Re: [Mason] problem with RPM instalation of Apache and Mod_perl on RedHat and Mason

2003-09-10 Thread Bruce Albrecht
Must you send multiple copies of this to both the modperl and mason
mailing lists?  I don't use Red Hat Linux, but my first suggestion is
to scrap it in favor of some other version of Linux, or maybe even
FreeBSD.  RedHat has a tendency to use development versions of Perl
and other software in their release (without identifying it as such),
and it's known to be buggy (in particular, Red Hat's version of perl
5.8.0 and mod_perl 2.0).  Mason was written with Apache 1.x and
mod_perl, and use with Apache 2.x/mod_perl 2.0 is not supported, and
probably won't be supported until mod_perl 2.0 is finally released.

parvez mohamed writes:
  I have RedHat 9, I have installed Apache using rpm
  wich comes with RedHat9 (httpd-2.0.40-21) then i
  haveinstalled mod_perl using rpm mod_perl-1.99_07-5
  then is have installed the latest Mason files
  HTML-Mason-1.22) but when i try to start Apache it says
  Apache/ not found. I serched CAPAN for
  Apache::Constents it points to mod_perl which i
  have already installed. 
  for your information i have added these lines to
  PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
  FilesMatch \.html$
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
  the error i get is:
  Can't locate Apache/ in @INC (@INC
   /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0 .) at
  line 13.!BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
  line 13.!Compilation failed in require at (eval 1)
  line 3.!
  [Tue Sep 09 16:28:02 2003] [error] Can't load Perl
  module HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler for server, exiting...!
  To over come this problem i put in these entries
  I put in these lines in my httpd.conf file
  PerlModule Apache2  
  PerlModule Apache::compat 
  PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
   FilesMatch \.mml$
 SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

Re: NIMDA worm;

2001-09-19 Thread Bruce Albrecht

Nick Tonkin writes:
  Now that Micro$oft has finally put out some information about their
  latest trick I have posted a new version of
  Version 1.02 changes include putting the URL to a page containing info
  about each worm into a PerlSetVar ... this means that once you have
  configured with your e-mail and cacheing preferences, you
  can add traps for new worms as Micro$oft releases them, er, discovers
  Available at
  More info at
I was looking at your Apache::MSIISProbes module, and I didn't
understand the part about the nimda rewrite rules, mostly because I
haven't used the rewrite rules.  Do the following rules

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !nimda
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} /c.dir
RewriteRule .* /nimda? [R,L]

mean unless I've already rewritten the rule, if the query string matches
c.dir (i.e., will match c+dir found in most of the requests), rewrite
the request as /nimda?  From my observation, nimbda also tries c+tftp
and tries to get /scripts/Admin.dll, /c/Admin.dll, /d/Admin.dll and
/MSADC/Admin.dll.  Could I change the rewrite rules to 

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !nimda 
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} /c.(tftp|dir)
RewriteRule .* /nimda? [R,L] 

to catch either request, and then do
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /(scripts|MSADC|c|d)/Admin.dll
RewriteRule .* /nimda? [R,L]
to catch the others?


Re: Fast DB access

2001-04-17 Thread Bruce Albrecht

Matt Sergeant writes:
  On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., wrote:
   H/W : Celeron 433 with 64 MB RAM, IDE HDD using RH 6.1, perl 5.005,
   Postgres 6.5.3
  This is a very very old version of postgresql. Try it again with 7.1 for
  more respectable results.

It's more likely you are seeing hardware bottlenecks with this
configuration.  For example, the Intel Celeron has half the L2 cache
of a Pentium 3, or one-fourth the cache of a Pentium Xeon.  Also, your
Celeron has a 66 Mhz bus, compared to 100 MHz for the P3, at least
with the 466 MHz Celeron.  With a 600 MHz Celeron going for US $60 and a
600 MHz P3 going for US $110 (approx. lowest prices at,
a faster CPU might help, and probably not break the budget.

Second, 64 MB is probably not enough memory for a multitasking OS with
a web server and relational database.  I suspect that you are doing a
lot of swapping when running all this in 64 MB.  If you ran some tool to
analyze disk and memory usage, you would probably find that this
configuration with postgresql was thrashing, whereas the MLDBM
solution might not even hit swap at all.  With the recent drop in
memory prices, 256MB can be found for less than US $50 (hmm, maybe I
should get more), and would likely improve your webserver performance
regardless of the solution you use.

There's more to benchmarking than just running some wall-clock
timings.  While MLDBM may be the best solution for you, someone else
might find that with slightly more powerful server, running an up-to-date
version of Postgres accomplishes their requirements just as well.