Re: rdomains finally working!!

2023-04-03 Thread Kaya Saman

On 4/3/23 11:25, Claudio Jeker wrote:

On Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 10:53:26AM +0100, Kaya Saman wrote:

Hey guys,


Taking an excerpt from the website I was following:


Creating a loopback interface in rdomain 2 so that Host 1 can talk to Host 2
would look like:

ifconfig lo2 rdomain 2
route -T 2 add 192.168.1/24
Since lo2 is created inside rdomain 2, the IP address assigned to it doesn't
conflict with lo0 in rdomain 0.

Sure I can see traffic inside one of the loopbacks and tcpdump does claim
"pass out" but then nothing else happens. The other loopback interfaces have
no traffic in them and the destination network has no traffic either.

This is very much expected since you probably did not carefully read the
cited website.

You need a special pf.conf setup to make that work. As one caveat
mentioned in the article is that the default pf.conf rulesets skips lo(4)
interfaces and so the traffic will just be dropped (since there is no
state lookup and so no way to bounce the reverse traffic back into the
other rdomain).

In general I would suggest use pair(4) to route traffic between rdomains.
Doing it in pf(4) gives you more control but it requires careful handling
of the rulesets (as you noticed).

Hi Claudio,

thanks for the response and advice on pair (4), I will definitely read it.

Maybe you are correct in that I didn't carefully read or perhaps I 
confused things badly I have a mixture of ASD and most likely ADHD 
and when the panic kicks in things become difficult including 
communication and understanding.

I wish I had a spare system to test things properly and understand 
better, unfortunately I am having to adapt a live production system and 
with a large number of lines in the PF rule set is not easy.

The caveat you mention about skipping lo (4) I disabled (I think?) as 
per changing the 'set skip' to this:

#set skip on { lo, enc0 }
set skip on { enc0 }

so the loopback should be active in PF, further down in my config I have 
a clause like this too:

#Allow Internal Communications

pass in on lo0
pass out on lo0

pass in on lo2
pass out on lo2

pass in on lo3
pass out on lo3

Maybe due to my existing PF things might not work properly in anycase, I 
just wish I knew more about what I was doing to really have a handle on 
the situation.

I'm still eager to contribute with a write up if you are interested but 
due to my "circumstances" I maybe the only one with these issues :-( 
so maybe writing things up in my case maybe useless and will probably 
not be understood by anyone in general.

With PF the biggest handling issue is when mixing and matching using the 
'quick' keyword as things get handled differently. Both the websites I 
cited do *not* contain the 'quick' keyword at all. My local pf ruleset 
contains many "pass in quick" or "block in quick" statements.

I would definitely be extremely happy to hear any more suggestions if 
there are any but for now I will look at studying "pair (4)".

Thank you so much for chiming in! I really appreciate it :-D

Best regards,


Re: rdomains finally working!!

2023-04-03 Thread Claudio Jeker
On Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 10:53:26AM +0100, Kaya Saman wrote:
> Hey guys,


> Taking an excerpt from the website I was following:
> Citing:
> Creating a loopback interface in rdomain 2 so that Host 1 can talk to Host 2
> would look like:
> ifconfig lo2 rdomain 2
> route -T 2 add 192.168.1/24
> Since lo2 is created inside rdomain 2, the IP address assigned to it doesn't
> conflict with lo0 in rdomain 0.
> Sure I can see traffic inside one of the loopbacks and tcpdump does claim
> "pass out" but then nothing else happens. The other loopback interfaces have
> no traffic in them and the destination network has no traffic either.

This is very much expected since you probably did not carefully read the
cited website.

You need a special pf.conf setup to make that work. As one caveat
mentioned in the article is that the default pf.conf rulesets skips lo(4)
interfaces and so the traffic will just be dropped (since there is no
state lookup and so no way to bounce the reverse traffic back into the
other rdomain).

In general I would suggest use pair(4) to route traffic between rdomains.
Doing it in pf(4) gives you more control but it requires careful handling
of the rulesets (as you noticed).

:wq Claudio

rdomains finally working!!

