friends this is really an inspiring article at least for new users.
please read and comment.
Author: S. Massy Published At: 2013-08-23 21:49 (943 Reads)Technology.
When I first faced transitioning from an all-buttons phone to an
all-touch one, I was naturally as nervous as I was excited,
anticipating that the adaptation curve might be a steep one. Yet,
barely a month later, all anxiety had melted away and I was a happy
convert, finding that touch interaction was in many ways faster and
smoother than the legacy, key-driven one I had so prised. Only one
painful exception remained to mar the experience, but a crucial one it
was: character input.

Try as I might, I could not get myself to enjoy that touch-typing
business in the least, and many a crude expletive I just managed to
bite off so as not to pollute my children's innocent ears. Yet here I
am, six months later, happily texting away using the on-screen
keyboard, and the curses are getting few and far between. Here are
some simple ways I found to make my typing experience more effective
and pleasant.
 Get a good keyboard
 If your device does not run stock Android, it is likely that the
manufacturer saw fit to bundle in a better keyboard. Unfortunately,
better does not necessarily mean more accessible and you may need to
download a fully usable keyboard from the play store as a matter of
 A few months ago, there weren't so many accessible keyboards
available and the Jelly Bean and Jelly Bean 4.2 keyboards were the
main choices. Since then, however, Google has done the right thing and
released its own standalone version of the stock keyboard. This
keyboard works perfectly with TalkBack and offers most features
expected of a modern keyboard.
 Another worthwhile alternative, and the one I use daily, is Kii
Keyboard. This keyboard brings superior word prediction and
autocorrection for a wide variety of languages to the table, as well
as many other features, such as dual language input and text
expansion. It is free to use, but certain features marked as premium
toggle back off after an hour unless one purchases the full version
which is well worth it. Its only drawback compared to the standard
Google Keyboard is that it does not honour the Speak passwords
settings and therefore requires a headset whenever a password need be
input (but you can always switch to Google keyboard for those).
 Predictably accurate autocorrection is very important when typing on
a soft keyboard, because it allows you to know that you can permit
yourself one typo per word and still expect the right word to appear.
It isn't something to rely on, but it provides a safety net against
breaking the typing flow to correct mistakes.
 Kill the lag

