someone might hack a web server in order to insert
malicious code, but I don't really think that's our main problem then,
our main problem would be to take the damn server off-line and start
working out the main problem: How the h... the server got hacked in the
first place.

For example in the Threat Classification manual written by different
people from the Web Application Security Consortium there is this example:


Issuing a cookie using an HTTP response header.

The attacker forces either the target web site, or any other site in the
domain, to issue a session ID cookie. This can be achieved in many ways:

* Breaking into the web server in the domain (e.g., a poorly maintained
WAP server).


I have also found a lot of other examples in other books, Chris
Shiflett's book about PHP security also uses some rather obscure
examples (no offence Chris) in which I tend to think: Dude if that can
happen to someone running a web server he's to stupid to understand what
you are writing and he shouldn't be running a web server in the first place.

Is this just me or!?

Best regards.


Chrooting users the right way

2007-05-13 Thread coolzone

I am setting up a new OpenBSD machine in which I want to chroot users. I don't
want to use any of the patching solutions to OpenSSH but want to implement a
real system chroot solution so any user, who is chrooted, is jailed even if he
logs in manually.

I have tried to find articles on this, but haven't been succesfull. 

Does anyone know of a good tutorial on how to do this on OpenBSD?

Best and kind regards.

Rico Secada.

inetd on by default

2006-07-03 Thread coolzone

Here we go again, why is inetd on by default?

I am very sorry to ask this question! My guess is that it has been asked a
thousand times. I did look in the archives and on google, trying to find a
clear answer but I must have mised it.

The note on the inetd.conf file, which states, that it is almost always
needed, doesn't provide that as the reason why it is on.

The reason why I post this is because I have read many times about OpenBSD,
that EVERYTHING is off by default. I never gave it much thought until I had to
do some testing at work, with both FreeBSD and NetBSD. I was rather surprised
that both FreeBSD and NetBSD have inetd off by default but OpenBSD doesn't. So
what? So nothing!

One of the first things I do, after installing OpenBSD, is to turn it off.
Later if needed I turn it on but I have never needed it except on a machine
running tftp. 

I do understand that since it is running by default it doesn't provide a risk,
otherwise OpenBSD would have turned it off. 

With the risk of being flamed: In my opinion it should be off be default. That
way absolutely nothing is running before it is turned on by the user. 

Best and kind regards,

Re: Firefox keeps crashing

2006-05-11 Thread coolzone
After some more tests it shows that the problem exists on several 
installations. We have recently upgraded desktop and laptop machines to 3.9. 
in our datacenter. KDE 3.5.1 as desktop and firefox is the main 
I have tried changing the resources in login.conf and I have also tried 
unlimit -d, but the problem persist. 
Also firefox is running very slow. We are also facing some other small 
complications which didn't exist on obsd 3.8 with KDE 3.4. 
As a temp solution, I think, because of demand will be to go back to obsd 
3.8 and KDE 3.4. In general, on the different installations, the KDE desktop 
is working much slower, and strange problems occur on the HP laptop 
installations. Rebooting sometimes stops and the error: arpresolve: can't 
allocate llinfo, apears, crashes during shutdown also occurs - I haven't had 
time to look into those just yet. Also some problems starting KDE with the 
startkde command, in which the screen freezes. 
All in all some strange things are going on. 
 Firefox is a resource hog, and tends to leak resources worse than the 
 plumbing job I've been working on for my girlfriend.  The difference  
 is, my plumbing leaks will be fixed, and I'm not going to be telling  
 everyone how wonderful it is until they are. 
 (ok, yes, I've been waiting to use that analogy since the THIRD time  
 I disassembled the pipes to fix a leak I can't see, can't fix in  
 place, only feel the water very slowly dripping.  But I digress) 
 The default login.conf settings for normal users seems to be too 
 restrictive for Firefox.  When Firefox tries to use more than it is 
 permitted, it is silently shut down, no core, no error message, it just 
 vanishes.  Promote yourself to staff, you will probably find it works 
 better.  Bump the staff limits up, you will probably find you can  
 make it run Darned Well. 
 Wish I could tell you which one (or two) settings it is but I haven't 
 figured out how to determine which is too snug.  But after bumping 
 things up, I usually run Firefox for many weeks at a time with lots  
 of tabs and a few windows... 

