Hi All,

I have more than one interface I need to monitor with snort. I've read
http://www.snort.org/docs/faq/1Q05/node35.html, To do that, I've created
bridge0 and added both interfaces. Since I need to assign IP addresses
to each interface, I could not just up the interfaces and add them to
the bridge. Perhaps that's the reason, but I don't see alarms triggered
with -i bridge0 (snort warns that no IP is assigned to bridge0 anyways).
Do I need to do anything else?

Using or any as HOME_NET (as mentioned somewhere) doesn't help
at all.

Perhaps http://www.monkey.org/openbsd/archive/misc/0203/msg01194.html
could be helpful, but I can't see how.

I couldn't find how to create an "any" interface on OpenBSD, I would
appreciate any links/comments. Otherwise, what I do is to run multiple
instances of snort for each interface, which wastes my shared memory.

Also, I've compiled mysql enabled, but for some reason snort
complains that it cannot connect to mysql via mysql.sock file. But on
the same system I don't have any problem connecting to mysql using
mysql-enabled 2.4.5 package, so I don't believe there is any problem
with my mysql settings or file permissions (I cannot use 2.4.5-mysql due
to timestamp problems I mentioned on another post). To make sure I'm not
doing anything wrong, I've modified the ports Makefile and compiled
using ports, but I have the same problem.

Isn't it enough to configure snort with --with-mysql? And if the build
is successful, what can be wrong?

I'm sorry if I'm asking too many snort related questions.

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