Apache::Session - suggestion for man page

2002-10-16 Thread Rodney Hampton

1)I am using Apache::Session::File to maintain state information (just a 
user_id and a few small items).

2)The man page for Apache::Session indicates that the following regexp 
should be used to find the session cookie.
$cookie =~ s/SESSION_ID=(\w*)/$1/;

3)This $cookie value is then used in a tie statement.  I was having 
intermittant trouble with MD5.pm dying and giving me internal server errors.
The log file looked like this:
[Wed Oct 16 21:45:47 2002] [error] Died at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Generate/MD5.pm line 40.

4)I found that when I had multiple cookies MD5 would always bomb out 
because the regexp was just stripping out the words SESSION_ID=

5)I added a few print STDERR statements and the log file looked like this:
in common_session_utility 0
cookie is 
cookie is 
d1a16efb540ac0cb16236f7782183c12 after regexp
in common_session_utility 1
IN GENERATE MD5 session date is 
[Wed Oct 16 21:45:47 2002] [error] Died at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Generate/MD5.pm line 40.

6)After I changed the regexp, things started working well enough.
 $cookie =~ s/^.*SESSION_ID=(\w*).*$/$1/;

7)I suggest that the man page for Apache::Session so that the regexp 
example accomodates sites with multiple cookies being set.

I hope this makes some sense.


Rodney Hampton

Re: $r->requires

2002-10-16 Thread Rodney Hampton

Geoffrey Young wrote:

> $r->requires() is read-only.  conditional authentication is a bit 
> counterintuitive - you can't set up authentication where it doesn't 
> already exist because Apache won't run the authentication phase 
> without a Require directive in your httpd.conf.  the solution is to 
> turn on authentication for everything, then turn it off where you 
> don't need/want it.  see recipe 13.5 in the cookbook for more details. 
>  the code for 13.5 can be found here:

Thanks for the tip.  Allow me to flesh out this example a bit and the 
solution I employed (thanks to Kip Cranford for having some helpful code 
I was able to look at).  Basically I'm creating a site where /admin and 
/advertiser should have login forms for administrative users and 
advertisers respectively while everything under / should not require any 
type of access control.  

Within the PerlTransHandler:

my $action = $r->uri;
#must strip of the leading slash
$action =~ s/^\///;
my ( $type, @directions ) = (split /\//, $action);

if ($type eq 'admin'){
my ( $ret, $error_data ) = check_handlers( ['Apache::Control_admin'] );
if ($ret) {
  $r->set_handlers( 'PerlAccessHandler' => [\&_check_access] );
  $r->push_handlers( 'PerlTransHandler' => 'Apache::Control_admin' );
  $r->filename( $r->server_root_relative . "htdocs" );
  return DECLINED;
} else {
  $r->pnotes( 'ap_error_data_h', $error_data );
  my $redir = "http://"; . $r->pnotes('ap_server_name_s') . "/error";
  $log->debug("Doing internal redirect to /error");
  $r->filename( $r->server_root_relative . "" );
  return DONE;
} ## end else
#end type eq ceoadmin
  }elsif ($type eq 'advertiser' ){
blah blah blah

Despite not having a location tag anywhere, nor a require valid-user 
directive, the above code
is able to accomplish my objective: loading an AccessHandler on the fly 
from the TransHandler for specific urls on my site.  Although, I must 
admit that I'm not sure why it is working.  _check_access is within the 
same TransHandler module
so my assumption is that the reference to this sub gets executed 
immediately and the result (OK DONE or DECLINED) gets shoved into the 
set_handlers('PerlAccessHandler' => 'result gets shoved here') and then 
my stacked TransHandler proceeds to the next module 

Any explanation of why this actually works would be appreciated.

Rodney Hampton

Apache::DBI: number of mysql connections vary wildly

2002-10-16 Thread John Cameron

Hi, I am using mod_perl (1.24_01) with Apachi::DBI and Mysql (3.23.37).

I am finding that the number of open number of database connections I have
open at one time is varying wildly.

When I first start Apache and Mysql there are only 8 connections made. Why
8? I have specified that there should be 20 Apache child processes. Should
the db connections match that?

After load on the webserver starts, the number of connections grows, usually
to 20 or below. This is fine, I would expect that.

Then, Suddenly, the number of connctions jumps up to 50 or more! Sometimes
this falls back to below 20, but sometimes this keeps climbing. Server load
hits over 50 (99.9% taken by mysql) and the system grinds to a halt.

Since I am using Apache::DBI, I thought there was meant to be 20 db
connections always, and no more or less.

I am pretty sure that we are always disconnecting our database connections
manually (Though doesn't Apache::DBI override that anyway, and keep one open
per apache process?).

Has anybody had similar issues? Any suggestions? Our apache startup script
is below.



use strict;

# load up necessary perl function modules to be able to call from Perl-SSI
# files.  These objects are reloaded upon server restart (SIGHUP or SIGUSR1)
# if PerlFreshRestart is "On" in httpd.conf (as of mod_perl 1.03).

# only library-type routines should go in this directory.

use lib "/harnesslink/live_html/lib";

# make sure we are in a sane environment.

use Apache::Registry ();   # for things in the "/programs" URL
use Apache::DBI;
use CGI ();
use Data::Dumper ();
use POSIX ();
use Carp ();
use Image::Magick ();
use HTML::Template ();
use Benchmark::Timer ();
use Date::Manip ();
use Class::Date ();
use MD5 ();
use FreezeThaw ();
use File::Scan ();

# pull in things we will use in most requests so it is read and compiled
# exactly once
use DBD::mysql ();

# Create persistant database connections

 AutoCommit => 1,

$Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 1;


AuthCookieDBI Question

2002-10-16 Thread Gabriel C Millerd

 Is there any thinking about there being a security problem or the
potential for one with Apache::AuthCookieDBI's Cookie name of
Apache::AuthCookieDBI_[NAMEHERE] I from time to time look at the cookies
my browsers collect and i have never seen anything simular.

Gabriel C. Millerd | I think a relationship is like a shark. It has to
 Script Monkey | constantly move forward or it dies. Well, what we
   |  have on our hands here is a dead shark. --Woody
   |   Allen

Apache::AuthcookieDBI issue - NS broswers display login form incorrectly?

2002-10-16 Thread George Valpak

For now I have hardcoded the secretkeyfile in AuthcookieDBI.pm (very kludgy an not 
really what I want for production but for now it will have to do) . This seems to be 
working in preliminary tests in Opera and IE. 

