Re: Books and resources for a C beginner.

2005-12-30 Thread Craig McCormick
Hi all.

This post is:
1) to test an issue I have had in posting to the list via my ISPs
smarthost hence the different email address
2) in response to various replies I have had to this thread

1) will serve my curiosity

hopefully, 2) will be of some help to others. I have limited bandwidth
so there is little point in me spamming URLs out, which I hope this is
not thought to be an attempt at doing.

On the subject of books, not only C related, I have compiled a list of
books that I find helpful. I include ISBNs and brief descriptions, where

Although not very informative as yet, I am beginning to journal my
findings as I journey into C programming and as I expand upon it, I hope
that it might be helpful to others in my position. This should be my
last post to this thread of this nature, so as not to be thought of as
taking the mickey.

These can be found at:

I have only been using OpenBSD for a couple of months or so and any BSD
for at most 6 months, so the suggestions that I offer should be very
suitable for those new to the operating systems. Just trying to do my
bit, to help others in a similar position.

Best regards and a happy and prosperous new year to all,

Craig McCormick

bsd squiggle slashboot d()t org
mccraigy squiggle googlemail d()t com

Books and resources for a C beginner.

2005-12-29 Thread Craig McCormick
Hi all.

I hope not to get too much stick for this and that this isn't seen as
entirely inappropriate to this list, but here goes. I'm not a computing
newbie by any means, having been an enthusiast and 'enjoyed' a career in
systems/network management. I think I can program reasonably well in
scripted languages, Perl, shell, *cough*PHP*cough*, can structure my
code well and am thorough enough to research, avoid and check my code
for possible gotchas and such like.

Since moving to BSD, I've really wanted to get into learning to program
in C and understand that this is probably the best platform to do so. In
fact, considering my prolonged involvement in computing, it's almost an
embarrassment that I haven't already. I have been working through some
online primers and tutorials, which I'm comfortable with and have a good
understanding of what I'm doing so far.

I plan to get 'the only two books on C that I might ever need' namely;

The C Programming Language (2nd Edition)
By Brian W. Kernighan - ISBN: 0131103628


C: A Reference Manual
By Samuel P. Harbison  Guy L. Steele - ISBN: 013089592X

but wonder if anybody has any advice on other materials and resources.
Also, as I'm not exactly loaded with cash, would it be appropriate to
get the Kernighan book first and then the Reference Manual at a later
date, or would it be better to get them both from the start?

What, non cynical, advice would you give to somebody who is starting off
on the road?

Many thanks for any advice offered and apologies if this isn't the place
for this post.

Best regards,

Craig McCormick

bsd squiggle slashboot d()t org
mccraigy squiggle googlemail d()t com

Re: Books and resources for a C beginner.

2005-12-29 Thread Craig McCormick
Well, well, well.

How helpful are the OpenBSD community? Very, in my mind.

Thanks to the advice from here, I've now decided that I'll start the
ball rolling with:

Programming in C
ISBN: 0672326663
to get me started. I'm a bit blown away by all the hugely positive
reviews of this book, at Amazon.

This will be followed by, or ordered at the same time as:

The C Programming Language (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0131103628
as I'd plainly be a fool not to. Praise be.

And at a later date, once it's warranted, I'll add:

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
Stevens  Rago
ISBN: 0201433079
which again has some excellent reviews and I'm already impressed with
Stevens' work, from TCP/IP Illustrated Vol.1. How could I not be?

Many thanks for the advice, it's greatly appreciated.

All the best,
