ANNOUNCE: HTML-Embperl 1.3b6 (pre 1.3)

2000-10-18 Thread Gerald Richter


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GRICHTER/HTML-Embperl-1.3b6.tar.gz
  size: 300443 bytes
   md5: a57165c6a75b3c8d33ca8b2833c671fc

Embperl is a module for embedding Perl code in HTML pages. See (english) or
(german) for more informations.

This is hopefully the last release before the final 1.3 release. I have
some more session stuff and enhanced EmbperlObject. Please give it a try
and report me any problems.



Changes since 1.3b5:

   - Embperl now runs on ActiveState Perl. (At least in offline mode,
 mod_perl mode seems to still have some problems). With a lot of help
 from Randy Korbes.
   - Changed EmbperlObject search order:
 * If EMBPERL_OBJECT_STOPDIR is set, this directory is taken as
   the last directory in the normal search path, instead of the
   directory where the base template (EMBPERL_OBJECT_BASE) is found.
 * EMBPERL_OBJECT_ADDPATH is _always_ added to the search path
 * Now Embperl also searches the path for files like
   ../foo.html, or bar/foo.html, which includes a relative path.
   - ../* is now a shortcut for the requested file, but in the
 parent directory (or upper depending on the search path)
   - Added access to Embperl session handling for modules and
 calling scripts (see SetupSession and GetSession)
   - Embperl is now able to output binary data if EMBPERL_ESCMODE
 and/or $escmode is zero. This also include that no CRLF is
 added at the end of the file, if escmode is zero.
   - Added method for deleting session data and cookie
   - Added method for triggering resend of session cookie.
   - Added Test for pnotes ('EMBPERL_ERRORS')
   - Added hash %CLEANUPFILE. All variables defined into the files given
 in this hash, are also cleanup at the end of the request.
 Patch from Todd Eigenschink.
   - Changed the way the C Requestobject is attached to the Perlobject,
 so it should now also work on 64Bit Processor like Alpha.
 Spotted by Andre Landwehr.
   - Fixed a problem with importing files that contains foreach and
 do until loops, which may caused a syntax error or endless
 loop. Spotted by Steffen Geschke.
   - embpcgi* and embpexec* are now geratated out of *.templ instead
 of editied in place to avoid problems with cvs conflicts
 and lower/uppercase on Win32. Suggest by Jens-Uwe Mager.
   - make test works with Apache that has mod_jserv compiled in
   - Embperl now cache same files with relative path, which are located
 in different directories correctly.

Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925151
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

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AuthCookie consulting Basic for AuthZ?

2000-10-18 Thread karnurme


I' m using AuthCookie for authentication, but I would like to use all the
normal authorization possibilities in .htaccess files (especially 'require
group', Limit and LimitExecpt).

Do I have to implement all the handling of .htaccess directives in my
AuthCookie-derived module? Is it possible to ask the Apache's Basic auth
to do the authorization? A subrequest with some special headers maybe? Am
I totally lost with this one?

In my case the cookie does not contain the password neiher there is any
flat user file (nor group file). So maybe some kludge must be done to give
the Basic auth headers all the information needed (for example base64
coded username:password)?

Any help greatly appreciated!!!


Kari Nurmela,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], (02) 333 8847 / (0400) 786 547

Re: Apache 1.3.14 and Mod_Perl

2000-10-18 Thread chicks

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Roger Espel Llima wrote:
 It looks to me like is explicitly blocking wget
 requests.  If I do the request manually with netcat, sending the same
 headers wget sends, it fails:

Why is wget considered so evil?


"The number of Unix installations has grown to 10, with more expected." 
   -- The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd edition, June '72

Installation problems!!!

2000-10-18 Thread Edmar Edilton da Silva

I installed mod_perl 1.24 successfully ( the web server used is apache 1.3.9
and perl 5.004-4 ).  No errors during configure, make , make test or make
install.  I added the loadmodule and addmodule lines to httpd.conf. But when I
started the apache I get the following error message:

"Starting httpd: httpd Syntax error on line 132 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into server:
/etc/httpd/modules/ undefined symbol: ap_ctx_get" 

Can anyone help me? Thanks...


 Edmar Edilton da Silva
  Bacharel em Ciência da Computação - UFV
Mestrando em Ciência da Computação - UNICAMP

possible bug in mod_perl 1.24_01

2000-10-18 Thread Michael J Schout

I have had an application working under apache 1.3.12/mod_perl 1.24 for several
months now with no problems.

I am currently trying to make the jump to apache 1.3.14/mod_perl 1.24_01 (since
mod_perl 1.24 will not easily build agains 1.3.14).  When I do this, and then
try to start apache, it goes into an infinite loop proocessing perl sections.

