Apache::Registry and Apache::PerlRun

2002-07-16 Thread Boex,Matthew W.


can i have both Registry and PerlRun running in the same environment?  i
have my cgi scripts running under Apache::Registry in one directory, and
want to run a legacy cgi script under PerlRun in another directory.  is this


mod_perl error

2002-05-31 Thread Boex,Matthew W.

can i ignore this error?  the script seems to work fine...

Subroutine print_get_num redefined at /var/www/perl/cancel.cgi line 19.
Subroutine print_gonna_del redefined at /var/www/perl/cancel.cgi line 27.
Subroutine print_do_nothing redefined at /var/www/perl/cancel.cgi line 74.
Subroutine print_do_del redefined at /var/www/fosbow/cancel.cgi line 83.
Subroutine error_handler redefined at /var/www/fosbow/cancel.cgi line 156.


mod_perl install from tarball

2002-05-06 Thread Boex,Matthew W.

i am trying to install mod_perl and apache from tarball.  after untarring, i
created the makepl_args.mod_perl file in my home dir with my options.  by
the way, i am building this on a rh7.1 machine with mod_perl already
installed.  i am building this to learn.

anyhow, when i run perl Makefile.PL, i get this...

[boex@rootabega mod_perl-1.99_01]$ perl Makefile.PL 
You are running Perl version 5.006
We strongly suggest to upgrade to at least 5.6.1
mod_perl/1.24_01 installation detected...not ok
cannot install mod_perl/1.99_01 on top of mod_perl/1.24_01
use MP_INST_APACHE2=1 option or to force installation delete:

first, i am running perl 5.6.0.  as the same user, i run perl -v and get.. 

[boex@rootabega boex]$ perl -v
This is perl, v5.6.0 built for i386-linux
Copyright 1987-2000, Larry Wall

second, is the version i downloaded, 1.99_01 only for apache 2.0?  are these
versions being split like apache 1.3 and 2.0, with and without threads?  if
so, should i download a different version?  if not, what route should i go
to install?

my goal is to install from scratch so i can learn more and to install with
the same directory structure, /usr/local/apache-mod_perl/ on my production
and dev machines.  i want to be able to run a mod_perl or non-mod_perl
enabled web server.


Matthew Boex
Sendmail Group

multipart read error

2001-12-21 Thread Boex,Matthew W.

i am getting this error message in my apache error_log when i try to upload
a file...  (i am using cgi.pm, rh7.1, apache 1.3.22, mod_perl/1.24_01, php

CGI.pm: Server closed socket during multipart read (client aborted?)

i do not abort the upload.  i get this error as soon as i hit my "upload"
button.  weird, i can upload smaller files no problem.  files that are
between 10-40k are no problem.  when i upload 100-400k, i get this error
immediately.  is this an apache configuration issue?

i apologize if this isn't the right venue for this question... 
