
2000-02-08 Thread bureau madras

Respected Sir/Madam,

We would like you to help us out in our doubts.  We are working in Linux 
platform using Mysql as database and our scripting language is
Perl.  We are using Apache Web server.  We have written a program in PERL to 
access database and fetch some records.  When we execute the PERL program 
separately we are able to access the database and the records are fetched.  
But when the same perl code is called through a html page the records are 
not fetched.

Is this problem because of some configuration not done in apache to access 
Mysql or is it some other problem?If we have to access Mysql through html 
page do we have to do any configuration on the Apache configuration files? 
The perl and html codes are as follows:

HTML CODE:(try.html)

form action=/cgi-bin/
input name=login
input name=pwd
input type=submit

#! /usr/bin/perl
print "Content-type:text/plain \n\n";
print "Value is : $val";
use DBI;
$con=DBI-connect("DBI:mysql:$db")  # where $db is the database
$result=$con-prepare("select * from tab");
print DBI::dump_results($result);

Now when we execute the perl code from the dos prompt we get the output 
right but when the same code is accessed through html page , though we do 
not get any error the database is not accessed and the records are not 
It would be kind of you if you would reply us what would possibly be the 
reason for the program not working through html page.We are online and would 
appreciate it if you could reply immediately to our mail.
for Treasure Solutions Software Pvt. Ltd.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Pattern Matching kills loops?

2000-02-08 Thread Steven Clark

Hello everyone,

Well over the past day I have been trying to debug this problem yet can't 
figure out a solution.

Here is the problem, I am using the SSI program from the eagle book on page 
Now that works fine but I have a function that is in the include file which 
needs to read in a config file and place its contents inside a hash. Now 
the problem:

I open the file needed for reading and then inside the loop whenever the 
first match occurs the loop is for some reason the loop stops??? Now I know 
the code works perfectly since I have run it from a normal script and it 
does exactly what it is supposed to but yet under modperl for some reason 
it stops after the first successful match...

Code in question is this

unless ($fh = Apache::File-new($file)){
print STDERR "Couldn't open $file because: $!\n";
return undef;
while( $fh ){ 
next if /^#/;   # Skip comments
next if /^$/;   # Skip blank lines

$id = $1;
$temp = $2;
$name = $3;

$CAT{$id}{"name"} = $name;  
close $fh;

Now I have tried many variations on this, using open, placing all the file 
inside an array yet it still exists on the first match is made and doesn't 
keep processing the file

If you remove all the pattern matching statements the entire file is 
processed like it should be.

System is a stock Redhat 6.1 machine running apache 1.3.11 and modperl 1.21

Any ideas?


Apache::VMonitor dumps core

2000-02-08 Thread Pierre-Yves BONNETAIN


   Following several messages I read on this list, I have installed 
Apache::VMonitor (and mandatory 'other' packages) on my system, to look for an
annoying memory leak on my servers.
   Configuration is Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21, Apache::Scoreboard 0.09,
Apache::VMonitor 0.04, GTop 0.10, libgtop 1.0.6, glib 1.2.6. Maybe I forgot
some other module.
   That running on a Linux 2.2.5-15 (almost RedHat 6.0, but with some RPMs 
changed for newer versions).

   The httpd.conf is (I erased unrelated data, to make it short) :
ServerRoot  /usr/local/apache
Listen 8000
HostnameLookups off
User www
Group www
CustomLog   /home/webmaster/tests/access common
PidFile /home/webmaster/tests/
ScoreBoardFile  /home/webmaster/tests/score
PerlRequire /home/webmaster/tests/

Directory /
Options None
AllowOverride None
order allow,deny
deny from all

  use Apache::DB ();
Location /
  PerlFixupHandler Apache::DB

Location /perl-status
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Status
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from 192.168.1.

Location /sys-monitor
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::VMonitor
 allow from
--- End of httpd.conf

   And the script is :


# make sure we are in a sane environment.

use Apache::VMonitor();
$Apache::VMonitor::Config{BLINKING} = 1;
$Apache::VMonitor::Config{REFRESH}  = 0;
$Apache::VMonitor::Config{VERBOSE}  = 0;
$Apache::VMonitor::Config{SYSTEM}   = 1;
$Apache::VMonitor::Config{APACHE}   = 1;
$Apache::VMonitor::Config{PROCS}= 1;
$Apache::VMonitor::Config{MOUNT}= O;
$Apache::VMonitor::Config{FS_USAGE} = O;
$Apache::VMonitor::Config{NETLOAD}  = 0;

@Apache::VMonitor::NETDEVS= qw(lo eth0);
$Apache::VMonitor::PROC_REGEX = join "\|", qw(httpd mysql);

- end of

   All that pretty well cut-and-pasted from docs and the like.
   When I access /perl-status, everything is okay.
   But as for /sys-monitor, I get a Segmentation Violation. Under PerlDb, this
is what is printed :

[www@nihao installed]$ /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -X -DPERLDB -f 
[notice] Apache::DB initialized in child 633

Loading DB routines from version 1.0402
Emacs support available.

Enter h or `h h' for help.