The stack trace from gdb looks  like this:

#0  0x4010a6a1 in buffered_vfprintf (s=0xfbad2887, format=Cannot access memory at 
address 0xbf7ff184
) at vfprintf.c:1736
1736vfprintf.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  0x4010a6a1 in buffered_vfprintf (s=0xfbad2887, format=Cannot access memory at 
address 0xbf7ff184
) at vfprintf.c:1736
#1  0x40105966 in _IO_vfprintf (s=0x401aea20, 
format=0x8119d18 "loading perl module '%s'...", ap=0xbf801910)
at vfprintf.c:1029
#2  0x4010e027 in fprintf (stream=0x401aea20, 
format=0x8119d18 "loading perl module '%s'...") at fprintf.c:32
#3  0x806d0c0 in perl_require_module ()
#4  0x806b40c in perl_section ()
#5  0x806b231 in perl_section_self_boot ()
#6  0x8068d8e in perl_cmd_require ()
#7  0x8081f29 in invoke_cmd ()
#8  0x80822ac in ap_handle_command ()
#9  0x806acb7 in perl_handle_command ()
#10 0x806b826 in perl_section ()
#11 0x806b231 in perl_section_self_boot ()
#12 0x8068d8e in perl_cmd_require ()
#13 0x8081f29 in invoke_cmd ()
#14 0x80822ac in ap_handle_command ()
#15 0x806acb7 in perl_handle_command ()
#16 0x806b826 in perl_section ()
#17 0x806b231 in perl_section_self_boot ()
#18 0x8068d8e in perl_cmd_require ()
#19 0x8081f29 in invoke_cmd ()
#20 0x80822ac in ap_handle_command ()

snip a whole bunch of repetitions of steps 15-20

#5889 0x806acb7 in perl_handle_command ()
#5890 0x806b826 in perl_section ()
#5891 0x806b231 in perl_section_self_boot ()
#5892 0x8068c6c in perl_cmd_module ()
#5893 0x8081f29 in invoke_cmd ()
#5894 0x80822ac in ap_handle_command ()
#5895 0x80822f8 in ap_srm_command_loop ()
#5896 0x80827ed in ap_process_resource_config ()
#5897 0x8085f28 in include_config ()
#5898 0x808206c in invoke_cmd ()
#5899 0x80822ac in ap_handle_command ()

#5900 0x806acb7 in perl_handle_command ()
#5901 0x806b043 in perl_handle_command_av ()
#5902 0x806b9d8 in perl_section ()
#5903 0x808206c in invoke_cmd ()
#5904 0x80822ac in ap_handle_command ()
#5905 0x80822f8 in ap_srm_command_loop ()
#5906 0x80827ed in ap_process_resource_config ()
#5907 0x8082e74 in ap_read_config ()
#5908 0x808a745 in main ()
#5909 0x400d89cb in __libc_start_main (main=0x808a560 main, argc=4, 
argv=0xb914, init=0x8062524 _init, fini=0x811741c _fini, 
rtld_fini=0x4000ae60 _dl_fini, stack_end=0xb90c)
at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:92

And when I run with "MOD_PERL_TRACE=all" I get a whole bunch of output.  It starts out 
like this:

perl_parse args: '/dev/null' ...allocating perl interpreter...ok
constructing perl interpreter...ok
running perl interpreter...ok
mod_perl: 0 END blocks encountered during server startup
loading perl module 'Apache'...loading perl module 'Apache::Constants::Exports'...ok
loading perl module 'Tie::IxHash'...ok
SVt_PV: $Group = `mschout'
handle_command (Group mschout): OK
SVt_PV: $ServerAdmin = `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
handle_command (ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]): OK
perl_section: /Location
perl_section: /VirtualHost
perl_section: /Directory
perl_section: /Location
perl_section: /Files
perl_section: /Files
SVt_PV: $ServerRoot = `/nis.home/mschout/httpd'
handle_command (ServerRoot /nis.home/mschout/httpd): OK
SVt_PV: $User = `mschout'
handle_command (User mschout): OK
perl_section: /Directory
loading perl module 'Apache'...ok
loading perl module 'Tie::IxHash'...ok
HTTP : 8531
HTTPS: 4531
`@Listen' directive is TAKE1, (2 elements)
default: iterating over @Listen
handle_command (Listen 8531): OK
handle_command (Listen "4531"): OK
perl_section: /Location
perl_section: VirtualHost _default_:4531
SSLVerifyDepth 10 (OK) Limit=no
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/server.key (OK) Limit=no
SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt (OK) Limit=no
SSLVerifyClient none (OK) Limit=no
SSLEngine on (OK) Limit=no
handle_command (SetEnvIf "User-Agent" ".*MSIE.*" "nokeepalive" 
"ssl-unclean-shutdown"): OK
perl_section: /VirtualHost
perl_section: /Directory
perl_section: /Location
perl_section: /Files
SVt_PV: $Port = `8531'
handle_command (Port 8531): OK
perl_section: /Files
perl_section: /Directory
loading perl module 'Apache'...ok
loading perl module 'Tie::IxHash'...ok
SVt_PV: $DAVLockDB = `/var/tmp/DAVLock.mschout'
handle_command (DAVLockDB /var/tmp/DAVLock.mschout): OK
`@Listen' directive is TAKE1, (0 elements)
default: iterating over @Listen
perl_section: /Location
perl_section: /VirtualHost
perl_section: /Directory
perl_section: /Location
perl_section: /Files
perl_section: /Files
perl_section: /Directory
SVt_PV: $DAVMinTimeout = `600'
handle_command (DAVMinTimeout 600): OK
loading perl module 'Apache'...ok
loading perl module 'Tie::IxHash'...ok

