
I am turning to this mailing list hoping for help because i could not figure out by myself how to do this.
My situation is :

I have 3 video, only 2 of them have audio.
Video 1 starts with it's video and audio.
Video track 2 and 3 are added after Video 1 and mixed together with multiple luma transitions.
Audio from video 2 is added after Video 1

I figured out how to create the video track with everything.
I thought about creating the following system to handle the audio.

- multitrack
    - video (track 0)
      playlist of video 1, 2 and 3 with all transitions.

    - audio (track 1)
      playlist of audio 1 and 2 (2 sec mixing between the 2)

Now first i would like to know if it make senses?
Secondly i have been unable to perform a very simple things, loading only the video or audio track in a producer. I've tried using video_index/audio_index to -1 but it leaves an empty video or audio track.

For example :

mlt_profile profile = mlt_profile_init(NULL); /// AUDIO TRACK mlt_playlist playlist_a = mlt_playlist_init(); // Load 
the base introduction AUDIO mlt_producer producer_intro_a = mlt_factory_producer( profile, NULL, 
"../proj/intro-core.m4a" ); mlt_playlist_append( playlist_a, producer_intro_a ); 
mlt_producer_close(producer_intro_a); // Load the main body AUDIO mlt_producer producer_body_a = mlt_factory_producer( 
profile, NULL, "../proj/truncated.m4a" ); mlt_playlist_append( playlist_a, producer_body_a ); 
mlt_producer_close( producer_body_a ); mlt_consumer consumer = mlt_factory_consumer( profile, "avformat", 
"../medias/merged.m4a" ); mlt_consumer_connect( consumer, mlt_playlist_service(playlist_a));

This will create a file with my audio combined (ok) BUT there is a video track with only white :/ I just want to combine the 2 audio track. (i left off the 2 sec mixing, don't really know how to do it either)

This is my first time using MLT and there is almost no example of many object and concepts so i have struggling a lot.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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