Signal SEGV at /dev/null line 0
eval {...} called at /dev/null line 0
Aborted (core dumped)

   This is printed immediately, meaning PerlDb is not called (while it 
breakpoints Ok, and everything seems right, if I use the /perl-status URL).
   Where did I go wrong ?
-+-+ Pierre-Yves BONNETAIN (aka Pyb)
 RougeBlanc - Fastest Wines in Europe.

Apache::Request weirdness

2000-02-08 Thread Ilya Obshadko


  I've discovered the following. Suggest that you use Apache::Request
  object in both fixup handler and registry script. So we have:
1) unpredictable segmentation faults
2) when parsing POST data, only first-time call (in fixup handler)
   produces correct results, the other one returns crap.
Best regards,
 Ilya  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: X-Forwarded-For problem (Followup)

2000-02-08 Thread Ewan Edwards

Thanks to Gerald Richter, Vivek Khera, and Ilya Obshadko for suggesting
the solution to the X-Forwarded-For problem I was having.

After a little bit of experimentation, it would appear that
mod_proxy_add_forward module needs to appear before mod_proxy (and
therefore be lower down Apache's execution order) in the Apache
configuration. Using the ClearModuleList and AddModule directives to
specify the required module order solved the problem.

In hindsight, this makes a great deal of sense, especially since
mod_proxy_add_forward first checks if it's dealing with a proxy request,
and this can only be true if mod_proxy has had a chance to execute.

Thanks again!

 // 2  Ewan Edwards {e^2}  -=-=-  Web Developer for CSP Internet
\\/ /  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]4252 Commerce Circle, Victoria, B.C.,
 \\/ (250) 953-2680, Fax 953-2659

What is worth doing is worth the trouble of asking somebody to do.

Re: Pattern Matching kills loops?

2000-02-08 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

I'm not going to respond to the general Perl question (this list isn't
for that), but I have to point this out:

 "Steven" == Steven Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Steven m/(\d+):([0-9,]*):(.*)/;
Steven $id = $1;
Steven $temp = $2;
Steven $name = $3;

No, no, no.

NEVER look at $1 unless it is conditional based on the success of the
match that should have set it.  Otherwise, you get the $1 of the
*previous* successful match, and many other undecipherable errors.

This is OK:

if (/(\d+):([0-9,]*):(.*)/) {
$id = $1;
$temp = $2;
$name = $3;
... use variables ...

But this is probably preferred:

if (($id, $temp, $name) = /(\d+):([0-9,]*):(.*)/) {
... use variables ...

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: Pattern Matching kills loops?

2000-02-08 Thread Tobias Hoellrich

Whooops, Steve,

I guess you should check whether your match is actually successful as in:

  if (/(\d+):([0-9,]*):(.*)/) {
$id = $1;
$temp = $2;
$name = $3;
$CAT{$id}{"name"} = $name;  

otherwise you get whatever $1/$2/$3 happen to be before the match. 

Hope this helps

At 09:06 PM 2/7/00 -0500, Steven Clark wrote:
Hello everyone,

   $id = $1;
   $temp = $2;
   $name = $3;
   $CAT{$id}{"name"} = $name;  
close $fh;


Apache/mod_perl install on AIX 4.3.3 failing - maybe compiler?

2000-02-08 Thread J. Meltzer

I am attempting to install mod_perl 1.21 for Apache 1.3.11 on AIX
4.3.3. I am repeatedly running into the following problem when I do
the configuration of Apache with mod_perl, whether attempting it as a DSO
or including mod_perl in the original Apache configuration. I have
checked out the FAQs and mailing lists, and I think it may be a compiler
issue, but I am not sure (see below). Here is the error

+ doing sanity check on compiler and options
** A test compilation with your Makefile configuration
** failed. The below error output from the compilation
** test will give you an idea what is failing. Note that
** Apache requires an ANSI C Compiler, such as gcc.

sr/local/include -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite
-DNO_DL_NEEDED `./apaci`
-I. -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/aix/CORE -lm -o h
elpers/dummy helpers/dummy.c
-L/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/aix/auto/DynaL
oader/DynaLoader.a -L/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/aix/CORE -lperl -lnsl
-ldbm -ldl -lld -lm -lc
-lcrypt -lbsd -lPW
gcc: unrecognized option `-qmaxmem=8192'
cpp: -lang-c: linker input file unused since linking not done
gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or
gcc: file path prefix
never used
make: *** [dummy] Error 1
 Error Output for sanity check 
= End of Error Report =


I also found, in the mod_perl guide, under Installation and
troubleshooting, that I should check for files to see if it
has been installed:

Missing or Misconfigured

On some RedHat systems you might encounter a problem during the perl
Makefile.PL stage,
when the installed perl was built with gdbm library, but the 
isn't actually installed. If this is your situation make sure you install
it, before proceeding with
the build process.

The problem is, I have no idea how to install the gdbm library
once Perl has been built. Do I
need to rebuild Perl? I am looking into this too, but I would appreciate
any input. I have verified that there are no files on
our system, but we are not running RedHat. I was not the original
builder of Perl on this system, and the original builder is off doing
other things. 

Again, any help would be appreciated.