Re: possible bug in mod_perl 1.24_01

2000-10-18 Thread Michael J Schout

I should also have mentioned:

I am using perl 5.6.0, Linux 2.2.x

I used the same perl / os for both apache1.3.12/mod_perl 1.24, and apache
1.3.14/mod_perl 1.24_01.


Mod_perl, DBI, and Postgres install procedures...

2000-10-18 Thread cbell

Does anyone have a set of procedures to install Mod_perl, Apache,
Postgres, DBI,, and anything
else needed to make Modperl talk to a postgres database.  I'm new to
Linux and Mod_perl, and I've
followed all the setup procedures I can find to do this, but I still
cannot get a database connection.

I think I'm just missing a step somewhere, and if I can get the
procedures on how to do this from start to
finish from one source, I think I'll be allright.  I've been piecing
together all the information I've found on
the Internet, but I'm not having any luck.

Currently I'm receiving the error Can't locate object method "connect"
via package "DBI" at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ in my error_log whenever I
start up the apache server.

I've tried installing using RPM's and using the source files, but I
always end up with a similar error.

Thanks in advance

Re: XML help (offtopic)?

2000-10-18 Thread Adi

Have you looked at SOAP::Lite and the rest of the SOAP:: hierarchy on CPAN? 
They may not be of direct help if you've already got a home-grown XML transport
protocol, but it might give you some good ideas.  And, it may save you lots of
time in the long run if you can convert your home-grown XML system to use the
SOAP standard.

BTW, has anyone played with these SOAP modules much?  Specifically, are they
well-written / optimized for mod_perl?


Geoffrey Gallaway wrote:
 I know this isnt the right place to ask this question but if someone could
 at least fill me in and point me in the right direction I'd be gratefull.
 I'm trying to find a way to do XML over HTTP. I have a project at work
 that I'm doing where we have a XML based system. The system would connect
 to port 80 and do XML over HTTP. I'm not exactly sure what this entails
 but I'm guessing using the HTTP protocall to send XML. So, you get the
 HTTP methods (GET, POST, HEAD, etc) and headers (Date, Server,
 Content-Type, etc) but with XML data instead of HTML. Now, I understand I
 could easily use apache to send XML data (GET) but I'm not to sure how I
 should handle receiving XML (POST). I definetly want to do the XML parsing
 and such with perl (I've been playing with XML::Parser, very cool). What
 am I missing?
 Thanks, sorry for being offtopic and for the bad explanation...
 Geoffrey Gallaway || This may seem a bit weird, but that's okay, because it
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] || is weird.
 D e v o r z h u n ||-- Tom Christiansen

Re: XML help (offtopic)?

2000-10-18 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Adi wrote:

 Have you looked at SOAP::Lite and the rest of the SOAP:: hierarchy on CPAN? 
 They may not be of direct help if you've already got a home-grown XML transport
 protocol, but it might give you some good ideas.  And, it may save you lots of
 time in the long run if you can convert your home-grown XML system to use the
 SOAP standard.
 BTW, has anyone played with these SOAP modules much?  Specifically, are they
 well-written / optimized for mod_perl?

I've played a little bit with SOAP::Lite. Its a great concept, and just
seemed to work, except in certain cases, for example you can't pass a DBI
handle over SOAP, obviously, and the same goes for globs and
filehandles. But other than that its almost transparent!


/||** Director and CTO **
   //||** Ltd   **  ** XML Application Serving **
  // ||** **  ** XSLT, XPathScript, XSP  **
 // \\| // ** Personal Web Site: **
//  \\

OT: ApacheCon/Europe

2000-10-18 Thread Gunther Birznieks

Just wondering who all from mod_perl is going to ApacheCon/Europe next week 
and are there any plans to get together like there was at PerlCon. I missed 
PerlCon unfortunately.

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Web Technology Company