Can't start any programs

2006-05-10 Thread coolzone

I made the terible, but not unknown, mistake to untar the src into usr. To save 
the system I used the upgrade function. I am running 3.9.

After the upgrade all is ok again except that I can't run any programs. The 
command startkde doesn't work anymore and other programs such as mc doesn't 
work. The packages are installed and the files are present.

Is there some way to fix this or do I have to reinstall completely?

Best and kind regards.


XML converting

2006-02-04 Thread coolzone
Hi all!

I know this hasn't got anything to do with OpenBSD (other than I am actually
doing the work on an OpenBSD driven machine), but the level and advice on this
list is so valueable that I am going to ask anyway.

Please forgive the direct lack of relation!

Many buzzwords exists on the net, as you all know, and sometimes it is
actually difficult to differ between what is buzzwords and what would might
contain something usefull. 

Does anyone see any benefit in using XML format for some data, and then using
XSL to convert this data into XHTML? Rather than just using XHTML in the first

I ask because that I might have missed some good reason to do that. I can't
see any reason why one would need to do that except if the actual XML data
needed to be converted into several different things like both XHTML and WML
etc. or perhaps because in the future XML would better serve as a way to
contain the data.

Any advice is appreciated.

Best regards,

CUPS failing

2005-10-07 Thread coolzone

During these past couple of weeks I have been making some extensive testing on
the CUPS port/package. 

I have testet a Brother HL-1430 laser printer. 

I have got the apropriate PPD driver from foomatic.

I have testet it on several OpenBSD installations, on different hadrware yet
all i386. 

I can't get it to print no matter how I set it up.

I have then testet the exact same PPD driver with CUPS on FreeBSD 5.4 RELEASE,
and on Kubuntu 5.10. In both cases I have no problems printing.

From the log I get the following using loglevel debug:

D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] GNU Ghostscript 7.05 (2002-04-22)
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Copyright (C) 2002 artofcode LLC,
Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] This software comes with NO WARRANTY:
see the file PUBLIC for details.
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Unknown device: hl1250
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] renderer return value: 1
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] renderer received signal: 1
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Process dying with error closing
*main::STDOUT, exit stat: 9
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Process dying with Possible error on
renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options., exit stat: 3
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] error closing *main::STDOUT
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Possible error on renderer command
line or PostScript error. Check options.
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] 0 %%Trailer
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Saw Trailer!
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Saw EOF!
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12]
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Closing renderer
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] KID4 exited with status 9
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Renderer exit stat: 9
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Renderer process finished
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Killing process 5158 (KID3)
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Process dying with Error closing
renderer, exit stat: 9
D [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] [Job 12] Error closing renderer
E [08/Oct/2005:05:40:29 +0200] PID 414 stopped with status 9!

I notice the Unknown device: hl1250 error, which is actually the name of the
driver (hl1430 uses hl1250), but I can't make any sense of the above.

How do I go from here? 


OpenBSD and KDE printing

2005-10-01 Thread coolzone

During my printer testing the last couple of days I have been running some few

I have made a test machine (i386) running OpenBSD 3.7 with KDE and all it's

During this test I found that every single program, started from within KDE,
crashes when I use the print option from (in most cases) the file menu.

Kprinter crashes too.

This is with or without any cups service running.

I know this kind of question is unpopular, but I am going to ask it anyway...

Does anyone on the list run OpenBSD 3.7 with KDE where the print option works?
It doesn't matter if there actually is a printer installed, I just need to
know if it crashes. If it doesn't crash - is it possible to start Kprinter?

Thanks and cheers, 