Hi, When I reboot my server I get following.

starting network daemons: sshd snmpd ifstated sendmail initd.
starting local daemons:.
starting daemons: cron.

My rc.local file....
# Add your local startup actions here.

echo '.'

if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/nginx ]; then
        echo -n ' Nginx'; /usr/local/sbin/nginx

If I log into the server as root and just run /usr/local/sbin/nginx then Nginx starts up fine. I've tried changing the rc.local file around but each time I reboot the server i see Terminated in the boot text. Below is my ifstated script that I have been trying to use to get nginx started. I've disabled ifstated justnow till I get nginx auto starting as the server boots but interestingly my ifstated script kind of works if nginx is up and running and If I kill the process it restart it but ifstated won't start nginx from cold. (if this makes sense)

Finally... my nginx install isn't standard. It's syslog patched and has an the header-more module compiled in. I'm not very fluent at creating users / groups so to get the nginx user accounts that are needed I just installed nginx from a package then compiled and reinstalled nginx from source on top of the package. Not sure if this is the reason why it won't start.

# cat /etc/ifstated.conf
init-state auto

nginx_check = '( "ps -aux | grep \"nginx\" | grep -v grep | wc -l | grep 6" every 5)'

state auto {
        if $nginx_check {
              set-state nginx_online
        if ! $nginx_check {
              set-state nginx_offline

state nginx_online {
        init {
        run "echo Nginx Up : $(date) >> /var/log/ifstated.log"
        if ! $nginx_check {
              set-state nginx_offline

state nginx_offline {
        init {

        run "echo Nginx Down : $(date) >> /var/log/ifstated.log"
        run "pkill nginx | sleep 5"
        run "nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf"

        if $nginx_check {
             set-state nginx_online

If anyone can help me then it would really be appreciated.


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