At 17:40 12/06/03 -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 17:31, Gedanken wrote:
> speaking of mod perl books, i have gotten lost somewhere.  theres the
> eagle book, theres stas' book (practical mod_perl i learned today), and
> theres 'geoffs book'.  what is the name of geoffs book please?

It's "mod_perl Developer's Cookbook."  You can find info on all the
known books linked from the front page of

- Perrin

By the way. My book reviews website has reviews of several perl books.
The system is being enhanced to make it easier to submit, find, and link to book reviews.
(And yes - new development is being done in perl)

Any feedback on how what sort of book reviews you like, and what you find uesful is welcome.


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