Re: Doubts

2000-02-08 Thread Joshua Gerth

 Is this problem because of some configuration not done in apache to access 
 Mysql or is it some other problem?If we have to access Mysql through html 
 page do we have to do any configuration on the Apache configuration files? 
 The perl and html codes are as follows:

 #! /usr/bin/perl
 print "Content-type:text/plain \n\n";
 print "Value is : $val";
 use DBI;
 $con=DBI-connect("DBI:mysql:$db")  # where $db is the database
 $result=$con-prepare("select * from tab");
 print DBI::dump_results($result);

You should try the script as a simple CGI.  If it still fails then this is
not a mod-perl issue and should be taken to a different list.

That said, you need to error check your code.  After your 
you should add
defined $con or
die "Error connecting to db: $DBI::errstr";

Your logs should then contain the error message of why the connect failed.
I would be willing to bet this is a MySQL config issue.  If its not,
please don't post any follow ups to this list.

Hope that helps,

mod_perl as DSO on AIX...

2000-02-08 Thread Mark Haviland

This message was sent from by "Mark Haviland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Be sure to reply to that address.

I'm (still) trying to compile mod_perl as a DSO on
AIX.  trying the flexable-way, I am able to
compile and install, but  upon starting the
server  I get:

Syntax error on line 209 of
Can't locate API module structure `perl_module' in
file /usr/hsi/apache/libexec/ Function
not implemented (perl_module)
./bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Anybody run across this ?  Have any idea what it
means ?

I'm using: 

AIX 4.3.1
Apache 1.3.11
mod_perl 1.21


-Mark - The Knowledge Archive

Re: Apache::Request weirdness

2000-02-08 Thread Kevin Murphy

Ilya Obshadko wrote:
   I've discovered the following. Suggest that you use Apache::Request
   object in both fixup handler and registry script. So we have:
 1) unpredictable segmentation faults

I had the same problem. I think there must be some problems in libapreq
(which Apache::Request uses). I was in a hurry when I ran into the
problem, so I just coded around it by writing Perl equivalents of the
functions I needed from Apache::Request.

Eventually (in my copious spare time), I'll take some time and see if I
can scrounge through a core dump to see what's going on.

 2) when parsing POST data, only first-time call (in fixup handler)
produces correct results, the other one returns crap.

You'll get this behavior whether you're getting the POST data from
Apache::Request, or just the request object's content() call. The
problem is that the C API call that these functions use
(ap_read_client_block, I believe) can only be called once per request. 

The way I've gotten around this limitation is to parse all the GET and
POST data into a hash reference in the first handler, and then use the
$r-pnotes method to pass the parameters from handler to handler (If
you're addicted to, you can use the hash reference as the
argument to CGI-new in your content handler and get the same results as
if CGI handled the parameter parsing itself.)

Good luck,

Kevin  | "Though there are ... few restrictions on the vote nowadays ... 
Murphy | some standards are still upheld ... at last report, the votes 
   | from the entire God-forsaken state of Texas are still thrown, 
   | uncounted and burning, into the River Charles." - T.H. Zweibel

Re: mod_perl as DSO on AIX...

2000-02-08 Thread Kent Perrier

Mark Haviland wrote:
 This message was sent from by "Mark Haviland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Be sure to reply to that address.
 I'm (still) trying to compile mod_perl as a DSO on
 AIX.  trying the flexable-way, I am able to
 compile and install, but  upon starting the
 server  I get:
 Syntax error on line 209 of
 Can't locate API module structure `perl_module' in
 file /usr/hsi/apache/libexec/ Function
 not implemented (perl_module)
 ./bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
 Anybody run across this ?  Have any idea what it
 means ?
 I'm using:
 AIX 4.3.1
 Apache 1.3.11
 mod_perl 1.21

What compiler are you using?  I have had problems building a nonstatic perl
with gcc.

Groovy! Smashing! Yay capitalism!

- Austin Powers, Man of Mystery

Re: make test fails on Embperl on AIX ...

2000-02-08 Thread Jens-Uwe Mager

On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 09:29:16PM +0100, Gerald Richter wrote:
  I've been trying to build HTML::Embperl on aix
  but the make test fails
 I don't have any experienes with AIX, the only thing I know is what Jens Uwe
 wrote to me in the FAQ
 he also sends the patches to build Embperl on AIX, maybe he (or anybody else
 on the list) has more ideas what's going wrong

I appear to have missed the initial post, what is going wrong?

Jens-Uwe Mager

HELIOS Software GmbH
Steinriede 3
30827 Garbsen

Phone:  +49 5131 709320
FAX:+49 5131 709325

RE: [HTML::Embperl] Strange Error

2000-02-08 Thread Gerald Richter

 [20011]ERR: 24: Line 13: Error in Perl code: (in cleanup) [Mon
 Feb 7 12:08:23
 2000] PerlHandler subroutine `HTML::Embperl': Cannot access
 'DESTROY' field in object of class PRCL::Player at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i586-linux/HTML/ line 557

 The page looks like:

use PRCL::Stats;
use Data::Dumper;

my $stats = new PRCL::Stats("dbi:mysql:prcl", "root");
my $batter = $stats-get_batter($fdat{'id'}, '', '1997-09-28');

# The scope of my $batter ends here!
 [+ Dumper $batter +]

$batter is undefined here! remove the my above (if this not only a typo in
your mail)

 I guess what confuses me is why does Embperl need access to a
 DESTROY field(?)
 in PRCL::Player?

