On Sun, 2011-10-16 at 14:23 -0500, Jeremy D. Young wrote:
> Wow, the text of this bill
> http://www.legis.state.la.us/billdata/byinst.asp?sessionid=11RS&billid=HB195&doctype=BT
> basically makes the assumption that every used good is stolen, and that
> everyone engaging in transactions involving used goods is a criminal to
> be tracked and reported to the police.

Given that it also requires a record of sale to be kept for three years,
it would lead to $8 in record handling costs (paper, ink, storage space,
etc) to sell a used tool for fifty cents. When the CPSIA passed in 2008,
many thrift stores threw away tons and tons of stuff because it was too
expensive to sell it and took too long to get clarification from the
CPSC (and even then the clarification wasn't spectacularly useful...). I
suppose this is economic stimulus? Force people to buy new Chinese crap?

Tom: No, the Republican Party--- or any party--- is not our salvation,
but they are a vehicle for political change, as dusty and damaged as our
entire political process is from start to finish. You have to start
somewhere. The folks I work with in the Lawrence County Committee are
good folks. In some cases, I think they are mistaken about many things,
but they are generally there for the right reasons. Over time, I think
and hope we learn from each other and I hope to encourage more
liberty-minded people to step up and participate. I think the return to
a caucus system in Missouri is a good thing and a slow crawl in the
right direction.

In the end, parties are largely the evil the Founders thought it was,
just like government itself, but we also cannot avoid structure. Tear it
down and it comes right back because political organization is a lot of
work. Part of my goal in my work with the RP is to work toward stronger
recognition of 3rd parties because without that competition from
alternatives, we get exactly what we have now: neither the RP or DP
doing what they claim they are there to do. In the end, the LP and CP
(e.g.) are necessary to keep the RP healthy. We also need a lot more
people looking at candidates as individuals, regardless of whom they
*claim* to support. Just because someone has an "R" after there name on
a ballot does not mean they support little-r "republican" ideals.

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