On Wed, 2010-10-13 at 19:47 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:

> There has been talk about going thourgh /usr/src/etc and building
> machine-dependent (that means "architecture-dependent" for those of
> you who are not on The Team) variations for this.
> People who dug into this got scared and didn't finish. We'd be willing
> to look at things other people start for this... and then provide a
> long series of comments... if someone has the staying power...

Perhaps lower hanging fruit would be for those that regularly tweak /etc
to occasionally send in sanitized diffs against the originals with
comments as to why the changes were made.
Changes that appear for many people probably should eventually go into
the FAQ.

(Sorry, I don't have any tweaks...  4.7 required no tweaks outside of
turning on IP forwarding in /etc/sysctl.conf...)

Chris Dukes

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