Embperl cleans up all your globals after the request, so if you have an
reference to an object that is store in an global Embperl will do something

undef $batter

after the request and this will (if no other reference still exists) destroy
the object and therfore try to call the DESTROY method of your object, but I
don't know why Perl is talking of a DESTROY field.

 I'm using HTML::Embperl 1.2b5.

Maybe it time to upgrade? Many things has changed since 1.2b5


Solved: Pattern Matching kills loops?

2000-02-08 Thread Steven Clark

Well my saying is that everyone will be made to look like an fool at least 
once a week came back and bit me this week :(

After posting the message I went to bed and started to think about it and 
consequently solved my own problem.

Since I was using the SSI example from the eagle book the function which 
calls the functions in the include file does a  local on the $/ variable 
effectively setting it to undef. And then of course from Programming Perl 
on page 184 of local

"After the local is executed, but before the scope is exited, any called 
subroutines will see the local inner value..."


So I am sorry to have wasted the bandwidth and the time of the people on 
the list...

[modperl] Ticket examples from the Eagle book

2000-02-08 Thread Axel Wagner


I am desperately looking for a solution to get the ticket example
from the book running.

The problem seems to be that the TicketAccess module corretly creates
the redirect cookie (I can see it when debugging with 
"x $r-err_headers_out;"), but the cookie does not seem to reach
my netscape browser.
When debugging the redirect in TicketMaster, the request object
does not contain any cookie header fields. I have also activated
cookie warning in netscape!.

I have installed mod_perl with EVERYTHING=1.
The same local server accept and issues tickets, so this is
a real internal redirect. Seem to me that some header fields
does not survive the internal redirect.

When running though the login procedure, the ticket cookie
is also not set.

Any Ideas??

Another issue is that URI-unparse obviously does not take the
server port into account. URI-port return on my host 8080, but
the string returned by URI-unparse does not contain the port. 

Looking forward to help.

Axel Wagner
Biobase GmbH - Germany

PS: Please CC: the answer to me personally

Re: Apache/mod_perl install on AIX 4.3.3 failing - maybe compiler?

2000-02-08 Thread Jens-Uwe Mager

I am attempting to install mod_perl 1.21 for Apache 1.3.11 on AIX
4.3.3.nbsp; I am repeatedly running into the following problem when I do
the configuration of Apache with mod_perl, whether attempting it as a DSO
or including mod_perl in the original Apache configuration.nbsp; I have
checked out the FAQs and mailing lists, and I think it may be a compiler
issue, but I am not sure (see below).nbsp; Here is the error
font color="#FF"+ doing sanity check on compiler and optionsbr
** A test compilation with your Makefile configurationbr
** failed. The below error output from the compilationbr
** test will give you an idea what is failing. Note thatbr
** Apache requires an ANSI C Compiler, such as
sr/local/include -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite
-DNO_DL_NEEDED `./apaci`br
-I. -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/aix/CORE -lm -o hbr
elpers/dummy helpers/dummy.c
-L/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/aix/auto/DynaLbr
oader/DynaLoader.a -L/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/aix/CORE -lperl -lnsl
-ldbm -ldl -lld -lm -lcbr
-lcrypt -lbsd -lPWbr
gcc: unrecognized option `-qmaxmem=8192'br
cpp: -lang-c: linker input file unused since linking not donebr
gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or
gcc: file path prefixbr
never usedbr
make: *** [dummy] Error 1br

Perl is set up to use a different compiler (IBM's xlc) and the command
line options are not compatible with gcc's command line options. The
perl module build system remembers all compiler options used to
configure perl and re-applies these upon compiling perl modules. To use
modperl you must compile all parts of the equation (apache, perl,
modperl other perl modules) with exactly the same compiler, that means
either all IBM xlc or all gcc.

Jens-Uwe Mager

This html thing in your email makes formatting a proper reply really

HELIOS Software GmbH
Steinriede 3
30827 Garbsen

Phone:  +49 5131 709320
FAX:+49 5131 709325


2000-02-08 Thread princess

Good Day all!

I don't know if i am in the right mailing list.  I am new with Perl.  I
need to know how to get the hard drive and removable drive information.  I
need to display the available storage resources.

Looking forward for your helpful response.  Thank you.

Best Regards,

Princess Marieter T. Ocampo
ADTEX Philippines Inc.

Forcing user/group unto the log

2000-02-08 Thread Nicolas MONNET

Hi there, I have implemented a cookie based authentification mechanism for
my website. Now I'd like to pass the user and group information in the
log, both field currently show as "-" currently. Is there any simple way
to do this? 


Re: Pattern Matching kills loops?

2000-02-08 Thread Cliff Rayman

check the archives.
some people were having a problem with
the entire file being processed as one line
instead of line by line.

cliff rayman

Steven Clark wrote:

 I open the file needed for reading and then inside the loop whenever the
 first match occurs the loop is for some reason the loop stops??? Now I know
 the code works perfectly since I have run it from a normal script and it
 does exactly what it is supposed to but yet under modperl for some reason
 it stops after the first successful match...