But Netscape has a problem, and I am seeing the same problem in 4.7x, 6.2, and 7.0.

The browser is getting what appears to be the right html for the login form, but it 
thinks the content-type is text/plain for some reason.

I tried adding a meta tag in the html template to no avail:

I also tries setting the header directly in the response in my login.pl file 
immediately before sending the header:

$r->header_out(content_type=> "text/html");

This also did not change the behavior.

Is there a known issue with NS browsers?



RE: AuthCookieDBI help please.... (more info)

2002-10-16 Thread George Valpak

Rob - thanks for your response. The relevant part of my http.conf is below. The only 
thing I see maybe as different is my dev2Path line - my goal is to protect the 
location /directory and and .pl files. Is that line right? Also, you have a PerlSetVar 
SecretKey line that does not show up in my perldocs. (module v 1.19)

Thanks - GV


[snip previous virtualhost stuff...]

PerlSetVar dev2DBI_SecretKeyFile /home/websites/dev2/signmanage/secretkey
PerlSetVar dev2Path /
PerlSetVar dev2LoginScript /signmanage/login.pl
PerlSetVar dev2DBI_DSN "dbi:Pg:dbname=users"
PerlSetVar dev2DBI_User "someone"
PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI

DocumentRoot /home/websites/dev2
ServerName dev2.gimsnetwork.com
DirectoryIndex index.html

 AuthName dev2
 AuthType Apache::AuthCookieDBI

 PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authenticate
 PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authorize
 Require valid-user

 AuthName dev2
 AuthType Apache::AuthCookieDBI
 PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authenticate
 PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authorize
 Require valid-user

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
PerlSendHeader On
Options +ExecCGI

# This is the action of the login.pl script above.

 AuthType Apache::AuthCookieDBI
 AuthName dev2
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->login

At 03:47 PM 10/16/2002 -0700, Rob Bloodgood wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: George Valpak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 3:26 PM
>> To: Vegard Vesterheim
>> Subject: Re: AuthCookieDBI help please (more info)
>> I am still having trouble with Apache::AuthCookieDBI.
>> I tried moving the PerlSetVar line out of the virtual server to
>> the main server but nothing in the behavior changed.
>> Is it possible that the "Apache->server->dir_config()" code is
>> somehow wrong?
>Move ALL mention of the AuthCookieDBI directives OUT of any Directory,
>Location, or VirtualServer blocks.  Define the secret key PerlSetVar BEFORE
>loading PerlModule directive.
>The relevant section of my server config looks like this:
># These must be set
>PerlSetVar AdminDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:STATS"
>PerlSetVar AdminDBI_SecretKeyFile /etc/httpd/conf/sercret.key
>PerlSetVar AdminDBI_SecretKey "XXX"
># moved BELOW AdminDBI_SecretKeyFile so the directive is available at
># BEGIN{} time
>PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
>PerlSetVar AdminPath /admin
>PerlSetVar AdminLoginScript /scripts/adminlogin.pl
>#PerlSetVar AdminLoginScript /error/adminlogin.html
>## more directives here
>Hope this helps!
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>use Disclaimer qw/:standard/;

RE: AuthCookieDBI help please.... (more info)

2002-10-16 Thread Rob Bloodgood

> -Original Message-
> From: George Valpak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 3:26 PM
> To: Vegard Vesterheim
> Subject: Re: AuthCookieDBI help please (more info)
> I am still having trouble with Apache::AuthCookieDBI.
> I tried moving the PerlSetVar line out of the virtual server to
> the main server but nothing in the behavior changed.
> Is it possible that the "Apache->server->dir_config()" code is
> somehow wrong?

Move ALL mention of the AuthCookieDBI directives OUT of any Directory,
Location, or VirtualServer blocks.  Define the secret key PerlSetVar BEFORE
loading PerlModule directive.

The relevant section of my server config looks like this:
# These must be set
PerlSetVar AdminDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:STATS"
PerlSetVar AdminDBI_SecretKeyFile /etc/httpd/conf/sercret.key
PerlSetVar AdminDBI_SecretKey "XXX"

# moved BELOW AdminDBI_SecretKeyFile so the directive is available at
# BEGIN{} time
PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
PerlSetVar AdminPath /admin
PerlSetVar AdminLoginScript /scripts/adminlogin.pl
#PerlSetVar AdminLoginScript /error/adminlogin.html

## more directives here

Hope this helps!


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Disclaimer qw/:standard/;

Re: AuthCookieDBI help please.... (more info)

2002-10-16 Thread George Valpak

I am still having trouble with Apache::AuthCookieDBI.

I tried moving the PerlSetVar line out of the virtual server to the main server but 
nothing in the behavior changed. 

Is it possible that the "Apache->server->dir_config()" code is somehow wrong?

I grepped all the other .pm files on my server and did not find a similar construct 

I realize that this begin statement happens when there is not yet a request object. 
But is it somehow occurring too early in the startup phase for the vars to ba 

I really really want to figure out what's going wrong here - I am about to implement a 
workaround where I hardcode the values of the PerlSetVars into the BEGIN block, but 
that is very unsatisfying.

Other people use this module commonly, don't they? Is there a module I should be using 

Thanks for your help!


