Re: top for apache? [OT]

2002-09-22 Thread Kyle Oppenheim

On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, Nigel Hamilton wrote:

>   to see the number of children and then make guestimates of
> average per child memory consumption.

I'm not sure what the equivalent for other operating systems is, but
here's a Solaris tip for the archives... we use /usr/proc/bin/pmap to
determine memory consumption:

  for p in `pgrep httpd`; do /usr/proc/bin/pmap -x $p | tail -1; done

pmap gives you the total memory usage, amount actually resident, amount
shared, and the amount not shared (private).

- Kyle

Re: Error compiling mod_perl/1.27/Apache-1.3.26/Perl-5.8.0 for NativeWin32

2002-09-22 Thread Randy Kobes

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, Issac Goldstand wrote:

> I keep getting the following error when compiling mod_perl under MS-Dev-6.0
> Constants.xs(158) : error C2065: 'errno' : undeclared identifier
> It's the only compilation error I'm stuck on, but I've been stuck for 2
> weeks now...  Everything is natively built for Win32 from source (read: no
> activestate, no binary packages)
> HELP!!!  (I'm not going to include other files in this post, as I have no
> idea what is needed - it's my first production Win32 Apache/Perl system and
> I'm floundering a lot during compilation)
>   Issac

I don't have this problem with the cvs mod_perl sources - maybe
try giving those a shot.

best regards,
randy kobes

Error compiling mod_perl/1.27/Apache-1.3.26/Perl-5.8.0 for Native Win32

2002-09-22 Thread Issac Goldstand

I keep getting the following error when compiling mod_perl under MS-Dev-6.0

Constants.xs(158) : error C2065: 'errno' : undeclared identifier

It's the only compilation error I'm stuck on, but I've been stuck for 2
weeks now...  Everything is natively built for Win32 from source (read: no
activestate, no binary packages)

HELP!!!  (I'm not going to include other files in this post, as I have no
idea what is needed - it's my first production Win32 Apache/Perl system and
I'm floundering a lot during compilation)


Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself:
"Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind".
What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, just as is mankind.


2002-09-22 Thread Rich DeSimone

Hi I am just messing around with Perl DBI/Apache 
and I can't seem to understand this problem.  Right now I am just trying to 
write a simple CGI perl script that just displays a mysql query.  I am 
using this code...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use DBI;use CGI 
print CGI::header();print 
"Testing";print "Teams 
my $dbh = 
DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:hello:localhost:3306", "root", "");my $sth1 = 
$dbh->prepare("select * from team1");
$sth1->execute();while(my $team = 
$sth1->fetchrow_array()){ print "$team\n";}
Now when I run the file from a shell it queries 
the database properly and everything prints out fine.  The problem is when 
I put this file in cgi-bin and try to execute it via www I am getting an error 
and this is what the apache error_log is saying...
[Sat Sep 21 18:21:08 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers:[Sat Sep 21 18:21:08 
2002] [error] [client] Can't locate loadable object for module DBI in 
@INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i686-linux 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-linux 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-linux/ line 243[Sat Sep 21 
18:21:08 2002] [error] [client] BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-linux/ line 243.[Sat Sep 21 
18:21:08 2002] [error] [client] Compilation failed in require at 
/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ line 3.[Sat Sep 21 18:21:08 2002] 
[error] [client] BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ line 3.

Regular perl scripts (non DBI) run fine so I 
don't know if there is something special didn't set up.  I am running the 
latest stable apache2 and mod_perl.  I installed Apache::DBI as well and 
the README says "For Apache::DBI you need to enable the appropriate call-back 
hooks when making mod_perl: perl Makefile.PL 
PERL_CHILD_INIT=1 PERL_STACKED_HANDLERS=1."  I tried that but the latest 
mod_perl doesn't recognize those parameters.  Maybe that could have 
something to do with it?  
I am sorry if this is 
an obvious answer (IE I didn't read the FAQs thoroughly enough) but I am new to 
this stuff and some of that info can be overwhelming at times.  Also I hope 
this is the right mailing list because it seems to be a mod_perl related 

Re: Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-09-22 Thread Perrin Harkins

Todd W wrote:
> Im looking at Apache::Session and trying to figure out what it does.

It provides shared storage of a hash of data, and gives you a unique ID 
that you can tie to a user.

> From what I
> can tell, Apache::Session will only give generic sessions, of which I know
> nothing about the user untill they give me information during that 
> particular session.

It's just a storage mechanism.  Typically the procedure is that one a 
user identified herself with some kind of login process, you put her 
user ID (a primary key to a database table) into the session, and keep 
it as a key for accessing that data.

> I have a table with some basic user information (first name, last name, 
> address,
> phone number, etc...).

That's permanent data, not session data.  Session data is transient.

> What i did was created the two columns, and hoped it would work without 
> the id column being the primary key.

It won't.  All of the Apache::Session data is in a blob in the a_session 
column.  It has no access to the other columns.

> So now Trying to decide what to do, in a perlHeaderParserHandler Ill 
> just get an
> id from Sys::UniqueID, send it to the browser each request in a cookie or
> whatever, then use DBI::Tie to reinstate the session for each request.
> (Thinking about it, that sounds easier than Apache::Session anyways)

Isn't your user table referenced by a user ID?  You have to connect the 
user ID to a browser somewhere.  The normal way to do this is give the 
browser an ID (the session ID) and then store the relationship with 
Apache::Session.  If you have no other transient data besides the user 
ID, you can skip Apache::Session and just send a user ID cookie.  Make 
sure you have security in place to prevent people from simply entering 
another user ID in their cookie and gaining access to another person's 

By the way Tie::DBI is slow.  Writing some kind of module for accessing 
your specific user table would be faster.

- Perrin

Re: top for apache? [OT]

2002-09-22 Thread Perrin Harkins

Nigel Hamilton wrote:
>   It would be great to have a similar tool for mod_perl/apache.

The closest thing available is a combination of mod_status and 
Apache::Status.  If you haven't tried these yet, give them a shot.  They 
provide a good deal of information.

- Perrin