Re: Ticket/cookie based authentication for mod_perl and static frontend

2003-08-28 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 27/8/03 at 9:45 AM -0400, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Any other suggestions? 
>I'd think you'd want to have the same authentication process for both, and a
>shared database (or something) to store the session data.  Have the front-end
>do the login part, pass the client to the backend, which discovers that the
>client is already authenticated.

Using tickets for authentication will work with both the front and backend
servers. I was having problems finding a solution which had an apache module
(written in C) plus support/examples for perl to use in the backend. With
thanks to Cees Hek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I found mod_auth_tkt which does
just what I need.

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

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Re: Ticket/cookie based authentication for mod_perl and static frontend

2003-08-28 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 27/8/03 at 9:37 AM -0400, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>The reason this question is mod_perl related is that he is doing the
>>initial authentication using mod_perl, and is creating a cookie based
>>ticket.  But he wants that ticket to also be accepted by a
>>non-mod_perl enabled server (ie a front end proxy).
>So the database connection has to persist from the mod_perl
>authentication scheme to the backend software?  Interesting...  Does
>that work?

This isn't really an issue with database connections. It's just the
authentication data/method that needs to persist for both. And that is handled
by a cookie/ticket authentication.

Thanks to Cees Hek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for helping me find a module I had
lost track of. The module is mod_auth_tkt and can be found here:

I'm on my way to having an elegant solution now.

Thanks to all who responded.

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

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Re: Ticket/cookie based authentication for mod_perl and static frontend

2003-08-27 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 27/8/03 at 12:05 AM -0400, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>The second one, Cookie Authentication with MySQL, looks like a very
>>good option, except for two issues. Fist, it doesn't support the
>>'require group...' directive. And second, it doesn't appear to cache
>>mysql connections so I am concerned about the increased load from
>>lots of quick connections.
>Umm, use Apache::DBI, that's what it's for.

Except that I'm looking for a solution which will also work in the static
(proxy) front-end. I'm currently using Apache::DBI for the backend and it
works well. I also want a solution which doesn't rely on browser based http
authentication since logging out is a requirement.

>>I feel that someone must have already solved this issue so any
>>suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Are there any modules
>>which I have missed? Are the perceived problems with the above
>>modules really an issue, or should I be able to use one of them
>>without any problems.
>I haven't been 100% happy with any of the systems written by other
>people so I've always just written my own.  It's a rather simple
>process.  Right now I have one method that uses cookies in one module,
>another that uses cookies but splits things up into separate modules,
>and a third that adds a (md5 hash) parameter to the URI.  All work
>very well, though I prefer the cookie method myself.

Do you also write the apache module for the frontend server? I'm very
competent at perl, but not competent enough to write an apache module.

Any other suggestions? 

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

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Re: Ticket/cookie based authentication for mod_perl and static frontend

2003-08-27 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 27/8/03 at 2:49 PM +1000, Cees Hek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Umm, use Apache::DBI, that's what it's for.
>It was easy to miss in the email if you skimmed it, but he is looking for a C
>based module, so any perl based solutions are out.
>The reason this question is mod_perl related is that he is doing the initial
>authentication using mod_perl, and is creating a cookie based ticket.  But he
>wants that ticket to also be accepted by a non-mod_perl enabled server (ie a
>front end proxy).

Thanks for the clarification. And the requirement for something that works in
both modperl and non-modperl servers is also part of the subject line.

But I'll try to make the problem/requirements more clear in future emails.

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

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Re: Ticket/cookie based authentication for mod_perl and static frontend

2003-08-27 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning,

On 26/8/03 at 8:26 PM +0200, Thomas Klausner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Die, Aug 26, 2003 at 09:06:05 +1000, Charlie Garrison wrote:
>>I need to protect resources in both the static (proxy) front-end and
>>the mod_perl back-end. I have been using standard http authentication
>>which works pretty well except for not allowing a proper logout
>>function and some caching issues which result in occasional false
>>FORBIDDEN responses. Since a proper logout has become an important
>>requirement, I am looking for other solutions.
>Did you take a look at Apache::AuthCookie?

Yes, I've looked at Auth::Cookie, and if I needed a mod_perl only solution, it
would be perfect.

>>Since I need the user credentials in the mod_perl app, I'm not happy
>>to leave all authentication to the front-end proxy server unless it
>>sets the user credentials (or some other values) before passing along
>>the request.
>As AuthCookie is a mod_perl handler, you would have to put the
>Authentification into the backend. Depending on how you generate the session
>key (i.e. the value of the Auth Cookie), you should be able to use the
>cookie in the frontend using one of the modules you mentioned (although I
>don't know any of them..)

Which sort of brings me back full circle. I'm happy to write the backend
(modperl) support myself for whatever the frontend module requires. But the
module that I would choose (mod_auth_mda) doesn't have perl examples for
creating the MD5 cookie, and I'm only borderline confident that I can take
their java examples along with the documentation to figure out perl routines
for the cookie creation.

I'm still hoping someone has already solved this issue of shared
authentication scheme between static frontend and modperl backend servers.