When I first began using my phone, I didn't take to the bundled Google
TTS too kindly and soon installed Ivona Text-To-Speech for Android.
This TTS is free while in Beta and provides some high quality
natural-sounding voices. Its main drawback, however, is that it takes
a noticeable amount of time to utter any spoken feedback. As I grew
more accustomed to Android and TalkBack, this delay began to annoy me
more and more until I could take it no longer and had to bid farewell
to Nicole's sultry Aussie voice.
 One of the first things I noticed upon reverting to the Google TTS
was that my typing accuracy increased almost immediately. This led me
to realise that one major factor in my typing woes was the lag in TTS
response which caused me to overshoot past keys before they could be
announced. This, along with an ever increasing need for speed in my
Android interaction prompted me to look for a snappier TTS.
 Around that time, Reece Dunn released an updated port of eSpeak which
I pulled from GitHub and built to test out. ESpeak is a TTS with which
I am well acquainted, as I use it regularly on all my computers, both
from the command-line and as primary speech output under the Orca
screen-reader. It is open source, lightweight, fast, seriously
multilingual and only its harsh, robotic voice keeps it from being the
world's favourite speech synthesiser. (Download this audio demo if
you'd like to hear what ESpeak can do.)
 Sure enough, eSpeak proved much more responsive and my typing
accuracy finally began to approach a tolerable level as a direct
consequence. The bottom line is that TTS lag plays a huge role in both
mastering the soft keyboard; you might therefore find it worthwhile to
investigate alternative TTS engines. ESpeak is my personal favourite,
but I have heard good reports of Acapela for Android, which is more
expensive but more pleasing to the ears.
 Get acquainted with your keyboard
 This may sound trivial, but knowing what typos your keyboard will and
will not catch is important in acquiring a good typing flow. Likewise,
knowing at about what point in the word it is worth sliding the finger
up to read the completion suggestions will help greatly.
 My general experience has been that most keyboards can fix one typo
in a four to eight letter word and two in longer words. Words of four
letters or less are most likely to go uncorrected or be miscorrected
because there are too many possible permutations. Conversely,
exploring the suggestion bar for possible word completions is only
worthwhile when typing words longer than seven characters or so,
though that can depend very much on the keyboard, language and actual
word. Experience really plays a great part here.
 If becoming familiar with the correction algorithm is important,
learning the keyboard's layout is paramount. Ultimately, muscle memory
will make or break your typing experience and memorising certain
landmark keys, such as the keys at the screen edges and, of course,
the all important "F" and "J". Being able to hit those keys without
thinking will greatly improve your typing performance and speed up the
time it takes to settle into a good flow.
 Watch your angles
 Too many times I have suddenly found myself hitting all the wrong
keys and the reason for this is almost always that the phone is at a
slightly odd angle. Smooth touch-typing relies heavily on muscle
memory, and that memory can be cheated if the device is held in an
unaccustomed way. This is especially true for phones, since their
smaller screens mean much smaller keys while their form factor means
that they can easily become skewed in the palm. Be on the lookout for
unfamiliar or stressful environments where you might grab your phone
too quickly and rapidly become incensed by your inability to type
accurately. If this happens, take a deep breath, make sure you are
holding your phone the right way and start from scratch.
 Tread lightly
 When I first began using the on-screen keyboard, I was pressing
overly hard on the glass screen and this slowed me down and frequently
caused me to lose track of where I was. In all honesty, this is still
a bad habit I need to watch out for, as the notion that hitting the
screen harder will somehow help me type faster and more accurately
seems deeply rooted into my subconscious mind.
 In fact, pressing hard on the screen is quite counterproductive. The
first reason why this is so is that tapping the screen too vigorously
is more likely to jog the device out of alignment, bringing on the
angle problem discussed above. Next there is the fact that pressing
for too long on the screen increases the likelihood that the finger is
going to move off-centre when lifting it again, causing the character
next to it to be input instead. Finally, over-exercising the fingers
seems to tend to make the skin slightly oily or damp which makes
gliding over the screen much more difficult. Remember, it's a sensor,
it does not care whether you just brush the screen or apply a hundred
PSI worth of pressure!
 Try out different styles
 The default keyboard layout works well in general, but, if you can't
take to it, you might like to investigate alternative layouts provided
by your keyboard; one of them might prove more usable, at least under
certain circumstances. Most keyboards provide split layouts for
thumb-typing and a T9 layout which might feel familiar to some.
 Noteworthy fact, both Kii and Google Keyboard offer a PC layout
which, as its name hints, mirrors the traditional QWERTY keyboard most
of us grew up with. Although this layout necessarily means smaller
keys, I found this to be advantageous when typing in more stable
environments, both because less finger movement means a smaller
likelihood of getting misaligned and because the layout is so deeply
ingrained in my consciousness that I don't have to think in the
slightest when it comes to locating keys. As far as speed is
concerned, having punctuation marks and numbers all readily available
without need to switch to the symbols page also contributes to a more
fluid experience, something which is particularly evident when
entering URLs. Of course, this more cramped layout is not well suited
to typing on the go or in unstable environments; the standard Android
layout serves better there. This is only an example, however; the PC
layout may not work at all for you, but it is important to try out
several and see what best suits your hands, uses and particular
Enabling the PC layout for Google or Kii keyboard
 • Open the settings page for your keyboard under Language and Input.
◦ For Google Keyboard: Go under Advanced Settings.
 ◦ For Kii keyboard: Go under Languages, Dictionaries and Plugins.
• Go under Custom Input Styles.
• Tap Add Style.
• Select your desired language from the first drop-down menu.
• Choose the desired style, PC in this case, from the second drop-down menu.
• Tap Add.
• Enable the variant as you would with any language.

Alternative methods

There are of course other input methods which can be employed while
you familiarise yourself with your soft keyboard or when needing to
work around some of its shortcomings.

Voice input

Voice recognition has progressed drastically in the past decade and it
is now possible to pick any phone, Android or otherwise, and simply
talk to it with the expectation that a reasonable transcription will
appear. The technology is amazing but not yet perfect and the
resulting text can still sometimes verge on the ludicrous. (As an
anecdote, my phone once transcribed "This is very funny" as "You are
very ugly"; good thing it was just a test!) There is also the fact
that voice recognition can behave erratically if no network connection
is available, even if offline data is installed. Over all, voice input
is a good option for taking down personal notes or drafts which you
can edit at a later time but is not a viable alternative to keyboard
input in daily use.

Remote control

Many aspects of an Android device can be controlled remotely and
applications such as Airdroid and Mightytext offer great possibilities
in that area. Ultimately, though, they can only offer a temporary
solution to the input problem and are only really meant to simplify
workflow while sitting at a desk or whenever using two devices would
be a hindrance.

External keyboards

An external keyboard is a must if you intend to type long swaths of
text with any accuracy or speed. This has nothing to do with the
accessibility of soft keyboards. The fact is that small keyboards are
just not meant for writing love letters or chemistry papers and no
amount of sight or accessibility will make it any different.