At 08:50 AM 10/11/2002 +0200, Vegard Vesterheim wrote:
>On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:44:51 -0700 George Valpak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At 04:16 PM 10/10/2002 -0700, I wrote:
>> >I am having trouble with Apache:AuthCookieDBI. I hope someone here can help 
>because I have not been able to find a solution despite extensive searching.
>> OK, now I am poking in the code.
>> I modified the BEGIN section for AuthCookieDBI.pm thusly:
>> BEGIN {
>> my @keyfile_vars = grep {
>> $_ =~ /DBI_SecretKeyFile$/
>> } keys %{ Apache->server->dir_config() };
>> #my changes start here
>> my @list = keys %{ Apache->server->dir_config()};
>> Apache::log_error("keys:@list");
>> Apache::log_error( "all varrs=$_" );
>> Apache::log_error( "keyfile_vars=@keyfile_vars" );
>> #my changes end here
>> foreach my $keyfile_var ( @keyfile_vars ) {
>> my $keyfile = Apache->server->dir_config( $keyfile_var );
>> my $auth_name = $keyfile_var;
>> $auth_name =~ s/DBI_SecretKeyFile$//;
>> unless ( open( KEY, "<$keyfile" ) ) {
>> Apache::log_error( "Could not open keyfile for $auth_nam
>> e in file $keyfile" );
>> } else {
>> $SECRET_KEYS{ $auth_name } = ;
>> close KEY;
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> and restarted the server. the logs show:
>> [Thu Oct 10 17:34:14 2002] [error] keys:
>> [Thu Oct 10 17:34:14 2002] [error] all varrs=
>> [Thu Oct 10 17:34:14 2002] [error] keyfile_vars=
>> [Thu Oct 10 17:34:14 2002] [notice] Apache/1.3.23 (Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux) 
>mod_ssl/2.8.7 OpenSSL/0.9.6b DAV/1.0.3 PHP/4.1.2 mod_perl/1.26 configured -- resuming 
>normal operations
>> [Thu Oct 10 17:34:14 2002] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: 
>> [Thu Oct 10 17:34:14 2002] [notice] Accept mutex: sysvsem (Default: sysvsem)
>> This to me indicates that the call to Apache->server->dir_config() is not returning 
>anything at all.  A quick look a the eagle book, p 456 does not explain to me why 
>that should beany thoughts?
>I had a similar problem a while ago. Check out this thread:
>- snip - snip -
>I discovered the same thing. I think the problem is that the BEGIN
>block as written, only considers parameters defined in the *main
>server*. So if you have any PerlSetVar in a Virtual Server, it will
>not be found.
>A kludgy workaround is to move the PerlSetVar out of any Virtual
>Server sections. A better option is to reimplement the mechanism for
>populating the SECRET_KEYS hash, so that Virtual Servers are handled
>- snip - snip -

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

[debian-isp readers, to recap, I'm trying to confirm a 
memory-leak/segfault problem with Debian stable plus apache(-ssl) plus 
libapache-mod-perl.  The memory leak happens upon 
/etc/init.d/apache(-ssl) reload.  You can see my startup script and my 
other comments below.]

Juha-Mikko Ahonen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wednesday 16 October 2002 22:52, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
>>It's not like it was an obvious problem: I only got the DSO to leak
>>when loading the Pg driver.  That's pretty obscure.
> Have you tried to connect() without loading the Pg driver first? E.g. 
> $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=foo;host=bar', 'user', 'pass');
> It would help eliminate if the leak is caused by your startup script. If 
> it is, it may be the DBI module that's leaking memory.

OK, it gets weirder.  The following script produces the leak.  If I 
comment out the install_driver line, I get a big old segfault!  Same if 
I comment out the Apache::DBI line in addition.  This works with plain 
apache, or apache-ssl.

use strict;
use Apache::Status ();
use Apache::DBI ();
1; #return true value

If I comment it all out including the Apache::Status line, I get neither 
the segfault or the leak.  (Well, small leak, a few bytes).

So the install_driver masks a bigger problem with Apache::Status? 
That's just too weird.  But true, I swear.

Is there anyone else out there with Debian stable w/ 
apache+libapache-mod-perl who can try to reproduce this simple case? 
I'd really like either a confirmation or a counterexample.  If the 
latter, I'd chalk it up to a weirdness on my system (and probably not 
even pursue it, since I've moved on to the static version).  I'm 
pursuing it this far so Dan J. might get some useful feedback.

I've submitted this to debian-isp as well; maybe someone there can try it.

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Juha-Mikko Ahonen

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 16 October 2002 22:52, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> It's not like it was an obvious problem: I only got the DSO to leak
> when loading the Pg driver.  That's pretty obscure.

Have you tried to connect() without loading the Pg driver first? E.g. 
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=foo;host=bar', 'user', 'pass');

It would help eliminate if the leak is caused by your startup script. If 
it is, it may be the DBI module that's leaking memory.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 02:01:33PM -0500, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
>>My own bug report is now 47 days old, without apparent followup.

Hmmm, I probably should not have posted that.  Sounds like a major whine.
> That's because I'm having an attack of real life.  I haven't had time
> to look at my Debian bug reports in a month or so now.
> I don't know why the DSO is leaking in a case when the static module
> isn't, but it should be fixable; I just need to find five or six hours
> to sit down with it.
Thanks, Dan, this really wasn't meant to be a slam-the-developer 
session.  I really, *really* appreciate all the work you've done already.

Now I feel tacky.  :-(

It's not like it was an obvious problem: I only got the DSO to leak when 
loading the Pg driver.  That's pretty obscure.

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Daniel Jacobowitz

On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 02:01:33PM -0500, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> Ged Haywood wrote:
> >Hi there,
> >
> >On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> >
> >
> >>do you mean that the problems with the loadable module overall are
> >>so well-known that no one in his right mind should ever use it?
> >
> >
> >It's not as bad as that.  Significant improvements have been made in
> >the reliability of mod_perl as DSO and nowadays there is much less
> >discussion about it on this list.  
> Are you sure it's not because 'most everyone has silently given up on it?
> >There are still one or two dusty
> >corners but in general thesedays I'd say try it.  
> I had not expected Debian stable to be one of the dusty corners.  But I 
> did find, upon investigating the bug reports, that there were *very* old 
> reports about memory leaks, etc., with libapache-mod-perl.
> My own bug report is now 47 days old, without apparent followup.

That's because I'm having an attack of real life.  I haven't had time
to look at my Debian bug reports in a month or so now.

I don't know why the DSO is leaking in a case when the static module
isn't, but it should be fixable; I just need to find five or six hours
to sit down with it.

Daniel Jacobowitz
MontaVista Software Debian GNU/Linux Developer

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Ged Haywood wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
>>>Significant improvements have been made in
>>>the reliability of mod_perl as DSO and nowadays there is much less
>>>discussion about it on this list.  
>>Are you sure it's not because 'most everyone has silently given up on it?
> Yes, I'm sure.  Red Hat comes with Apache prebuilt for DSO I believe.
> I have worked on contracts for a number of organizations which use DSO
> mod_perl in high volume environments (hundreds of thousands of users).
Then I take your word for it.  (My question was sincere, not 
argumentative, by the way).

>>>There are still one or two dusty
>>>corners but in general thesedays I'd say try it.  
>>I had not expected Debian stable to be one of the dusty corners.
> What I meant was that some (perhaps slightly unusual in some way)
> configurations seem to give more problems than others.  For example
> I think that servers using SSL have perhaps been prone to troubles,
> but it could just as easily be that the people who experienced the
> problems were not careful to follow what you might say are slightly
> more complex than usual build procedures.
Hmmm.  In my case, I replicated the problem with Debian's plain vanilla 
Apache as well, for the very purpose of simplification.  So SSL does not 
seem to be involved.