2023-04-03 Thread Kaya Saman

Hey guys,

I can't spend too much time right now in writing up what I have done 
right now as I'm just about to head out of town to a local nature 
reserve in order to clear my head, but basically things are working!!

At this stage with such limited documentation on the topic I wonder if I 
should do some kind of a writeup of it to share my own experiences? 
Hopefully later in the week and I'll pop it up on my GDrive maybe it 
can be turned into part of the doc or faq or an example page on the OBSD 

What I can gloss over right now is that the setup is very sensitive with 
minute changes having drastic effects. To be honest I don't even know 
how or when things started working but I checked my laptop test machine 
and icmp packet responses were being received properly.

Running tcpdump on pflog does lie sometimes. It will often suggest 
"block" when in fact the problem is routing. Another issue that I came 
across is that the loopback addresses don't inter-route. I don't know 
how to make that one work at all?

Taking an excerpt from the website I was following:


Creating a loopback interface in rdomain 2 so that Host 1 can talk to 
Host 2 would look like:

ifconfig lo2 rdomain 2
route -T 2 add 192.168.1/24
Since lo2 is created inside rdomain 2, the IP address assigned to it 
doesn't conflict with lo0 in rdomain 0.

Sure I can see traffic inside one of the loopbacks and tcpdump does 
claim "pass out" but then nothing else happens. The other loopback 
interfaces have no traffic in them and the destination network has no 
traffic either.

Over the weekend having gotten completely fedup I decided to try to use 
one of the rdomains as a transit system and connected my Cisco 2801 
BGP/IPSec/GRE test bed to the vlan in question and attempted to use it 
as a simple WAN Edge gateway. At first I managed to ping the interface 
of the Cisco, as I set OSPF up so that I didn't need to bother with 
static routes. As soon as I moved the rdomain of the vlan from 0 over to 
3, everything stopped working and I couldn't find a way to use OSPF 
within two separate routing tables. The man page does have a setting for 
this in the config but there is no mention if you can use 2x instances 
between rdomains.

After that I fought with static routes and of course the strange 
behavior kicked in where sending icmp packets between the Cisco and 
OpenBSD machines just wasn't working. I really didn't understand this at 
all as they are Next-Hop connected devices. No specific PF rule and a 
default route was set to be the interface of the Cisco routers internal 
IP address.

I ended up moving the setup back to what I had originally with 3x 
rdomains and again I could not communicate between rdomain 2 and rdomain 
3, though I did have communication to rdomain 0 from rdomain 2. Having 
done some more thinking about it and looking at the Cisco setup I 
decided to try creating an extra vlan in rdomain 3 with the intention of 
using it as a transit vlan. I already had success in pinging the 
internal IP address of the OpenBSD machine from domain 2 to domain 3, so 
I figured what the heck I'll give it a try.

It did work but I still couldn't ping the public address.

I then moved the test machine from rdomain 2 to rdomain 3 to see if that 
would help with internal communication between the machine and the 
public IP address. Oddly enough it did work and local traffic sent to 
rdomain 0 was still working too.. though I was still unable to get 
any response from public address.

This is a bit of a black hole for me because I left the system for a 
while and came back to find that it actually started to work?? It isn't 
logical of course but I can't recall if I made changes in the meantime 
and simply wasn't aware of anything happening.

After testing a bit and confirming that in fact things were working and 
I was *not* sending traffic over my existing PlusNET WAN link, I 
proceeded to migrate my OpenVPN tunnel across. This proved to be tricky 
as I kept running into dreaded "tcpdump -enipflog" "block in on tun0" 
issues in fact that turned out to be a routing problem instead of a 
PF issue.

Currently this is working too but with some strange adjustments to PF. 
The current 'pass' per port rulesets don't seem to work even with the 
'rtable (x)' clause added. What does seem to work however is a generic 
'pass to  rtable (x)' ruleset

I'll probably need to study my rules further in order to try to 
understand the behavior here

Anyway, am gona shoot over to the Warburg Nature Reserve now and 
continue with my photography to hopefully share more images with the 
BBOWT later. Oh and of course to try to get rid of my headache too ;-)

Thanks to everyone for trying to help on a subject that contains very 
limited documentation and examples. Like I said hopefully if I can do