
I'm new to OpenBSD, I've recently installed newest version - 4.2 (i386)
- and noticed some problems while working in console mode:

1. I'm loading console font set, which is including national characters
- the first problem is, that wsconscfg doesn't want to init consoles
using default VT220 emulation. Everytime, when I've got to use
wsconscfg (it's written into /etc/rc.local anyway...), it's using VT100
- although the system itself seems to be able to initialize consoles
as VT220 (when not using wsconscfg).

I would to keep VT220 emulation on all consoles, because it's the most
comfortable way to have proper colours in curses-based programs (when
setting "TERM=wsvt25"). Unfortunately, wsconscfg doesn't accept "vt220"
as parameter.  Can it be changed?

2. The second problem is with function keys, especially annoying when
using f.e. Midnight Commander. Playing with terminal settings, I noticed
that changing - in the section "wsvt25" of /usr/share/misc/termcap - the
definition: "tc=vt220" to: "tc=ecma+color" seems to be a cure for this
problem (no "side effects" noticed). I'm not sure, whether this problem
with F-keys is caused by faulty terminal definition, or bug in ncurses

3. The third problem is, that even having console initialized as VT220
with wsvt25 definition (modified the way described above) there are
still some little "false colour choices" anyway (it can be seen f.e. on
the bottom line of mc, the one with description of function keys). But
when one runs "screen" (having "wsvt25 on VT220"), at last the console
is working fully properly. Well, this third paragraph is not a
question, but an example of workaround "how to obtain the proper results"

But perhaps someone does know answer to previous two?
                                pozdrawiam / regards

                                                Zbigniew Baniewski

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