I am planning to release ComixWall 4.6 in December. (Please see further
below for a summary of upcoming release announcement.) I am happy to
announce that I have frozen the web user interface strings as one of the
final few stages of the release process.

The ComixWall ISG project needs your help. Please contribute to the
project by translating the web user interface into your native language.


If you are reading these lines, you probably do not need any
translations from English to your native language. However, the benefit
of a localized firewall user interface may be two folds, at least:

1. Unprivileged user on the web user interface is for your boss, and
s/he may not speak English
2. Government organizations in your country may require or prefer IT
systems with localized user interfaces

After all, I was able to complete 50% of translations into Turkish in
1-2 hours, and this percent completion is enough for most purposes.


A new scheme is in place to help you with translations. Strings on the
web user interface are now divided into files based on where they are
used. There are mainly four benefits of this scheme:

1. Translator knows what kind of user interface item s/he is translating
(menu, button, title, help box, etc.) even without knowing anything
about the web user interface
2. Files have priorities, and completing high priority translations is
easy, and also enough for most purposes
3. Translator may choose files based on how much time s/he can dedicate
for translations
4. Clear separation enables us to have multiple translators working on
the same language very easily without any conflicts (there are only a
few overlaps, which are easy to handle using gettext tools).

Po files to be translated can be downloaded at this link:

Following information and the list of current translators can be found
on the Translations page too:

Explanations for each file are as follows:

  _MENU: Left and top menus, 94 x mostly 1-word strings
  _CONTROL: Controls such as buttons, 38 x mostly 1-word strings
  _NOTICE: Warnings, 24 strings
  _TITLE: Important titles or captions, 101 x mostly 2-word strings
  _STATS: Statistics, 105 x mostly 2-word strings
  _HELPBOX: Important help boxes, 24 strings
  _TITLE2: Secondary titles, 393 x mostly 2-word strings

If above translations are complete and help boxes are disabled (on 4.6
help boxes can be disabled), the web interface can be considered as

  _HELPBOX2: Secondary help boxes, 236 strings
  _HELPWINDOW: Help windows, 185 strings

If above translations are complete, the web interface can be considered
as localized, even when the help boxes are enabled. 

  _: Rest, 246 strings 

These files are combined into comixwall.po file before the final mo file
is created.

Please contact me if you want to be a translator. All languages are
welcome. I hope to have all translations ready by the end of November.


If you are interested in what to expect in the upcoming ComixWall 4.6,
here is a quite short summary:

Software updates:

  OpenBSD 4.6-stable, i.e. with -stable patches as of December
  SnortIPS 4.6 with the new Priority and Keyword based blocking
  ClamAV 0.95.3
  IMSpector 0.9 with patches from cvs
  Dante 0.12.0
  Pmacct 0.12.0rc3
  OpenVPN 2.1_rc20
  PHP 5.2.11 with exec() patch
  Better ports

Web Administration Interface:

  MVC-like design pattern
  Controller validates all input from View
  Controller accepts commands defined by Model only
  OOP in the Model, and some in the View
  Common PHP code base used by Model, View, Controller, and Installer
  New statistics pages
  New logs pages
  New configuration pages
  Incremental statistics, stats are saved and updated incrementally
  New login method over HTTPs without problematic HTTP authentication
  Sessions timeout, and help boxes can be disabled now
  Pfw understands new match action now
  Much faster, more robust, stable, and consistent user interface
  Higher quality source code

Full changes to the new web user interface is impossible to list here.
The new look-and-feel may be relatively familiar, but the current user
interface is the result of a 4 months of intense refactoring and
development effort. In short, you should have a much pleasant experience
using the web user interface on 4.6.


  OpenBSD installation is modified to customize and ease ComixWall
installation. Thanks to a modified auto-partitioner of OpenBSD 4.6, the
disk is partitioned according to ComixWall needs, so you don't need to
use the label editor at all.
  All install sets including siteXY.tgz are selected by default, so you
cannot 'not' install ComixWall by mistake now.
  OpenBSD installation questions are modified according to ComixWall
needs. For example, X11 related questions are never asked.
  ComixWall installer asks only 2 questions: internal/external interface
and admin/user password. The rest of the configuration is handled
  User can choose default answers (by just hitting the ENTER button) all
the way from the beginning of the OpenBSD installation.

Therefore, ComixWall 4.6 installation should be a breeze.

PS: I have lost contact with the previous Spanish translator. I would
appreciate if he contacts me again. 

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