 Code in question is this

 unless ($fh = Apache::File-new($file)){
 print STDERR "Couldn't open $file because: $!\n";
 return undef;
 while( $fh ){
 next if /^#/;   # Skip comments
 next if /^$/;   # Skip blank lines

 $id = $1;
 $temp = $2;
 $name = $3;

 $CAT{$id}{"name"} = $name;
 close $fh;

 Any ideas?


[HTML::Embperl] Strange Error

2000-02-08 Thread Jason Bodnar

I'm getting the following error from a very simple embperl page that uses a
very simple module for db access:

[20011]ERR: 24: Line 13: Error in Perl code: (in cleanup) [Mon Feb 7 12:08:23
2000] PerlHandler subroutine `HTML::Embperl': Cannot access
'DESTROY' field in object of class PRCL::Player at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i586-linux/HTML/ line 557

The page looks like:

   use PRCL::Stats;
   use Data::Dumper;

   my $stats = new PRCL::Stats("dbi:mysql:prcl", "root");
   my $batter = $stats-get_batter($fdat{'id'}, '', '1997-09-28');

[+ Dumper $batter +]

PRCL::Stats connects to a db. Get batter does a query and returns a
PRCL::Player object which consist of the hashref returned by fetchrow_hashref.

I guess what confuses me is why does Embperl need access to a DESTROY field(?)
in PRCL::Player?

I'm using HTML::Embperl 1.2b5.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

I swear I'd forget my own head if it wasn't up my ass. -- Jason Bodnar

Re: [RareModules] new Apache::Status features (Memory Usage)

2000-02-08 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

I had to add a 'Use B::TerseSize' to my in order to get the
right stuff available.  Otherwise, I was getting:

[Mon Feb  7 12:00:38 2000] [error] Undefined subroutine B::TerseSize::package_size 
called at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/Apache/ line 375.

Excellent information though.


Re: Apache::VMonitor dumps core

2000-02-08 Thread Stas Bekman

Following several messages I read on this list, I have installed 
 Apache::VMonitor (and mandatory 'other' packages) on my system, to look for an
 annoying memory leak on my servers.
Configuration is Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21, Apache::Scoreboard 0.09,
 Apache::VMonitor 0.04, GTop 0.10, libgtop 1.0.6, glib 1.2.6. Maybe I forgot
 some other module.
That running on a Linux 2.2.5-15 (almost RedHat 6.0, but with some RPMs 
 changed for newer versions).

It's a problem of Apache-Scoreboard-0.09. There is some problem with API
(was it changed?). It dumps core at servers() call:

for (my $i=-1; $iApache::Constants::HARD_SERVER_LIMIT; $i++) {
  my $process = $image-servers($i); 

As a temporarely solution downgrade to Apache-Scoreboard-0.08. I've
checked and it works. I'll check with Doug what has happened and release
an update.

Stas Bekmanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
single o- + single o-+ = singlesheaven

Clearing the PAD between executions.

2000-02-08 Thread shane


I was wondering what you all thought about clearing the Cv PAD between
uses.  It's not currently being done, and is sort of a security
concern otherwise.  Of course you can argue that no one should use
variables without initializing them, but people do frequently.

The reason I bring this up is I'm in the process of putting together a
modperl like program for phhttpd.  (Like it based on that it's
designed to run CGIs blazingly fast, pre-cached code, etc.  Pretrials
on highly trivial scripts show it's 3x faster than modperl, but that's
a lie, I think 100% of that gain is due to the efficient nature of
phhttpd as opposed to apache.  Phhttpd!=stable, BTW)

Well... if anyone is interested in the code for clearing the pad I'd
be happy to send it out, or if you'd like some sample code to "show
off" the problem I'd be happy to do so as well.

As an aside that's really not an aside:

There also appears to be a problem with fake lexicals disassociating.
(i.e. ones that on the PAD are denoted as "FAKE" because they are
"inherited" by a super-function)  For instance:

my %doggies;
print $doggies{"great dane"};
delete %doggies; #wouldn't have to do this with cv pad clearing :)
sub doSomething {
$doggies{"great dane"}="big doggie";

This doesn't *always* print out "big doggie", although it seems as
though it should.  It will a few times, and then start blowing chunks.
(Note: didn't try this precise example, but a subset of it that had
other bugs which might have tainted the result)
Of course this example isn't a very good design either, I would do it
differently in production code, but it's just an example to show a

The possible problem with PAD clearing is that it might slow down the
system, seems silly to slow the system down just to cover for sloppy
programming, right?  Well, I agree, this is probably true.  My idea on
this front is to see if it's possible to tie to these lexicals to a
hash that will denote whether a lexical has been modded in the course
of execution.  That hash will be checked after running the program and
delete all the appropriate SV's, AV's, HV's, etc.

Just wanted to get your opinion since you've all been down this road,
and suggest something that may be cool, or have zero merit :).


Re: Mod_Perl learning track

2000-02-08 Thread Scott Chapman

What magazines are good on Perl?

It seems to have quite a few online and in print.