Re: basic www auth

2002-10-16 Thread Geoffrey Young

Cristóvão Dalla Costa wrote:
> Hi
> I'd like to do basic www authentication on my scripts. Apache::Auth::DBI 
> isn't good since it would waste a database connection, and just add 
> unnecessary complication. I'd like to do something like:
> if (! check ($username, $password)) {
> send_unauthorized_http_headers ();
> }
> I guess I can send the 401 response using $r->header_out, but I still 
> haven't found out how to get the authentication information: username 
> and password.

you can see all of chapter 13 in the cookbook, but a basic 
PerlAuthenHandler and example of using the mod_perl authentication API 
can be found here:




Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

> > Significant improvements have been made in
> > the reliability of mod_perl as DSO and nowadays there is much less
> > discussion about it on this list.  
> Are you sure it's not because 'most everyone has silently given up on it?

Yes, I'm sure.  Red Hat comes with Apache prebuilt for DSO I believe.
I have worked on contracts for a number of organizations which use DSO
mod_perl in high volume environments (hundreds of thousands of users).

> > There are still one or two dusty
> > corners but in general thesedays I'd say try it.  
> I had not expected Debian stable to be one of the dusty corners.

What I meant was that some (perhaps slightly unusual in some way)
configurations seem to give more problems than others.  For example
I think that servers using SSL have perhaps been prone to troubles,
but it could just as easily be that the people who experienced the
problems were not careful to follow what you might say are slightly
more complex than usual build procedures.


Re: $r->current_callback() returns wrong handler after subrequest

2002-10-16 Thread Geoffrey Young

> Hello,
>   $r->current_callback() is returning 'PerlLogHandler', when called from a
> CleanupHandler after a subrequest was handled.
> It returns 'PerlHandler' correctly when called from the 'content-handler'.
> I am using Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26 with PerlFreshRestart On.
> any clues why this is so ?

yeah, I think it's a bug.  IIRC, I found a few situations where 
current_callback() didn't work quite right, probably when using 
internal redirects or other subrequest mechanisms.  I think I filed a 
report, which may be in the archives someplace.  you can try upgrading 
to 1.27, but I don't think it was ever fixed (or really investigated).

sorry I can't be of more help here.


Re: $r->requires

2002-10-16 Thread Geoffrey Young

Rodney Hampton wrote:
> Does anyone have an example of how to use $r->requires?

see recipe 13.6 in the cookbook, the code for which can be found here:


> I cannot find Apache::AuthzAge for an example of its use.
> I'm trying to handle all my location directive specific stuff in a 
> TransHandler and simply want to
> set require valid-user for some specific paths.

$r->requires() is read-only.  conditional authentication is a bit 
counterintuitive - you can't set up authentication where it doesn't 
already exist because Apache won't run the authentication phase 
without a Require directive in your httpd.conf.  the solution is to 
turn on authentication for everything, then turn it off where you 
don't need/want it.  see recipe 13.5 in the cookbook for more details. 
  the code for 13.5 can be found here:


see also the Satisfy directive


if you're only looking to do conditional authentication based on IP 



RE: evil scripts kill the server...

2002-10-16 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Joe Breeden wrote:

> You are making it sound like these problem are unique to mod_perl when they are not.

I didn't think I was doing that.  I didn't mean to.  I have no axe to grind here, and
I use mod_perl a great deal.  It has never let me down (although I have:).

> The original poster should know that any server can fail

Yes, he should.  I think he probably does.  And I think we should kill this thread.


RE: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Joe Breeden

For what it is worth, we use a DSO mod_perl/apache that we compiled ourselves, on 
RedHat thought, that is very stable and does not have noticeable memory leaks and have 
been using it for over 3 years. Just thought I would throw that out there.

> -Original Message-
> From: Keith G. Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 2:02 PM
> To: mod_perl Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded
> Ged Haywood wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > 
> > On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>do you mean that the problems with the loadable module overall are
> >>so well-known that no one in his right mind should ever use it?
> > 
> > 
> > It's not as bad as that.  Significant improvements have been made in
> > the reliability of mod_perl as DSO and nowadays there is much less
> > discussion about it on this list.  
> Are you sure it's not because 'most everyone has silently 
> given up on it?
> > There are still one or two dusty
> > corners but in general thesedays I'd say try it.  
> I had not expected Debian stable to be one of the dusty 
> corners.  But I 
> did find, upon investigating the bug reports, that there were 
> *very* old 
> reports about memory leaks, etc., with libapache-mod-perl.
> My own bug report is now 47 days old, without apparent followup.
> > If it doesn't seem
> > to give you problems then stay with it.
> > 
> > If at first you don't succeed, try again.  Then give up.  
> Actually, that is what I have done already, several months 
> ago.  Seeing 
> several reports of memory leak problems in the list made me think: 
> "Hmmm, wonder if someone else has seen this?"

RE: evil scripts kill the server...

2002-10-16 Thread Joe Breeden

> -Original Message-
> From: Ged Haywood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 1:49 PM
> To: Joerg Plate
> Subject: Re: evil scripts kill the server...
> Hi there,
> On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Joerg Plate wrote:
> > >> Is it true that you can kill the whole server, not just the
> > >> script if you do something wrong with mod_perl?
> > 
> > > Yes, I'm afraid it is.
> > 
> > How?
> For example by swallowing all the memory, by consuming all the CPU,
> and of course by making root access available to the world through
> careless programming practice...
> Need I continue?

Yes you should. You are making it sound like these problem are unique to mod_perl when 
they are not. While you allude to the real causes of many server problems - careless 
programming practice - you leave it open like mod_perl somehow intrinsically fosters 
careless programming or that even worse it is inherently not secure. Like any web 
server, a poorly configured and poorly programmed mod_perl enable server is prone to 
failure. Of course some could say that a poorly configed/programmed mod_perl/apache 
server is better than a well configed/programmed server of another brand.

The original poster should know that any server can fail under to proper circumstances 
and that while technically the rumors are true (and are they really rumors? I don't 
think there is some hidden agenda in the mod_perl/apache community to hide server 
security issues) it is also just as true that a problem in a mod_perl script is not 
going to cause the server to fail completely. And all of that is true with any brand 
server. That is why you should have a development server to work on new code on, a QC 
server to test newly released code and a production server (or servers) for code you 
have tested and a sure is ready for "prime-time." And again, that is not true only for 
mod_perl/apache, but is true for all webservers regardless of brandname.

