On amd64 6.6release/stable and -current my TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-223DB has
failed to function.  It does not key_sense and backends
cdio/xorriso-tcltk seem to write a lead-in track and nothing else.

The system dual boots with Debian 10 the same drive is recognized and
works without issue.

# xorriso -as cdrecord dev=/dev/rcd0c crux-3.5-updated.iso xorriso 1.5.2 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

Drive current: -outdev '/dev/rcd0c' Media current: CD-R
Media status : is blank
Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data,  703m free
Beginning to write data track.
libburn : FATAL : SCSI error on write(-22,16): See MMC specs:
    Sense Key 2 "Drive not ready", ASC 00 ASCQ 00.
libburn : FATAL : CDB= WRITE(10) : 2a 00 ff ff ff ea 00 00 10 00  :
    dxfer_len= 32768
libburn : FAILURE : Failed to synchronize drive cache. SCSI error : See
    MMC specs: Sense Key 2 "Drive not ready", ASC 00 ASCQ 00.  xorriso :
FATAL : -abort_on 'FAILURE' encountered 'FATAL' during image writing
xorriso : NOTE : libburn has now been urged to cancel its operation
libburn : FATAL : Burn run failed
xorriso : FAILURE : libburn indicates failure with writing.
xorriso : NOTE : Gave up -outdev ''
xorriso : FAILURE : -as cdrecord: Job could not be performed properly.
xorriso : aborting : -abort_on 'FAILURE' encountered 'FATAL'

If found this which seems to fit the issue I am having.


There were no F/U's to this post.  It appears this is device dependent.
Can anyone recommend a make/model of SATA drive that can be used in
OpenBSD.  The recommended to use "xorriso -as cdrecord" in OpenBSD?
Lastly, are any developer interested in addressing key sense in the ahci
driver?  I'm willing to test on the hardware I have.

J. Scott Heppler

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