Are there any that would be a waste of money?  
Any better for newbies or a particular use of Perl?

On 4 Feb 00, at 18:29, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 On Fri, 4 Feb 2000, Scott Chapman wrote:
  What books do I need to read?
 There are plenty of good books on Perl, but don't neglect to read the
 excellent man pages.  If you read all the man pages as well as The Guide
 at htp:// you will be well on your way.
 - Perrin

Scott Chapman
Technical Support Specialist
Lund Performance Solutions
Phone: 541-926-3800

Re: Mod_Perl learning track

2000-02-08 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, Scott Chapman wrote:

 What magazines are good on Perl?

At least two of the members on this list write for Web Techniques (Lincoln
and Randal). And of course The Perl Journal is good.
- Perrin

Re: Mod_Perl learning track

2000-02-08 Thread Pascal Eeftinck

At 12:47 8-2-2000 -0800, Scott Chapman wrote:
What magazines are good on Perl?

It seems to have quite a few online and in print.

Are there any that would be a waste of money?
Any better for newbies or a particular use of Perl?

The Perl Journal ( is excellent. If you can afford
it I highly recommend all the old issues as well, it really has
some marvellous stuff in there - I learned a lot from it.

Now if only there were more than 4 issues a year ...


Pascal Eeftinck - arcade^
   arcade^ - Perl is not a language, it's a way of 

[HTML::Embperl] last and next with [$ while $]?

2000-02-08 Thread Jason Bodnar

Is there a way to use last or next when using Embperl's built in loops and

For example, I've tried something like this:

[$ while $i != 10 $]
 [- $i++; last if $i == 5 -]
[$ endwhile $]

(I know it's a dumb example)

But I get the following error:

Can't "last" outside block.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

I strive for greatness but will settle for mediocrity. -- Jason Bodnar

again coredumps with Apache 1.3.11/mod_perl 1.21 as DSO and Solaris 7

2000-02-08 Thread Jens-Uwe Walther


again a question about the often discussed mod_perl DSO problem.

I use Apache 1.3.11, mod_ssl -2.5.0-1.3.11, ApacheJServ-1.1 and

Using Perl 5.005_3 statically compiled (libperl.a) with:

.Configure -Dprefix=/opt/perl -Dcc=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -des

# /opt/perl/bin/perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=solaris, osvers=2.7, archname=sun4-solaris
uname='sunos hotzenplotz 5.7 generic_106541-04 sun4m sparc sun4m '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc', optimize='-O', gccversion=
cppflags='-I/usr/local/include -I/opt/gnu/include'
ccflags ='-I/usr/local/include -I/opt/gnu/include'
stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=define, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=y, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib
libpth=/usr/local/lib /opt/gnu/lib /lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
libs=-lsocket -lnsl -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lc -lcrypt
libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags='-KPIC', lddlflags='-G -L/usr/local/lib -L/opt/gnu/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Built under solaris
  Compiled at Nov 11 1999 20:13:12

on a Solaris system:

hotzenplotz:jewa uname -a
SunOS hotzenplotz 5.7 Generic_106541-04 sun4m sparc sun4m

configuring Apache with:

./configure --prefix=/opt/apache --runtimedir=/var/httpd \
--logfiledir=/var/httpd --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE --enable-module=most
--enable-shared=max \
--enable-module=ssl --enable-shared=ssl

and Perl with apxs:
perl Makefile.PL \
 WITH_APXS=/opt/apache/bin/apxs \

I got a:

Segmentation Fault (coredump)

when starting httpd - nothing new.
Starting httpd with ld debug option gives:
# LD_DEBUG=basic ./httpd -X
00851: calling init: /usr/lib/
00851: calling init: /usr/lib/
00851: calling init: /usr/lib/
00851: calling init: /usr/lib/
00851: transferring control: ./httpd
00851: calling init: /usr/lib/
00851: calling init: /usr/lib/
00851: calling init: /usr/lib/
00851: calling init: /usr/lib/
00851: transferring control: ./httpd
00851: cyclic objects for .init (Befor sorting)
00851:  /opt/apache/libexec/ IDX=2
00851:  /opt/apache/libexec/ IDX=40
00851: cyclic objects for .init (After sorting)
00851:  /opt/apache/libexec/ IDX=40
00851:  /opt/apache/libexec/ IDX=2
00851: calling init: /usr/lib/
00851: calling init: /usr/lib/
00851: calling init: /opt/apache/libexec/
00851: calling init: /opt/apache/libexec/
Segmentation Fault

and so I 've tried:

/opt/apache/libexec/' ${APACHE_DIR}/bin/apachectl startssl

which works nice.

Then I 've tried to use the developer Perl version 5.005_63 because I ve
read that this version should avoid the perl malloc problems
but now  I can't get "mod_perl" compiled:

# perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 5 subversion 63)
osname=solaris, osvers=2.7, archname=sun4-solaris
uname='sunos hotzenplotz 5.7 generic_106541-04 sun4m sparc sun4m '
config_args='-Dprefix=/opt/perl -Dcc=/opt/gnu/bin/gcc -des'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
use64bits=undef usemultiplicity=undef
cc='/opt/gnu/bin/gcc', optimize='-O', gccversion=2.95 19990728
cppflags='-fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include
ccflags ='-fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include

stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=define, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=y, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='/opt/gnu/bin/gcc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib -L/opt/gnu/lib '
libpth=/usr/local/lib /opt/gnu/lib /lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib

coderef as arg to $r-custom_response(...)