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Juha-Mikko Ahonen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wednesday 16 October 2002 20:25, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
>>By "should", do you mean that the problems with the loadable module
>>overall are so well-known that no one in his right mind should ever
>>use it?
> Yes. The problems with DSO mod_perl are well known. It works perfectly 
> when build staticly into Apache, though. Install apache-perl package 
> instead of apache and libapache-mod-perl. Everything works with it as 
> it would on normal Apache. After migrating to apache-perl, remove the 
> LoadModule for mod_perl from your Apache configuration.

I already have, months ago.
>>Might it be related to the Perl-malloc problem cited here:
>>If either of the above or true, seems like Debian needs to quit
>>distributing libapache-mod-perl.
> The problem is not Debian-related, so it won't justify removing the 
> package from Debian.

Huh?  I would think that would be a really good reason to yank it.  If 
it were Debian-related, the maintainer could fix it and keep it.

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Ged Haywood wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
>>do you mean that the problems with the loadable module overall are
>>so well-known that no one in his right mind should ever use it?
> It's not as bad as that.  Significant improvements have been made in
> the reliability of mod_perl as DSO and nowadays there is much less
> discussion about it on this list.  

Are you sure it's not because 'most everyone has silently given up on it?

> There are still one or two dusty
> corners but in general thesedays I'd say try it.  

I had not expected Debian stable to be one of the dusty corners.  But I 
did find, upon investigating the bug reports, that there were *very* old 
reports about memory leaks, etc., with libapache-mod-perl.

My own bug report is now 47 days old, without apparent followup.

> If it doesn't seem
> to give you problems then stay with it.
> If at first you don't succeed, try again.  Then give up.  

Actually, that is what I have done already, several months ago.  Seeing 
several reports of memory leak problems in the list made me think: 
"Hmmm, wonder if someone else has seen this?"

Re: evil scripts kill the server...

2002-10-16 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Joerg Plate wrote:

> >> Is it true that you can kill the whole server, not just the
> >> script if you do something wrong with mod_perl?
> > Yes, I'm afraid it is.
> How?

For example by swallowing all the memory, by consuming all the CPU,
and of course by making root access available to the world through
careless programming practice...

Need I continue?


Re: current state of conf/code, feedback?

2002-10-16 Thread Perrin Harkins

Paul Simon wrote:
> I was cruising with Apache::DBI, definitely better than the way I had 
> it, but now suddenly I'm getting this error:
> DBD::ODBC::dr FETCH failed: handle 1 is owned by thread 1e90bdc not 
> current thread b0f18c (handles can't be shared between threads and your 
> driver may need a CLONE method added) at C:/Perl/site/lib/Apache/DBI.pm 
> line 64.
> What's going on?

You'd be better off asking on the DBI list, but it looks to me like your 
DBD is not thread-safe, or else you opened a connection before the fork 
(in startup.pl).

- Perrin

Re: current state of conf/code, feedback?

2002-10-16 Thread Paul Simon
I was cruising with Apache::DBI, definitely better than the way I had it, but now suddenly I'm getting this error:
DBD::ODBC::dr FETCH failed: handle 1 is owned by thread 1e90bdc not current thread b0f18c (handles can't be shared between threads and your driver may need a CLONE method added) at C:/Perl/site/lib/Apache/DBI.pm line 64. 
What's going on?
 Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Paul Simon wrote:> I currently have CGI pages caching on the client side, which > is helping some, but I'm also going to experiment with CGI::Cache. There are some mod_perl specific version of this too, like the one from the mod_perl Developer's Cookbook (Apache::CacheContent), but these are mod_perl 1.x and probably require work to get them running on mod_perl 2. Traditionally this has mostly been done with a caching reverse proxy, and that's another angle you could try.> What kind of trouble is > there for having use DBI and use HTML::Template in both startup.pl and > Snoopy.pm (besides being redundant)?None. That is the right thing to do, because it preloads the modules (by having them in startup.pl) and documents the dependencies (by putting in Snoopy.pm).> Since Snoopy.pm is the meat and > pototoes, should it also be in startup.pl?Yes.> Does declaring Class > variables, such as the DBI handle, offer any benefits (or pain) of a > shared connection? You're getting yourself into major trouble there. You should use Apache::DBI instead. The way you have it now (with the connection code in the "main" section of Snoopy.pm), that database connection will be created when you use the module in startup.pl. Apache will then fork and multiple children will try to share the same $DBH. Disaster.Also, your solution will not try to reconnect if it loses its connection. Apache::DBI will. And you are creating a closure here with your $DBH which might come back to bite you later if your module gets automatically reloaded when you change it.- Perrin

Re: evil scripts kill the server...

2002-10-16 Thread Joerg Plate

>> Is it true that you can kill the whole server, not just the
>> script if you do something wrong with mod_perl?

> Yes, I'm afraid it is.


"I'm working on it."  

basic www auth

2002-10-16 Thread Cristóvão Dalla Costa


I'd like to do basic www authentication on my scripts. Apache::Auth::DBI 
isn't good since it would waste a database connection, and just add 
unnecessary complication. I'd like to do something like:

if (! check ($username, $password)) {
send_unauthorized_http_headers ();

I guess I can send the 401 response using $r->header_out, but I still 
haven't found out how to get the authentication information: username 
and password.

Thanks in advance.

Re: istallation problem.

2002-10-16 Thread Randy Kobes

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Innerlab wrote:

> Hello:
> I am not an expert either with Apache or Perl, so I am probably
> having some basic problem here. 
> I was forced to intall mod_perl just because of one script that I use
> for querying Amazon.com and parsing the XML they return. 
> My site was until yesterday hosted by some company, but now I have to
> use my own web server and trying to make perl work.
> I had apache installed on w2000, and replaced that instalation with
> the one provided in the file "perl-win32-bin-0.9.exe". I copied
> everything on top of the other one, including the configuration.
> Browsing of "localhost" is fine, and simple Perl tests like
> "hello.pl" work,  but I have problems with that script.  
> I don't really know what the following means, but it seems the script
> uses Perl module LWP. The author of the script recommended installing
> this module like this: perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::LWP'

The Perl/Apache distribution of perl-win32-bin.exe comes
with the LWP suite of modules, so you shouldn't have to 
install this.

> Also, the script uses a package called "WSParser.pm", which I have in
> my cgi-bin folder. Maybe someone in this list is an Amazon.com
> associate and has dealt with these scripts.

I'm not familiar with this module, but if it's a problem with
finding it, take a look at the entry on keeping and using your 
own module library under 
   C:\> perldoc perlfaq8
> Anyway, I don't even know how to chmod a file, so maybe this is the
> first thing I should do. How do I do that?

