Hello misc,

I'm starting to play around with IPv6 and rad(8). I've noticed that I
can broadcast arbitrary prefixes via "no auto prefix" combined with
"prefix <prefix>". These get assigned properly via slaac and can be
used to forward packets, but if I don't assign an IP in the prefix on
the broadcasting interface the return packets won't get delivered,
because that interface doesn't participate in the ND process for that

>From what I gathered RA (and thus the default gateway on the slaac nodes
using them) is always the link-local address. If I don't have a need for
a public IPv6 address on my router:
1) Is there a requirement I overlooked to have the public IP on the
2) If there is no such requirement, is there a requirement to not do ND
   for not locally assigned prefixes?
3) If there is no such requirement, did I miss a switch to enable ND
   for a non-local assigned prefix? Or is there a reason to not have


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