On Sun, 16 May 2004, Tim Kornau wrote:

On Fri, 14 May 2004 at 14:50 -0400, Roy Morris wrote:
I am working with a simple two interface route/pf and block in and out packets
on all interfaces. It makes sense that you would have to have a rule to allow
the packet in on if-a, but I would have thought the state would carry across
to if-b, without having to place another rule that said let the packet out. I
have tried the 'set state-policy', although floating is the default and should
be passing this along??

Hello Roy,

Without your pf.conf this Mail cannot be completely answered but
mybe there is a hint that i can give you that might resolve the
situation. The "state" is kept with the default setting of floating

Presumably because, with a default block in/out, the traffic ingresses one interface, the state is create, but when it egresses another interface it is "re-evaluated" ?

This is where I always get confused:

If the OpenBSD pf(4) stateful firewall is acting as an intermediary forwarding device for a 3-way TCP handshake, shouldn't the re-evaluation of the initial the initial packet (S/SA) matching a "pass in" rule on an ingress interface punch a hole "back out of" the original ingress interface, _as well as_ punch a hole *in* and *out* of the egress interrace.

Come to think of it, that sounds like pretty agressive for "keep state", maybe that's my nasty assumption?


but if your ruleset explicitly denies outgoing packets on the
interface then in my understanding these will be dropped.


Darksun rising over blood red sea

        -lava (Brian A. Seklecki - Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

    "Guilty? Yeah. But he knows it. I mean, you're guilty.
    You just don't know it. So who's really in jail?"
    ~James Maynard Keenan

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