This is probably a Unix-specific thing in setting the permissions
properly; you most likely don't need this on Win32.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

> do you mean that the problems with the loadable module overall are
> so well-known that no one in his right mind should ever use it?

It's not as bad as that.  Significant improvements have been made in
the reliability of mod_perl as DSO and nowadays there is much less
discussion about it on this list.  There are still one or two dusty
corners but in general thesedays I'd say try it.  If it doesn't seem
to give you problems then stay with it.

If at first you don't succeed, try again.  Then give up.  No sense
being a damned fool about it.  (Somebody remind me who said that:)


Re: evil scripts kill the server...

2002-10-16 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Joerg Plate wrote:

> although it never happened to me i have to fight some rumours. Is
> it true that you can kill the whole server, not just the script
> if you do something wrong with mod_perl? (I doubt it)

Yes, I'm afraid it is.


Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Juha-Mikko Ahonen

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 16 October 2002 20:25, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> By "should", do you mean that the problems with the loadable module
> overall are so well-known that no one in his right mind should ever
> use it?

Yes. The problems with DSO mod_perl are well known. It works perfectly 
when build staticly into Apache, though. Install apache-perl package 
instead of apache and libapache-mod-perl. Everything works with it as 
it would on normal Apache. After migrating to apache-perl, remove the 
LoadModule for mod_perl from your Apache configuration.

> Might it be related to the Perl-malloc problem cited here:
> http://apache.perl.org/docs/1.0/guide/install.html#When_DSO_can_be_Us
> If either of the above or true, seems like Debian needs to quit
> distributing libapache-mod-perl.

The problem is not Debian-related, so it won't justify removing the 
package from Debian.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


$r->current_callback() returns wrong handler after subrequest

2002-10-16 Thread srp

$r->current_callback() is returning 'PerlLogHandler', when called from a
CleanupHandler after a subrequest was handled.

It returns 'PerlHandler' correctly when called from the 'content-handler'.

I am using Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26 with PerlFreshRestart On.

any clues why this is so ?


Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Stathy G. Touloumis wrote:
>> Using Debian's static-mod_perled apache-perl eliminates the problem.
> Do you mean you are using the 'so' version that comes with Debian?

Yes, in the case that failed.  The package is called 'libapache-mod-perl'.
> You 
> should be using the static build of apache/mod_perl
You're telling me.  :-(

By "should", do you mean that the problems with the loadable module 
overall are so well-known that no one in his right mind should ever use 

Might it be related to the Perl-malloc problem cited here:


If either of the above or true, seems like Debian needs to quit 
distributing libapache-mod-perl.


Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Stathy G. Touloumis

>Using Debian's static-mod_perled apache-perl eliminates the problem.

Do you mean you are using the 'so' version that comes with Debian?  You 
should be using the static build of apache/mod_perl

Re: evil scripts kill the server...

2002-10-16 Thread dom

> >although it never happened to me i have to fight some rumours. Is
> >it true that you can kill the whole server, not just the script
> >if you do something wrong with mod_perl? (I doubt it)
> It depends on what "wrong thing" you do.

  In fact the worse you can do is to kill one of the mod_perl
processes, not the whole server (which is multiprocess) - at least not
under Unix. A new server will be spawned automatically and the clients
will only notice some slowdown (and maybe the "document contains no
data" message, if the server died too early).

Dominique QUATRAVAUX   Ingénieur développeur senior
01 44 42 00 35 IDEALX


2002-10-16 Thread Rodney Hampton

Does anyone have an example of how to use $r->requires?
I cannot find Apache::AuthzAge for an example of its use.
I'm trying to handle all my location directive specific stuff in a 
TransHandler and simply want to
set require valid-user for some specific paths.


Rodney Hampton

Re: evil scripts kill the server...

2002-10-16 Thread Per Einar Ellefsen

Hi Joerg,

At 18:06 16.10.2002, Joerg Plate wrote:
>although it never happened to me i have to fight some rumours. Is
>it true that you can kill the whole server, not just the script
>if you do something wrong with mod_perl? (I doubt it)

It depends on what "wrong thing" you do. mod_perl gives a great deal of 
freedom, and with freedom comes responsibility. Things like using a lot of 
memory and the fact that mod_perl scripts/modules can access each others 
namespaces can make for some problems. You probably want to look at : 

But just throwing an error (because of some unexpected condition, for 
example), won't kill the whole server.

Per Einar Ellefsen

evil scripts kill the server...

2002-10-16 Thread Joerg Plate

Moin, moin

although it never happened to me i have to fight some rumours. Is
it true that you can kill the whole server, not just the script
if you do something wrong with mod_perl? (I doubt it)

"I'm working on it."   

Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Since memory leaks seem to be the topic du jour, I wondered if anyone 
else had seen this one:

When using a modular mod_perl, I get a huge leak if I preload the 'Pg' 
driver in my startup perl script thus:

use strict;
use Apache::Status ();
use Apache::DBI ();
1; #return true value

The leak happens when you send SIGUSR1 to the parent.  Every time you do 
it, you get more memory eaten (multiple megabytes), both in the parent 
and (new) children.

It happens with the stock apache-ssl that comes from Debian stable. 
Could well be a Debian-specific problem.

Using Debian's static-mod_perled apache-perl eliminates the problem.

Re: Can I parse content that has been returned to user by simple cgi script?

2002-10-16 Thread Ruslan U. Zakirov

AA> perldoc cgi_to_mod_perl
AA> perldoc mod_perl_traps
AA> http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/porting.html
PEE> There aren't many problems with Apache::PerlRun, as it goes to great
PEE> lengths to be a direct equivalent to mod_cgi so that "dirty scripts" can run.
PEE> Anyway, the Guide is always here to help. See especially 
PEE> http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/porting.html , although a lot of this 
PEE> is for Apache::Registry, which you might want to move on to later.
I think enough information for me and I've answers for all my
Thank you all.


Re: posts headers and so on.

2002-10-16 Thread Issac Goldstand

I just hit reply now - note that it is AUTOMATICALLY to you, plus
Also note the original headers below:


- Original Message -
From: "Innerlab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 3:18 PM
Subject: posts headers and so on.

> Hello:
> I just subscribed to the list. I don't want to be a pain in the ass
> so soon, but I've  noticed that (at least on yahoo),
> these posts cannot be automatically replied to the list.
> They go by default to whoever wrote the original email, thus one has
> to manually replace that address for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" .
> Also, neither the "Subject", the "To:" or the "From:" information in
> the header doesn't mention "modperl * " , making it hard to filter
> these emails.
> Has anyone noticed all this already or is it me?
> =
> ___
> Eduardo Gomez
> www.innerlab.com
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More
> http://faith.yahoo.com

Re: Can I parse content that has been returned to user by simple cgi script?

