
I am in the begin of extending rtwn(4) to RTL8723BE. How hard it would
be if there is only one letter changed in chip name if AE is already
supported. :)

My progress so far has been detecting the chip, reading the rom table
and loading the firmware. Any use of the interface causes log message
of RF not powered, which is understandable and I will dig into it
after the rom part works.

I have few questions

Does the rtwn firmware package ship already RTL8723BE firmware? I have
rtwn-rtl8723befw_36 directory in /etc/firmware. Just asking to make
sure I load right firmware as there are no easily findable changelogs
for firmware packages.

As there was some preliminary work done to RTL8723BE, has someone
gathered info already? Or is the boot linux compile more debugging to
driver and figure out what is happening the only slow way?

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

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