On the eyes-free list, people frequently seek recommendations for a
Bluetooth keyboard. Most standard keyboards will work out of the box,
so there is no real need for concern; just find a keyboard which works
well for you and it should integrate seamlessly with your phone. For
the record, I use a Microsoft Mobile Keyboard 6000 which I like very
much, as it mimics the compact layout of a quality laptop, but that is
really a matter of taste.

If your device, most likely a tablet, does not support Bluetooth, you
can use a USB On-The-Go (OTG) adaptor and plug in your favourite wired
keyboard. This is a clumsy method, but remains a great way of taking
advantage of the portability and good battery life of a tablet for
writing or chatting purposes.

The cloud and clipboard trick

If you ever need to input a block of text in a hurry or a very long
string which needs to be copied verbatim, you might use this simple
trick to get it done hassle-free. First, you need an application which
will propagate text over the network; I use the Draft text-editor over
Dropbox, but Google Drive or Evernote would do just as well. Save the
text or string to your chosen platform using its interface. Go to the
relevant application on your device and load the item in an edit
field. Then, it is simply a matter of copy-and-pasting it as
demonstrated in my Demystifying Copy and Paste audio demonstration.
This works well, requires no setup and is perfect for when you have an
accessible computer nearby.
 But don't take the easy way out
 All these methods have some possible everyday use and can also serve
as stopgap measures while you are getting up to speed with the soft
keyboard or get you out of a bind when time is of the essence. This
said, they should not be relied upon to replace the on-screen keyboard
and should be avoided when circumstances permit.
 The reason for this is very simple; the human brain is lazy, or
efficient, perhaps, and does not bother absorbing what it does not
need to. If you start relying on your Bluetooth keyboard or computer
to send text messages, you will be unlikely to gain enough momentum to
ascent the learning curve and will forever perceive the on-screen
keyboard as an inferior input method. My advice is to force yourself
to use the soft keyboard under circumstances where sighted users would
do so, so long as time and conditions permit, of course. Only thus
will you ensure that you use it daily and be likely to find yourself
increasingly comfortable with the interface.
 Practice makes perfect
 This daily contact is very important, because, at the end of the day,
no matter how responsive you make your system and how great your soft
keyboard is, you will not master it unless you put in the time and
energy. This means a certain amount of frustration and embarrassment
when even the simplest of input tasks leave you fumbling, but it is
truly the only way to break the barrier and make it work.
 This is not really specific to soft keyboards. When I first
transitioned from a braille keyboard overlay to the full QWERTY
keyboard, I wanted to pull my hair out and required a solid forty-five
days of tedious practice before I could really type with confidence.
The end result, though, once the barrier was overcome, was that I
could type far faster than I ever could using braille-style input.
Likewise, when I began learning the Russian language, mastering the
Cyrillic keyboard was almost as big a challenge as mastering the
language itself, but I eventually did so through repeated usage. It
was very much the same story when I began using the QWERTY keyboard on
my Nokia E71 smartphone for text input; a certain period of practice
was required before I could text with speed and confidence.
 When I began using my Android phone in early 2013, I had much the
same feeling as I did at the beginning of all these transitions, but
now, I am cresting the curve and it is suddenly all becoming much
easier every day, just like it did those other times. I now not
infrequently find myself exceeding the 140 characters limit on Twitter
or see my text messages being converted to MMS due to their length.
 So, there you are; some simple pitfalls need to be addressed or
avoided, such as getting the right keyboard and ensuring feedback is
responsive, but, once that is done, practice is really the only
secret. If you follow these steps and put in the time required, I
think you will find that the on-screen keyboard is quite usable for
its purpose, which is to dash off quick texts, e-mails and notes with
reasonable confidence and speed.
 Is the technology perfect? No it certainly is not! It could be more
responsive, for one thing, and we need to be able to use gesture
shortcuts as well as input accented characters just like sighted users
can. There is also a desperate need for better ways of taking
advantage of word completion and autocorrection as well as cycling
through punctuation marks. Certain alternate keyboards, such as Fleksy
for Android, currently in Beta, attempt to solve some of these issues,
but their overall usability does not yet match that offered by the
keyboards mentioned in this article. TalkBack, too, has a few fences
to mend before the typing flow can reach perfection; specifically, it
is next to unacceptable to have to reach back up to touch the edit
field every time just to be able to correct a typo in a word.
 But, despite these shortcomings and areas for possible improvement,
fluid typing is already possible. It is very important to think of
typing on the soft keyboard as a flow experience in which one must get
every time to perform well, like meditation. Despite all the good
advice and wisdom proffered above, there are still times when I
suddenly seem incapable of typing as I would like; often, though, I am
the one to blame along with tiredness or nerves and likely would not
be faring any better on a super-cramped mini-QWERTY keyboard. Usually,
all I need do is take a deep breath, settle and get into the swing of
it, and, very soon, I find myself typing with ease again. Don't give

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