Re: redirecting outside the Content handler

2002-11-14 Thread Brett Sanger
> > $r->set_handlers('PerlHandler",\&My::Package::handler);
> set_handlers() should work. keep in mind that it's current not
> possible (IIRC) to set_handler() for the current phase.  so, for the
> PerlHandler you'd want to do it from someplace else, like your
> PerlAccessHandler or something.

Which is ideal for me, since I'm trying to set it in the

> oh, and the syntax doesn't require a coderef -
>$r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => 'My::Package');
> works too.

Each of these:

$r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => 'My::Package');
$r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => 'My::Package::handler');
$r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => \&My::Package);
$r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => \&My::Package::handler);

give me:
 [error] Can't set_handler with that value

Any ideas?

(I've also tried the same variations on 
$r->set_handlers(PerlHandler =>
to try and convince it to load my Apache::Registry scripts, with the
same results

Re: redirecting outside the Content handler

2002-11-14 Thread Brett Sanger
"Narins, Josh" wrote:
> I think I know this one.
> #you might want to do this line, for edification if nothing else
> my $list_ref = $r->get_handlers("PerlHandler");
> $r->set_handlers('PerlHandler",\&My::Package::handler);

Excellent!  Thanks.  One associated question:  Is it possible to
manipulate things such that I'm calling an Apache::Registry script?  I
can make a handle to redirect, but I'm sure that isn't necessary.  The
Eagle book only mentioned direct handlers.

redirecting outside the Content handler

2002-11-14 Thread Brett Sanger
I have a few AccessHandlers that I'd like to redirect the user to the
correct page to get access if they don't have it.  I tried
ErrorDocuments, but I have multiple layers of authentication, and
ErrorDocuments won't cascade.  So I'm looking at switching the
ContentHandler.  internal_redirect() won't work, since it only works as
intended inside the content handler.  Can I just override the currently
expected ContentHandler?  How would I do that?

Stacking ErrorDocuments OR multilevel PerlAccessHandler

2002-11-13 Thread Brett Sanger
Once upon a time there was a project that required a PerlAccessHandler
and form-based login.  This project lived in the land of mod_perl, so it
lived a happy life, with a setup something like:

  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  SetHandler perl-script
  Options +ExecCGI

  PerlAccessHandler My::EnforceLogin
  ErrorDocument 403 /not-protected/
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  SetHandler perl-script
  Options +ExecCGI

(/not-protected/ is a CGI::Application-based script, which is
why I'm using Apache::Registry)

This solution worked fine, and the project was a happy creature.

Then one day the project decided to expand to include a second layer of
authorization.  Now users fell into three groups:
No requirements, login required, and logged-in-as-confirmed user.  (Any
logged in user can become a confirmed user (a one time process) by going
through a series of steps, held at, say, /requireslogin/
Thus, you must be logged in before I can check that you are confirmed,
but a logged in user may or may not be a confirmed user)

I, as caretaker for the innocent little (if growing) project, wanted to
add a second access handler.  The thought was that /requiresconfirm/
could use the same My::EnforceLogin as /requireslogin/ as well as
My::EnforceConfirm.  The ErrorDocument would bounce the user to
/requireslogin/, and if they weren't logged in, it in turn
would bounce them to /not-protected/  

I thought this a solid and clever answer, with nice modular little bits,
and full code reuse.  Sadly, I am not as clever as I thought (again),
because a 403 on a 403 (as happens if a non-logged-in user tries to
access /requiresconfirm/) doesn't bounce twice but drops to the generic

So now I have a few options, and I'm not sure what is the best way to go
about this.  

I've tried using an AuthenHandler with a different ErrorDocument to
handle it, but AUTH_REQUIRED began negotiations with th e browser --
undesirable.  I could make my handlers do internal redirects (a new task
for me).  I could do external redirects.  I could ask you folks if what
I originally intended can work just fine with some minor magic change. 
OR I  could just toss code reuse out and make
My::BloatedandRepetativeHandler to check for both.  The Cookbook and the
Eagle book, so far as I've discovered, don't cover cascading
errordocuments.  (at least in the Auth* chapters)

So I thought I'd check -- I can't be the first (or 1000th) to have this
issue, how is it normally handled?

Attempting persistence

2002-07-26 Thread Brett Sanger

I'm looking at converting a large CGI installation over to mod_perl. 
The code is clean, so moving it to Apache::Registry isn't causing any
problems, but I'd like to get the most bang out of the conversion that I

Currently the code is a set of scripts that all call modules that are
subclasses of a local subclass of CGI::Application (I realize the
subclassing is hitting our efficency, but it's deemed worthwhile for the
advantages it brings).  These modules have run-modes as per standard
CGI::App, and return to CGI::App a scalar ref of HTML, which CGI::App
outputs with the appropriate headers via  The scalar ref our
modules return are content files processed through a Template Toolkit

I'm seeing the following potential areas of speed improvements:

- CGI::App could be altered to use Apache::Request.  I haven't looked
into the code yet, but I recall from previous scans that it isn't overly
complex (the beauty is in the simplicity, after all), so if the
efficiency is worth it, and if CGI::App can't be easily coaxed into it,
I should be able to fork my own to do Apache::Request.  Of course, I'm
doubtless not the first to consider this, so has someone already
invented this wheel?

- My Template Toolkit object could be reused, along the lines of
Apache::DBI. (Since that object isn't changed in any session, just
processes some data and returns a result). Sadly, I'm not clear on how
to do this.  Apache::Template is a handler in it's own right, so it
won't do what I seek.  Should I jump into Apache::DBI to see how it does
it, or is there some documentation on how to create persistant objects
that survive between connections?  [Actually, I want more than a
persistant TT2 object, since I have a wrapper module that has some
helpful interface routines, so I'd want that to be persistant as well.]

I've looked at and skimmed the eagle book without
finding this, but it is a bit specific, so I could have missed it. 
Thanks in advance for any help.