I used to configure VPNs using isakmpd.conf, for 2 dozen VPNs, each with
a hand crafted set of parameters ( encryption, hmac, key length etc. ).

Now I tried to move this setup to ipsec.conf by spelling out the
complete line for every VPN like this:

ike active esp tunnel from a.b.c.d to e.f.g.h peer u.v.w.x main auth
hmac-sha1 enc aes group modp1024 quick auth hmac-sha1     enc aes group
modp1024 psk xyz

When I start isakmpd and configure these VPNs with ipsecctl -f
/etc/ipsec.conf, all VPNs come up properly.

But: alter a while, some VPNs stop working. tcpdump of isakmpd.pcap
shows that the remote end tries to establish phase-1 with the same
parameters that were used when my side ( openBSD ) establishes phase-1.
But is rejected with 'NO PROPOSAL CHOSEN'.

After setting isaqkmpd debug level, daemon.log reveals:

Jan 12 14:00:09 q-dsl isakmpd[31387]: exchange_setup_p1: 0x8a499400
peer-u.v.w.x Default-phase-1-configuration policy responder phase 1 doi
1 exchange 2 step 0

This seems to indicate that for the incoming IP_PROT exchange the
Default-phase-1-configuration is used, and the info from ipsec.conf is

I found other incidences in the logfile where the remote end
re-established the phase-1 successfully by initiating a ID_PROT
exchange. In these case the debug message looks like:

Jan 12 14:00:05 q-dsl isakmpd[31387]: exchange_setup_p1: 0x841b2700
peer-u.v.w.x phase1-peer-u.v.w.x policy responder phase 1 doi 1 exchange
2 step 0

I'm with you if you think the above text is rather confused, I apologize
for that, I tried my very best :-)

But you could do me a favour if you answered the following question:

1. Is it ok that the remote end initiates a phase-1 ID_PROT exchange for
a VPN which I have defined as 'active' in my ipsec.conf.

2. If the answer is yes, am I right to expect that isakmpd uses the
parameters I have specified for this VPN in ipsec.conf, finding the line
with peer u.v.x.x = <sender's IP>

Thank you for your patience.



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