Re: Even and Odd numbered OpenBSD versions

2009-05-19 Thread mcb, inc.

On Tue, 19 May 2009, Mark Romer wrote:

but what does everything else think?

Your oldtimer has confused OpenBSD with the Linux kernel...

Monty Brandenberg

Re: Car is limiting speed

2009-01-28 Thread mcb, inc.

On Thu, 29 Jan 2009, SJP Lists wrote:

I've narrowed it down to my car. My speed is limited to 80kph on a
110kph highway. What should I check?

Try 'cdr' or use a faster highway.

Re: This is what Linus Torvalds calls openBSD crowd

2008-07-16 Thread mcb, inc.

On Wed, 16 Jul 2008, Siju George wrote:

Again a mis representation in pulic?

To me, security is important.  But it's no less important than
everything *else* that is also important!  I.e. there are no shades
of gray in import hence importance is black-and-while.  H...

Monty Brandenberg

Re: Debian libssl security (Cause???)

2008-05-16 Thread mcb, inc.

On Fri, 16 May 2008, Travers Buda wrote:

They probably have figured it out.  This is a pretty big screw-up--it
was in the tree since September 2006.  You don't do something this
bad and not learn from it =).

And now the social engineering fallout from it as well with all
the 'new SSL certificate'-style phishing that was in place before
this event...

Monty Brandenberg, Software Engineer   MCB, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cambridge, MA  02142-0021

Re: how do I capture dmesg for a failed install??

2008-04-28 Thread mcb, inc.

On Mon, 28 Apr 2008, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:

I-forget-who makes a text-only video card that outputs to a serial port
instead of a VGA port.  Its rather expensive but perhaps you can borrow

PC Weasel?

Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cambridge, MA  02142-0021

Re: Cold Boot Attacks on Encryption Keys

2008-02-21 Thread mcb, inc.

On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, Marco Peereboom wrote:

Let me give you an engineering opinion: bwahahahahahaha this is retarded.

A lesson from history for those who fail to learn from it.
Rebooting from the latent image in core memory after months or
even years without power was not particularly remarkable.  A
little hunting should turn up some nice war stories such as the
pdp-10 that was halted running diags in Marlboro, MA, crated,
loaded in a truck, moved across country, installed, cabled and
when powered up, resumed running the diags from the halt point.
Different technology, different era (and a *real* computer) but
the lesson is:  know your technology's behavior at the edges


Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cambridge, MA  02142-0021

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2007-12-11 Thread mcb, inc.

Watching the latest flame war, I can't help thinking that as
founders of their respective projects Theo and RMS are trapped
in a jail of rigid consistency and absolutism demanded by
children and utopians.  Only at home, with the door locked,
are they free to boot their home's sole computer, a Windows
box, watch some Real Media streams and play a few Valve-
controlled games.  And late at night, when the ice weasels
come, a hypnogogic fog provides cover for a last conscious
thought:  I wish, I wish, I wish... *I* had written OS X.

Monty Brandenberg

Re: ms exchange replacement

2007-10-02 Thread mcb, inc.

On Tue, 2 Oct 2007, bofh wrote:

Is there even anything that's a full sexchange replacement?

Postpath did a reverse engineering job on exchange and has
what is reputed to be a full replacement.  Effort must have
left quite a few engineers with brain damage...


Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cambridge, MA  02142-0021

Re: That whole Linux stealing our code thing

2007-09-02 Thread mcb, inc.

On Sun, 2 Sep 2007, Gregg Reynolds wrote:

Yes.  For the dimwits pontificating on this useless thread who can't
be bothered to check facts on their own, here's the relevant text

And therein lies the problem.  Unless a developer went through a
university program that requires courses in contract and copyright
law or worked in a company whose corporate counsel actively
educated engineers in that law or the developer took the initiative
to learn on his own, he almost certainly doesn't know what he's
talking about.  Dorm room debates and shrill, puerile diatribes
carry no legal weight.  So try a self examination.  Have you been
through at least one of the three sources above and did it stick?
If not, you might want to broaden your education a bit before
ranting away and becoming a poster boy for why geeks *should* be
beaten up on playgrounds.  (One inexpensive source is Nolo Press
and their legal self-help books.)

This will be especially critical for OSS development given the
pool from which developers self-select.  Students who live in
bubbles of unreality where they aren't held to account for their
actions.  Individuals unfamiliar with the language and laws of
the country whose copyright law is in force.  Those with political
agendas who'll eventually damage their own cause with careless
or intentional disregard for the issues.  While SCO vs Novell looks
like the last act of the desperate, the surface argument is still
valid.  Someone from the above list is eventually going to do
something particularly stupid and we're sorry isn't going to
be accepted as compensation.  The tools for rapidly identifying
theft and misattribution are now available so obscurity isn't
going to save you.  So, gosh, I hope those promises of indem-
nification from companies with a few million in annual revenue
hold up.

Finally, for fun, here's a hypothetical to try out your newly
acquired knowledge.  Hypothesis:  The fundamental function of the
preprocessor (in C, C++, etc.) is to create derived works.  Two
major functions are to attach a work, in whole, to another work
and to replace parts of one work with parts from another.  The
derived work is then further processed and eventually becomes
the program which is distributed to customers.  Fact:  A number
of Linux distributions (ref:  RH 7.x) came (and perhaps still do)
with header files with GPL2 licences.  These header files are used
in the compilation of some software which may then be sold to
customers.  Question:  Does the GPL2 attach to any such software
sold to customers?

Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cambridge, MA  02142-0021

Re: OpenBSD 4.1 Pre-Orders...

2007-03-17 Thread mcb, inc.

On Sat, 17 Mar 2007, Bryan Allen wrote:

On Mar 17, 2007, at 4:12 PM, Bob Beck wrote:

Hate to tell you this, but Canada is not the United States.

Give us a couple years. Pax Americana, yo.

Nah, we tried it in the 1840's.  Wasn't worth the bother.

Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cambridge, MA  02142-0021

Re: More ammunition for the Blob fight

2006-10-16 Thread mcb, inc.

And do check out the quote in the exploit code...


Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cambridge, MA  02142-0021

Re: Custom kernel for Soekris net4801-50

2006-10-04 Thread mcb, inc.

On Wed, 4 Oct 2006, Richard P. Koett wrote:

The user complained that Internet access seemed slow
Any other advice would be appreciated.

Leave the Soekris in place tomorrow but tell the user the original
device is now back doing duty.  See if he reports the network
speed as improved.

Monty Brandenberg

Re: [A bit OT] KVM recommendation and information on Compaq EO1004B 8 Port KVM Switch, Part No. 147094-001

2005-06-02 Thread mcb, inc.

On Thu, 2 Jun 2005, Daniel Ramaley wrote:

If you need to run graphics through one, i'd
say spend the money on high quality cables and don't run the resolution
too high.

I'll take this opportunity to correct something I said yesterday.
There is a vendor with DDC2B compatibility claims:  NTI (
I'd bought video cables from them before (to fix the *% Belkin
cable issues, NTI's are good) and was reading the catalog last night.
They do have DDC-compatible variants of their KVM's.  Might be
worth looking at, their cables certainly are.

Monty Brandenberg