Some victims are chosen as test subjects others because they "know too much". 
There are a variety of reasons.

It is not likely that an in depth discussion of the subject will ever be 
reached by means of 
the Freedom of information act. Extraordinary means will get the information. I 
myself the beginning of such extraordinary means.

My background:
Father: served in Viet Nam, 25 years in Air Force
Mother: worked for US civil service for 20 years,
Me:  AFGWC (Air Force Global Weather Central) as contractor for Sterling 
Software at Offut, 
     Worked at StratCom as contractor for SAIC.

acronym list
DIA defense intelligence agency
 office of security investigations
DIS defense investigative service
NIS naval investigative service

The victim is lured to work as a contractor at a Military installation by DIA 
officers. He/she fills 
out a background 398. The DIS begins the background investigation while the OSI 
or NIS fabricates evidence. 
This keeps the 2 agencies separate and can claim no knowledge of occurance. The 
overseeing agency is again 
the DIA; coordinating effort by the DIS and OSI/NIS. While the  background 
investigation is being completed 
by the DIS the DIA begins a sophisticated psychological and physical torture 
routine on the victim. Its 
purpose is for reduction, this renders the victim susceptible to suggestion and 

After the suggestion stage and all the evidence is fabricated the next stage is 
finding a corrupt police 
agency to turn the suspect over to. For me it is California State Police.

For some
 victims the goal is to legitimize the killing of the suspect if faults are 
detected in the DIA plan. 
In some cases psychogenic drugs can be used by DIA officers on victim to help 
make the victim appear unstable 
thereby legitimizing the killing of victim by helping police agency. These are 
the same psychogenic drugs 
used at Guantanamo and Eastern European holding facilities.

More to follow...

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