I'm in the process of investigating a means by which I can shape the traffic individually for potentially >1000 users. Looking at the altq documentation, my reading of this implies that I would have to create a separate queue for each user/IP, which may also involve a kernel recompilation to get the number of queues I need.

Is there any way to do something akin to the FreeBSD/dummynet method of queue creation - applying a mask to (say) the source IP and dynamically creating (and deleting) queues based on traffic flows? I'd quite like to stick with OpenBSD for this project, as there are a number of other features in pf that I'd like to use. However, the traffic shaping is a fairly key feature, hence my asking whether I can do this or not using OpenBSD.

Andrew Veitch    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://erkle.org/

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