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Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2013 06:33:32 +0530
Subject: [SayEverything] Fw: Review of the 4oD App on Android Devices
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Review of the 4oD App on Android Devices
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From: Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
To: misterbh...@gmail.com
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2013 5:01 AM
Subject: Review of the 4oD App on Android Devices

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Review of the 4oD App on Android Devices
06-09-2013 02:00 PM BST

This app was tested on 27 August 2013 on a Nexus 7 running Android
4.2.1. At the time of testing the app version was 2.0.

I am in my early twenties and I have no light perception, but with the
availability of text-to-speech software and Braille I am able to
access a large variety of online content. The accessibility of this
content varies depending on the structure and design of the website.
Moreover, this accessibility has been extended to include apps made
for Apple and Android devices. As someone who is confident in learning
new skills, I am generally able to distinguish between an app being
difficult to use due to the features or the accessibility. It is for
this reason why I take a keen interest in assessing apps for
When it comes to accessing catch-up TV, I use the same methods to
access such content. With the recent update to the 4oD app for
Android, I was keen to put the app to the test from the perspective of
a blind user accessing an Android tablet using TalkBack.

Information about the app
The 4oD app for Android can be downloaded accessibly at no cost from
the Google Play store.
The app enables the user to:

  a.. browse the available programmes
  b.. watch them on their device (requires internet connection)
  c.. download them to watch later (up to a maximum of 30 days).
Setting up the app
I found the task of registering with Channel 4 using the app very
difficult. The keyboard would not be visible with TalkBack or would
unexpectedly hide while I was typing. However, it is easy to register
online using a screen reader, so I was able to work around that issue
with no difficulty.

Using the app
Once I had installed the app, I performed the following tasks:

  a.. browsed the content available to watch
  b.. watched a programme on the 4oD app and used the playback controls
  c.. downloaded a programme and accessed it from the downloads section.
Browsing content
I found browsing the content on 4oD to be okay, but the layout could
be a little better for navigation purposes from the perspective of a
screen reader user. The items from the menu are displayed in 2 rows at
the top of the screen, and locating them is difficult as you have to
swipe through everything before you can reach them, and TalkBack kept
jumping position. Additionally, the programmes were displayed in a
grid, so in order for me to move around and really know where each
item was, I had to drag my finger around the screen.

I found that browsing through the 'A to Z category was really
accessible, all items were sorted by alphabet and all I had to do was
choose the letter from the left hand side of the screen.

Watching a TV programme
I found the task of watching a programme to give me mixed results
where accessibility is concerned. Once I had located a programme and
double tapped it, I found that I was able to play the programme by
double tapping on the title of the programme once in the information
section. There was also an element on the page which corresponded with
the play button, but when I pressed it nothing happened.

I was not able to access the playback controls with TalkBack on, the
only peaces of information I was able to access were the 'done button'
and the information which states the current position of the playing

Downloading a programme
I was not able to access the download button easily, when swiping, the
easiest way to download a programme was to locate the programme and
move my finger directly below the programme name and find the download
option. However, sometimes this did not work and I had to rely on
sighted assistance.

Advantages and Disadvantages
  a.. can access on screen information
  b.. a wide range of programmes to choose from
  a.. no content with audio description on the app
  b.. it is very confusing to browse the app with TalkBack on.
Overall the app is not very accessible with TalkBack switched on,
therefore I would not recommend this app to other TalkBack users as
there are serious issues which affect the ability to play content or
to access the download feature of each programme. When this app is
compared to the BBC iPlayer Android app, the latter is more user
friendly as it is easier to browse the content. Nevertheless, as this
app is free to download and use, there is no harm in a TalkBack user
downloading and having a go at using it.

Any other comments
In order to improve the accessibility of this app, it is recommended
that the layout is adapted to make it easier to navigate with a screen
reader. Additionally, it is recommended that the playback controls are
fixed and audio described programmes are made available.

The 4oD app for Android enables the user to browse and watch content
as well as downloading programmes and keep them to watch for 30 days.
When it comes to accessibility, the app is not easy to use with
TalkBack at all. In order to improve the accessibility of the app, it
is recommended that the layout of the app is changed to make it easier
to move around with a screen reader, as well as including audio
described content in the app. Additionally, the issues concerning
locating buttons and using the playback controls need to be resolved.
In comparison to the BBC iPlayer Android app, the 4oD app is less
accessible when it comes to browsing through the content. At this
moment in time, I would not recommend the app to other TalkBack users,
but as the app is free, those who wish to have a go at using the app
can as they are not losing anything.

Category: TV programmes and films
Published: 06/09/2013 11:00

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