2000-02-08 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

The docs hint that I can use whatever I would put after ErrorDocument
as the arg to custom_response, but also suggest that I can put "a
module" there.  Does that mean it's the same style of argument as a
-pushhandler(), where I can also put a coderef?

I'm trying to write a custom Auth/Authz handler, and want to handle
the failure within my module as well, sharing some variables that I've
already determined during the failure.  I can't output content during
the Authz phase (or can I?), so I need to set up a very custom

Anyone done anything like this?  Am I heading down a dark damp tunnel?

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Apache startup problem with module DBI

2000-02-08 Thread gnielson


I just set up mod_perl_.1.21 with apache_1.3.11 andperl 5.005_03. When
trying to start the httpd server, my httpd.conf is calling a script where I get the following error. I looked in the
file itself and says when finding that error it means an install error
with DBI. I originally installed it right from CPAN and tried rebuilding
it with make, but continue to get the error. What am I doing wrong and how
may I correct this?

Any help appreciated. Error message below:

Can't locate loadable object for module DBI in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i686-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i686-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .
/usr/local/apache/ /usr/local/apache/lib/perl) at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ line 158
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ line

Caching DBI handles with IPC?

2000-02-08 Thread Saar Picker

Hi all,

I've been trying cache DBI database handles using IPC::Shareable and
IPC::Cache(based on ShareLite) without much luck. This is not necessarily
a mod-perl problem, but I figured someone on this list must have tried
this already.

With either module, I get the following error message:

[Tue Feb  8 16:33:34 2000] [error] Uncaught exception from user code:
dbih_getcom handle 'DBI::db=HASH(0x888b458)' is not a DBI handle
(has no magic)

Example code for IPC::Cache

$cache=new IPC::Cache({namespace='foo', expires_in=3600});
$dbh = DBI-connect('DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=db',
$cache-set('db1', $dbh);
print "dbh ping succeeded\n" if ($dbh-ping);
$dbh = $cache-get('db1');
print "dbh ping succeeded\n" if ($dbh-ping);

Error happens after second ping.

Example code for IPC::Shareable 

tie(%DBH, 'IPC::Shareable', 'DBHC', {create=1,destroy=0});
$DBH{'foo'} = DBI-connect("DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=db",
tie(%DBH, 'IPC::Shareable', 'DBHC', {create=1,destroy=0});
print "Ping succeded\n" if ($DBH{'foo'}-ping);

Basically, after fetching the database handle from shared memory, it no
long functions. Is this something that anybody has seen before?

-Saar Picker

Re: Problems with IE5

2000-02-08 Thread Bill Moseley

At 12:26 PM 02/08/00 +, al wrote:
The problem is this: when the line 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden' is sent in
the header to IE5, THAT browser thinks its a really neat idea to produce
its own document from somewhere on a local Windows machine, instead of
the one which I have prepared for it. End result, anyone hitting our
site for the first time in a session using IE5 will be confronted with
this message.

Try sending more text to IE.  It generates its own page if the server sends
less than some small number of bytes.

Bill Moseley

mod_perl incompatibility with site control panel?

2000-02-08 Thread Brian Tully

Hi there - 

I'm new to this list so hope I'm not "out of line" by asking the

I recently acquired a dedicated server to run several big sites, one which
required the use of mod_perl for authentication (AuthenDBI) with an mSQL
database.  However, I'm now informed that since we compiled mod_perl  (1.21)
into Apache (1.3.11) the domain site control panels for each domain no
longer work (Internal Server errors).  This is one of those graphical site
control panels that clients can use to maintain their site (e-mail, shopping
cart, mime types, etc.)

My conundrum is whether to remove mod_perl so that the clients can have
their control panels back or find a control panel that is compatible.  Any
ideas on what to expect? Can the server survive without mod_perl?  Has
anyone had a similar experience?

Server is running Linux RedHat 6.1.  I don't know the exact Control Panel
software package but I've seen it before.

One possible solution is to move the database over to MySQL and use
mod_auth_mysql for authentication, therefore relieving the need for
mod_perl.  But since the sites use Perl scripts extensively, especially with
database queries, will removing mod_perl create a drastic performance hit?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Re: mod_perl incompatibility with site control panel?

2000-02-08 Thread Tom Mornini

On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, Brian Tully wrote:

 However, I'm now informed that since we compiled mod_perl  (1.21)
 into Apache (1.3.11) the domain site control panels for each domain no
 longer work (Internal Server errors).  This is one of those graphical site
 control panels that clients can use to maintain their site (e-mail, shopping
 cart, mime types, etc.)
 My conundrum is whether to remove mod_perl so that the clients can have
 their control panels back or find a control panel that is compatible.  Any
 ideas on what to expect? Can the server survive without mod_perl?  Has
 anyone had a similar experience?

Your scripts are probably using mod_perl, and not very happily.