2002-10-16 Thread Per Einar Ellefsen

At 16:47 16.10.2002, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
> >>I want to upgrade my project with implementing some feature.
> >>Project was writen for mod_cgi, but I would like to parse content that
> >>was generated by my scripts to implement something like SSI or
> >>Apache::UCase and etc.
>PH> You can't do that.  However, you can run your CGI scripts under
>PH> Apache::PerlRun and then use Apache::Filter on them to do things like
>PH> SSI.  This will also make them much faster.
>PH> - Perrin
>Thank you!
>Now I've uderstood that it's only way.
>And last one, could someone point me to documents about troubleshoots
>which could ocure while using Apache::PerlRun with CGI scripts that was
>writen only for mod_cgi?

There aren't many problems with Apache::PerlRun, as it goes to great 
lengths to be a direct equivalent to mod_cgi so that "dirty scripts" can run.
Anyway, the Guide is always here to help. See especially 
http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/porting.html , although a lot of this 
is for Apache::Registry, which you might want to move on to later.

Per Einar Ellefsen

Re: Problem with CGI.pm and mod_perl 2

2002-10-16 Thread Randy Kobes

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a problem when porting an application from Apache 1.23.x + mod_perl
> 1.0 to Apache 2.xx + mod_perl 2.0.
> One of the scripts receives as argument a filename (with no path info), and
> the scripts is suppose to open the file from the same directory in which
> the script is located and perform some stuff on it. 
[ ... ]
> This code used to work on previous platform, i.e. the file called
> "filename" would be opened from the same directory as the script itself.
> Now, the system cannot anymore.  If I hardcode the filename with full path,
> it works (this was to check whether I had some file permission problems).

As you've discovered, assuming a value for the current working
directory isn't reliable. Apart from using the full path, one
possibility is to use FindBin, which gives the directory of the
original script, and you can then specify paths relative to that.
However, the perl-5.8 man page for FindBin warns, in part,

 If there are two modules using "FindBin" from different directories
 under the same interpreter, this won't work. Since "FindBin" uses
 "BEGIN" block, it'll be executed only once, and only the first caller
 will get it right. This is a problem under mod_perl and other persistent
 Perl environments, where you shouldn't use this module. Which also means
 that you should avoid using "FindBin" in modules that you plan to put on
 CPAN. The only way to make sure that "FindBin" will work is to force the
 "BEGIN" block to be executed again:

   delete $INC{'FindBin.pm'};
   require FindBin;

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Can I parse content that has been returned to user by simple cgi script?

2002-10-16 Thread Ruslan U. Zakirov

>>I want to upgrade my project with implementing some feature.
>>Project was writen for mod_cgi, but I would like to parse content that
>>was generated by my scripts to implement something like SSI or
>>Apache::UCase and etc.

PH> You can't do that.  However, you can run your CGI scripts under 
PH> Apache::PerlRun and then use Apache::Filter on them to do things like 
PH> SSI.  This will also make them much faster.
PH> - Perrin
Thank you!
Now I've uderstood that it's only way.
And last one, could someone point me to documents about troubleshoots
which could ocure while using Apache::PerlRun with CGI scripts that was
writen only for mod_cgi?
Thank you for help.

istallation problem.

2002-10-16 Thread Innerlab


I am not an expert either with Apache or Perl, so I am probably
having some basic problem here. 
I was forced to intall mod_perl just because of one script that I use
for querying Amazon.com and parsing the XML they return. 
My site was until yesterday hosted by some company, but now I have to
use my own web server and trying to make perl work.

I had apache installed on w2000, and replaced that instalation with
the one provided in the file "perl-win32-bin-0.9.exe". I copied
everything on top of the other one, including the configuration.

Browsing of "localhost" is fine, and simple Perl tests like
"hello.pl" work,  but I have problems with that script.  

I don't really know what the following means, but it seems the script
uses Perl module LWP. The author of the script recommended installing
this module like this: perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::LWP'

I issued the command with a "*.bat" file and the command kept looping
forever, and had to stop it manually (CTRL+C).

Also, the script uses a package called "WSParser.pm", which I have in
my cgi-bin folder. Maybe someone in this list is an Amazon.com
associate and has dealt with these scripts.

Anyway, I don't even know how to chmod a file, so maybe this is the
first thing I should do. How do I do that?

Thanks in advance, and sorry that I am such a newbie here.


Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

Problem with CGI.pm and mod_perl 2

2002-10-16 Thread luc . prieur


I have a problem when porting an application from Apache 1.23.x + mod_perl
1.0 to Apache 2.xx + mod_perl 2.0.

One of the scripts receives as argument a filename (with no path info), and
the scripts is suppose to open the file from the same directory in which
the script is located and perform some stuff on it.  The code looks
something like:

$cgih = new CGI;

$filename = $cgih->param('filename');

open(FILE, $filename) || die "can't open file";

# do some stuff

This code used to work on previous platform, i.e. the file called
"filename" would be opened from the same directory as the script itself.
Now, the system cannot anymore.  If I hardcode the filename with full path,
it works (this was to check whether I had some file permission problems).



Re: mod_perl Guide Patch

2002-10-16 Thread Per Einar Ellefsen

Hello Lee,
>So, I simply meant that if you are trying to get $|=1 type "instant" output
>and your HTML header pulls in other files -- using
>then you will not get the expected output instantly, but only after the
>whole document has loaded.
>I guess this is because the document will not be rendered until
>the browser (or let's face, the IE6) has received the external files
>and the whole BODY.
>If you trying sticking a CSS/script link in the $q->html_head call
>in the mod_perl Guide example, you should see what I mean.

Sure, I understand what you mean now. I'll consider it for inclusion. Thank 
you for your contribution.

Per Einar Ellefsen

Re: posts headers and so on.

2002-10-16 Thread Per Einar Ellefsen

Hello Innerlab,

At 15:18 16.10.2002, Innerlab wrote:
>I just subscribed to the list. I don't want to be a pain in the ass
>so soon, but I've  noticed that (at least on yahoo),
>these posts cannot be automatically replied to the list.
>They go by default to whoever wrote the original email, thus one has
>to manually replace that address for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" .

This is intentional. You have to use "Reply to all".

