Hi Gustavo,

> Right now, i am running into bussiness. I would like my client to get
> focused into the solution only. I don't want to give him a chance to
> compare my proposal to other.

In the years I have been in business myself, I have noticed that unless
you are as open as you can be about what you do and with what you do it,
you will not get the respect from your clients (and sometimes peers) you
would otherwise. Respect means business.

Most of my clients know the tools are there and that they could do it
themselves. Some even know how. Yet, they don't. They trust me and my
Open tools to get the job done.

Hiding information from your client (out of fear of competition) will
not enable them to make a valid judgement and eventually you will lose
that client. This is not a moral statement, just one of life's lessons
I've had to learn.

Be proud of your proposal and be proud of the fact you're using
OpenBSD to handle the job.

Do as you see fit, of course... Nico :-)

P.S. Try and sell your client the two OpenBSD cd's a year. Works

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