Run the old stuff as straight CGI, or using Apache::PerlRun instead.

I would probably try Apache::PerlRun first, and if that didn't work,
revert back to CGI.

-- Tom Mornini
-- InfoMania Printing and Prepress

Re: Problems with IE5

2000-02-08 Thread Greg

- Original Message -
From: Bill Moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: Problems with IE5

 Try sending more text to IE.  It generates its own page if the server
 less than some small number of bytes.

I think there is a user's choice:

Tools  Internet Options...  Advanced:
checkbox "Show friendly HTTP error messages"

Re: Caching DBI handles with IPC?

2000-02-08 Thread Greg Stark

Saar Picker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thanks for responding. We currently are cacheing DB connections
 per-process. However, with 40-50 processes per server, and 4+ machines per
 DB server, and 3-5 connections per process, you can see how the number of
 connections per DB server gets rather large. I think the problem lies
 with the CODE references. I'll check out IPC::Shareable some more.

Firstly your numbers sound a little odd, 

a) why do you have more than one connection per process, I assume you're using
connection persistent connections of some sort (look at connect_cached for

b) Why do you run as many as 50 processes, if you split off all the static
data onto a separate server you might find things run as fast or faster with
fewer processes. 

c) 100-200 connections might not be out of line for your database. If you're
using Oracle you might check into MTS for example which can handle 1000+
connections as easily as 1 connection if they're not doing any more database

Your problems sharing connections across sessions has nothing to do with perl.
A database connection is more than just perl code, it's usually network socket
and it's usually managed by a C library from the database vendor. Worse, most
databases if not all databases tie the concept of session to the network
connection. If two processes end up writing to the same socket the database
will be very confused.

In any case you can't store a socket in a shared memory segment, it's not just
a piece of data. You would need to arrange to open all your sockets before
Apache forked or find some other way to distribute them. 

Then you would need to deal with the fact that your database library stores
some state information that would also need to be shared, either putting all
of that in shared memory or some other way. And you don't have access to it in
perl, you would need to do this in the DBD driver's C code and either use
explicit support from the library or add code to the low level DB library. 

Then you would need to write the perl layer to handle locking the handles to
avoid having two processes trying to use the same handle at the same time.

In other words, there's a lot of work to be done to do this using shared
memory, and not all the libraries would even support it. I'm not completely
sure any of them would.

DBI::Proxy works by having a single process do all the database work,
everything else talks to the proxy. This adds a layer of latency though.
Oracle has a native tool called Connection Manager that does something


Re: Apache::Session, DBD::Oracle

2000-02-08 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Robert Locke wrote:
 We've been using the latest Apache::Session::DBI with some success
 using Oracle 8i (DBD::Oracle 1.03) as the data store.  (Basically, we
 applied Ajit Deshpande's recommendation of patching with a
 large number for LongReadLen.  See
 for reference.)
 To make a long story short, it seems that storing and then fetching a
 binary string is broken, but I'm not sure if this is an Oracle or DBD
 issue, or if I'm just doing something plain silly.

It's my understanding that Oracle doesn't want you to use Long anymore.
They prefer BLOB for this and are phasing out Long.  Maybe they broke Long
in the 8i release for certain situations.

BLOB works fine from DBD::Oracle, so give it a try.  You may need to set
the type on the bind parameter to ORA_BLOB.  perldoc DBD::Oracle for the

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session, DBD::Oracle

2000-02-08 Thread Greg Stark

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Locke) writes:

   - store this string into Oracle  (type is LONG)

You really really don't want to be using LONG btw. How large is the data
you're really storing anyways? Oracle can do varchars up to 2k unlike some
other pesky databases.

LONGs have a number of problems, you can't export/import them, you can't
create table as select to copy them to a new table etc. They also allegedly
make your tables slow to access, though I don't know the details. I don't know
if BLOBs are any different though. 

I do wonder whether you're making good use of your database to be storing
information as frozen perl data structures. It's flexible but it can't be very
fast and it doesn't buy you the data mining abilities having a database is
good for.


Apache::Session, DBD::Oracle

2000-02-08 Thread Robert Locke


We've been using the latest Apache::Session::DBI with some success
using Oracle 8i (DBD::Oracle 1.03) as the data store.  (Basically, we
applied Ajit Deshpande's recommendation of patching with a
large number for LongReadLen.  See
for reference.)

We recently added some more data to our session hashes and everything
broke.  In trying to track the problem down, we've been able to
replicate it OUTSIDE of Apache by writing a Perl script which
simulates Apache::Session and does the following:

- create a fairly large hash
- convert it to a binary string using Storable::nfreeze
- store this string into Oracle  (type is LONG)
- fetch string from the database
- compare fetched string to the original string
- convert fetched string back to a hash using Storable::thaw

The above works great under our development environment, where we are
using Oracle 8.0.5.  But, in our production environment, where we are
using Oracle 8i, the fetched string differs from the original and we
cannot convert it back into the original hash.

To make a long story short, it seems that storing and then fetching a
binary string is broken, but I'm not sure if this is an Oracle or DBD
issue, or if I'm just doing something plain silly.

Any pointers would be appreciated.



PS. I'm attaching the code as reference.