More reasons to like OpenBSD

2006-02-22 Thread Will H. Backman
Just a note to the OpenBSD community:
I have been helping a friend clean up after a security incident with a
PHP web app that hadn't been patched on a Linux server.  I run the same
app on OpenBSD, and I worry a lot less.  I still patch my PHP apps
because it would be stupid to assume that OpenBSD would always protect
me, but looking at how the exploit happened, I see that OpenBSD's apache
chroot would have prevented that particular attack.
* Developers: Thanks for the proactive security!
* Users: Put the effort into making your stuff work in the chroot.

Will Backman - Network Administrator
Coastal Enterprises, Inc.

Re: More reasons to like OpenBSD

2006-02-22 Thread Paul de Weerd
On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 02:11:26PM -0500, Will H. Backman wrote:
| Just a note to the OpenBSD community:
| I have been helping a friend clean up after a security incident with a
| PHP web app that hadn't been patched on a Linux server.  I run the same
| app on OpenBSD, and I worry a lot less.  I still patch my PHP apps
| because it would be stupid to assume that OpenBSD would always protect
| me, but looking at how the exploit happened, I see that OpenBSD's apache
| chroot would have prevented that particular attack.
| So:
| * Developers: Thanks for the proactive security!
| * Users: Put the effort into making your stuff work in the chroot.

Also :

* Developers: Thanks for giving us pf :

pass in proto tcp from any to any port 80 keep state
block out log proto { tcp, udp } all user www

Sure, upload your Too bad you have only limited internet
access (there's some pass-rules lateron for specific users).


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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