Hi misc :)

I have the following setup:

em1 -> LAN
em0 -> Internet connection (DHCP)
em2 -> Internet connection (Static Route)
em3 -> Internet connection (DHCP)

For now I have two External interfaces working, em3 which sets the
default gateway via dhclient and em2 which I have included as an
aditional default gateway with the command:

/sbin/route add -mpath default 200.x.x.x

I was also able to use the static route with a "route-to" rule.

So, my questions:
1- Can I use dhclient on the two DHCP interfaces setting multiple
default gateways as I did with -mpath?
2- Is there an option on dhclient.conf (I read the man, but can't
figure out how to do this) to not set the gateway but save the gateway
ip address in a file, so I can use these files on pf.conf along with
route-to rules?
3- Is there a better way to do this?

Any directions will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Fabio Almeida

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