>Also, neither the "Subject", the "To:" or the "From:" information in
>the header doesn't mention "modperl * " , making it hard to filter
>these emails.

Use a filter that checks To: and Cc: for the presence of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (which is btw the correct address), and filter 
based on that.

Per Einar Ellefsen

Re: ap_rwrite()/ap_rvputs() called in PerlCleanupHandler

2002-10-16 Thread srp


 Caught the problem. It was a unexpected 'print STDOUT' happening in the Cleanup
Handler. :-( sorry for the trouble.


You wrote:

> Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Received: from symonds.net [] 
>   by symonds.net with smtp (Exim 3.35 #1 (Debian))
>   id 181QC0-0001uo-00; Tue, 15 Oct 2002 04:48:56 -0700
> Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 04:48:56 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: ap_rwrite()/ap_rvputs() called in PerlCleanupHandler
> X-URL: http://www.symonds.net/
> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-UIDL: HH\"!TZ>!!W[T"!+/6!!
> Status: RO
> Thanks for reply ..
> > Hello!
> > 
> > internal_redirect()
> >  The required argument is an absolute URI path on the current server.
> >  The server will process the URI as if it were a whole new request,
> >  running the URI translation, MIME type checking, and other phases
> >  before invoking the appropriate content handler for the new URI.
> >  The content handler that eventually runs is not necessarily the same
> >  as the one that invoked internal_redirect().
> >  This method should only be called within a content handler.
> Yes, I understand that. What I am saying is this ... 
> After a successfull internal_redirect(), and return OK my content handler has 
> exited - The content has now reached my client. Now my cleanup handler is 
> executing. I am not understanding why Apache is attempting to write to client 
> now !!
> Also, by using internal_redirect_handler() you can make r->handler (which is
> current handler by default) handle this redirect().
> > 
> > ssn> Why is apache re-doing the request after a internal_redirect() ? ( and 
> that too 
> > ssn> in the cleanup phase ??)
> > 
> > ssn> Please help me understand this. Any hints most appreciated :-)
> >  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> regards
> srp 

posts headers and so on.

2002-10-16 Thread Innerlab


I just subscribed to the list. I don't want to be a pain in the ass
so soon, but I've  noticed that (at least on yahoo),
these posts cannot be automatically replied to the list. 
They go by default to whoever wrote the original email, thus one has
to manually replace that address for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" .

Also, neither the "Subject", the "To:" or the "From:" information in
the header doesn't mention "modperl * " , making it hard to filter
these emails. 

Has anyone noticed all this already or is it me?

Eduardo Gomez

Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

Re: mod_perl Guide Patch

2002-10-16 Thread Lee Goddard

At 16:19 15/10/2002, Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:
>At 13:07 25.10.2002, Lee Goddard wrote:
>>Well, not really a patch but a tiny contribution to an
>>excellent guide -- Mr Beckman, I hope this is of use:
>> guide/performance.html#Using_1_Under_mod_perl_and_be
>> "Using $|=1 Under mod_perl and Better print() Techniques"
>>Whilst the code is correct, even if it does use CGI.pm...,
>>It might be a good idea to mention that if an external file is pulled
>>in by the header, it seems that it has to be loaded before any
>>output occurs.
>>My print_html_header methods have a flag which will cause
>>SCRIPT src  and relevant LINK href URIs to be parsed,
>>loaded and included inline. Slow but better than a poke in the eye
>>with a sharp stick.
>Hello Lee,
>I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "an external 
>file is pulled in by the header". I understand your example, but not its 
>relation to the section you refer to. Could you give a code example or 
>some more information?

Hello - I may have unsub'd from the list by now, so would you mind
cc'ing this for me if it doesn't get through and if you think it useful?

So, I simply meant that if you are trying to get $|=1 type "instant" output
and your HTML header pulls in other files -- using




then you will not get the expected output instantly, but only after the
whole document has loaded.

I guess this is because the document will not be rendered until
the browser (or let's face, the IE6) has received the external files
and the whole BODY.

If you trying sticking a CSS/script link in the $q->html_head call
in the mod_perl Guide example, you should see what I mean.

Took me hours to figure it out


Re: Is there an easy way to trace / debug Apache::DBI (Postgres)leaks?

2002-10-16 Thread Rafiq Ismail

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Kirk Bowe wrote:
>  my $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:Pg:dbname=hello", "postgres", "foo");
>  my %orig = ();
>  my @attrs = qw(AutoCommit RaiseError);
>  $orig{$_} = $dbh->{$_} for @attrs;
>  $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
> When I later do the $dbh->commit, it fails with this in my log file:

I've always done it this way, further the DBI man states:

   Enable transactions (by turning "AutoCommit" off)
   until the next call to "commit" or "rollback". After
   the next "commit" or "rollback", "AutoCommit" will
   automatically be turned on again.

Although I usually just do a $dbh->{AutoCommit}=1 to re-enable.

Are you sure that there isn't something else changing the AutoCommit back
on, unintentionally?

Senior Programmer
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Re: Is there an easy way to trace / debug Apache::DBI (Postgres)leaks?

2002-10-16 Thread Kirk Bowe

Hi, thanks for the tips.  But I don't seem to be able to locally override
the value of AutoCommit for one handle (I only need to use AutoCommit for
one script!).  If I follow the instructions on the URL you pointed me to,
and do something like:

 my $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:Pg:dbname=hello", "postgres", "foo");
 my %orig = ();
 my @attrs = qw(AutoCommit RaiseError);
 $orig{$_} = $dbh->{$_} for @attrs;
 $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;

When I later do the $dbh->commit, it fails with this in my log file:

commit ineffective with AutoCommit enabled at /usr/lib/perl5/.

So is AutoCommit disallowed for overriding (as this seems to suggest)?


Kirk Bowe.

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Kirk Bowe wrote:
> > Unfortunately after a couple of hours of moderate use Postgres reaches its
> > max_clients level (which is set below max httpds in httpd.conf)
> This is usually caused by mistakes in your connection calls where they
> have slightly different connect info resulting in multiple connections.
> > At this point there's no
> > work being done, so presumably the handles aren't being freed.
> Database handles are not supposed to be freed.  That's the point of
> Apache::DBI.  However, you should only have one per httpd process.
> > Does anyone have any tips on how to, at this point, go about detecting
> > where the handle leak might be (which I'm presuming is the problem)?
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/databases.html#Debugging_Apache__DBI
> > should Template::Toolkit be avoided altogether when using mod_perl and
> > database connectivity?
> TT is not related to this.  It works great with mod_perl.
> - Perrin