On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 02:45:01AM +0200, gilbert.fernan...@orange.fr wrote:

> Launched a build with apmd -A and then measured
> temperatures using a multimeter and a "metal rod"
> temperature sensor.

Yeeloong does not have CPU throttling yet. So the CPU will not run
on a lower clock if there is not much work.

In current there is suspend/resume. But what I see is that the
temperaure slowly rises while the machine is suspended. I suspect some
circuits are left in a switched on state. 

ON a addition note, the fan control is done by hardware or firmware,
and is not very subtle.  At one point the fan will hit it's maximum
RPM, and never slow down after that, even if the machine is idle. At
least that is what appears to be going on. 


> internal temperatures as reported by sysctl and
> sensors :
> hw.sensors.ykbec0.temp0=61.00 degC (Internal temperature)
> hw.sensors.ykbec0.temp1=36.00 degC (Battery temperature)
> hw.sensors.ykbec0.fan0=4660 RPM
> Here is a picture of the keyboard and the two hot
> zones after two hours heavily working on a build
> of openbsd sources :
> http://bit.ly/jktqwV
> (short link to a picture in the picasa album i posted
> a few days ago)
> If you cannot display the picture (eg. in console)
> the two hot zones are left side of keyboard, centered
> on the S key for medium temperature :
> 31.3 degrees celcius, 88.34 degrees farenheit
> And the hottest area is lower right of keyboard,
> centered on the right ALT key :
> 34.5 degrees celcius, 94.1 degrees farenheit
> Ambiant temperature being 25 degrees celcius,
> 77 degrees farenheit (46.5 % RH, 1007 hPa).
> The two hot zones are quite close in temperature,
> but the right one you can feel it's the hottest
> area of the whole netbook.
> -- 
> Gilbert Fernandes

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