[mochikit] Re: Async request problem on Safari

2008-01-02 Thread Steve Zatz

The issue here turned out to be Safari's behavior with respect to
inserting parts of one document into another.  Firefox 2.0 doesn't
mind directly inserting content from one document into another
although  it appears that Firefox 3.0 won't support it.  Apparently
the correct way to do it is to use
importNode (DOM L2 or L3) or adoptNode (L3).  When I started using
importNode on the content of responseXML things started working in


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[mochikit] Re: Async request problem on Safari

2007-12-29 Thread Steve Zatz

No matter what I put in that XML declaration, Safari only returns
something for responseText (tested on both Leopard and Windows).  I
tried the DOMParser suggestion but I can't get it to work either --
there must be something wrong with the xml string but I can't figure
it out (yet).  Thanks again for taking a look at this and for your


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[mochikit] Re: Async request problem on Safari

2007-12-29 Thread Bob Ippolito

Have you tried using doXHR with the mimeType: 'text/xml' option? Take
a look at the ajax_tables or interpreter examples for usage.

On Dec 29, 2007 9:50 AM, Steve Zatz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No matter what I put in that XML declaration, Safari only returns
 something for responseText (tested on both Leopard and Windows).  I
 tried the DOMParser suggestion but I can't get it to work either --
 there must be something wrong with the xml string but I can't figure
 it out (yet).  Thanks again for taking a look at this and for your



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[mochikit] Re: Async request problem on Safari

2007-12-28 Thread Steve Zatz

 Have you enabled debugging in Safari? Does the console show any error 

Per, thanks for the reply.  I should have added that I do have
debugging enabled and there are no errors.  I'll look into using
responseXML directly -- I think the XML is OK or maybe it's just that
Firefox and IE are more relaxed about it.


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[mochikit] Re: Async request problem on Safari

2007-12-28 Thread Steve Zatz

 - Make sure you're setting the Content-Type header to text/xml.
 - Probably don't need to use documentElement - try response =
 res.responseXML.documentElement || res.responseXML ;
 - The namespace declaration on the p element could be causing
 problems. Does it work without it? What about var p =
 response.getElementsByTagNameNS('*','p')[0]; ?

Hamish, thanks for the advice -- still not there but getting closer.
So here is what I know from using the Drosera debugger:

- Safari is getting the response but there is no responseXML only a
responseText so for some reason it appears to believe that what the
server is sending isn't valid xml.

- res.getAllResponseHeaders() looks like:

   Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 04:00:00 GMT
   Content-Length: 78
   Server: CherryPy/3.0.2
   Content-Type: text/xml

So the Content-Type looks fine.

- res.responseText  has the value:
  ?xml version=1.0

which looks like fine XML to me.  (I did drop the namespace
declaration and the encoding to see if that made a difference - it

So I am stumped -- the content-type appears correct, the server
appears to be sending valid xml but Safari only populates the
responseText and not responseXML.  Since I really do want to pass XML
and manipulate it via DOM, I need to try to find out why Safari won't
populate responseXML.


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[mochikit] Re: Async request problem on Safari

2007-12-27 Thread Per Cederberg

Have you enabled debugging in Safari? Does the console show any error messages?

From some examples I found, it looks like people use res.responseXML
directly, without the .documentElement part. I guess you should also
check for malformed XML in the response. Here is some relevant
documentation from Apple Developer Connection:

More powerful, however, is the XML document object in the responseXML
property. This object is a full-fledged document node object (a DOM
nodeType of 9), which can be examined and parsed using W3C Document
Object Model (DOM) node tree methods and properties. Note, however,
that this is an XML, rather than HTML, document, meaning that you
cannot count on the DOM's HTML module methods and properties. This is
not really a restriction because the Core DOM module gives you ample
ways of finding element nodes, element attribute values, and text
nodes nested inside elements.


On Dec 28, 2007 12:49 AM, Steve Zatz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First of all, I am an inexperienced javascript programmer (so you're
 forewarned) and appreciate any help with the following problem.  I
 have googled this every which way but can't find anything relevant.

 I am using the current trunk of Mochikit.

 I have a simple Web application that lists items and I am using AJAX
 to display a detailed note on a particular item if the user requests
 it.  The application works as expected for IE and Firefox but does not
 work on Safari (version 3.0.4 running on Leopard).

 When the user requests a note on an item, the following javascript
 function is executed:

 function show_note(obj)
 var id = obj.parentNode.id;
 var res = doSimpleXMLHttpRequest('get_note/'+id);

 and show_note_response looks like:

 function show_note_response(res)
 var response = res.responseXML.documentElement;
 var id = response.getElementsByTagName('id')[0].firstChild.data;
 var p = response.getElementsByTagName('p')[0];

 var note_div = DIV({'id':id+'d','class':'note'},p)
 appendChildNodes(id, note_div);   //id is the id of the item
 that was clicked on

 When using Safari (or IE or Firefox), I can see the server receive the
 'get_note' request and I can see the server respond with something

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8
 xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;Some text .../p/response

 When using IE and Firefox the note displays below the item as expected
 but on Safari nothing happens and I am not sure what the problem is or
 how to debug it.  Thanks for any suggestions.



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