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

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Ticket/cookie based authentication for mod_perl and static frontend

2003-08-26 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good evening,

I have done a bit of research and found some possible solutions, but none of
them seem to be exactly what I want. First, the problem I need to solve...

I need to protect resources in both the static (proxy) front-end and the
mod_perl back-end. I have been using standard http authentication which works
pretty well except for not allowing a proper logout function and some caching
issues which result in occasional false FORBIDDEN responses. Since a proper
logout has become an important requirement, I am looking for other solutions.

Since I need the user credentials in the mod_perl app, I'm not happy to leave
all authentication to the front-end proxy server unless it sets the user
credentials (or some other values) before passing along the request.

I have looked at the following apache modules (for v1.3):

Cookie Authentication   Version 1.9
Fake Basic Authentication using Cookies
Module homepage at

Cookie Authentication with MySQLVersion 1.0
Authentication against a MySQL database with a
cryptographically secure cookie.
Module homepage at

mod_auth_mdaVersion 2.1
Realms for document tree and fast login for user using MD5 signed cookies.
Module homepage at

The first one, Cookie Authentication, looks nice and simple and should do what
I want. It sets the user credentials from a cookie to be processed by another
module in the request chain. But I'd prefer to have the authentication handled
by the same module. There are some caching issues with the current auth module
which I'd like to avoid (by not using the current module any longer).

The second one, Cookie Authentication with MySQL, looks like a very good
option, except for two issues. Fist, it doesn't support the 'require group...'
directive. And second, it doesn't appear to cache mysql connections so I am
concerned about the increased load from lots of quick connections.

The third one, mod_auth_mda, is probably my favourite choice (for a variety of
reasons). But it doesn't have any sample code for creating the MD5 signed
cookies with perl, and I'm not sure I feel confident about creating the needed
functions myself. All the sample code is written in Java.

Additionally, all of the above solutions require the use of cookies. It would
be nice if I could also use a URI (eg. path info) rather than just a cookie

I feel that someone must have already solved this issue so any suggestions or
advice would be appreciated. Are there any modules which I have missed? Are
the perceived problems with the above modules really an issue, or should I be
able to use one of them without any problems.


   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

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Re: Transparent front-end proxying for many VirtualHosts

2003-03-05 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 5/3/03 at 3:30 PM, Andrew Ho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have an Apache with many VirtualHosts, and I want to setup proxying so
>that a lightweight frontend Apache with mod_rewrite/mod_proxy proxies
>Apache::Registry script requests back to a heavyweight backend Apache
>running on a localhost-only port.
>I want to simplify my configuration in two ways. I'd prefer not to
>maintain two sets of VirtualHost configuration data, and I'd like it if
>the block that proxies .pl files to the backend proxy not be replicated
>per VirtualHost.

I use mod_macro and IfDefine directives to simplify virtual host setups with
backend server.

First I do the bulk of the config in httpd.conf as usual (seperate conf files
for frontend and mod_perl) and then use Include directive to load files (one
for each virt host) from a directory.

Each included conf file is loaded by both frontend & mod_perl servers and
IfDefine controls which parts are used for each server.  This is a short
sample file (the Use directives are for mod_macro):

Use mSiteRoot gcs

Use mSiteLogs_frontend gcs
Use mSiteUserGroup gcs

Use mSiteRootDirOptions gcs
Use mSiteCgiBinDirOptions gcs

Use mSetupRewrite
Use mSiteRewriteRules   

Use mSiteRoot gcs

Use mSiteLogs_modperl gcs
Use mSiteUserGroup gcs

Use mSiteRootDirOptions gcs
Use mSitePerlBinDirOptions gcs

This setup doesn't put all the rewrite config in the main conf file, but it
does centralize it all to make maintenance much easier. And there is only one
conf file for each virt host.

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

Re: WEb hosting..

2003-02-28 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 28/2/03 at 5:26 PM, Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>As usual, if you know of ISPs that aren't listed there (or listed, but not 
>providing modperl support any longer), please let us know.

Make-Tracks (based in Australia) offers hosting for mod_perl sites. For more 
information see <> or for specific hosting details
see <>.

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

Re: question about using a proxy with mod_perl

2002-10-18 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 17/10/02 at 2:46 PM, Lyle Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>To do what you are trying to do, I believe you'll need to use some RewriteCond
>directives, something like (read: I'm just doing this from memory, you'll
>need to test)...
>RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^b
>RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1  [P,L]

I don't think the RewriteCond is needed. I just use something like the following
to proxy all files ending in .cgi:

RewriteRule ^/(.*).cgi(.*)$http://%{HTTP_HOST}:8001/$1.cgi$2 [P]

I also have lots of domain names that need to get passed to the back-end server.
My setup gets even more fun when taking into account the internal NAT addresses
that are needed for proxying but local dns serves public external addresses. I
had a fun weekend learning about views and acl's in bind to get around that
problem. (And then patching output from oDNS to support it.)

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

Re: caching dynamic content in the reverse proxy

2002-09-05 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good afternoon,

On 6/9/02 at 12:12 AM, pascal barbedor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>but any content sent by a modperl handler is not cached although I set headers 
>Last-Modified and Expires to compatibles dates (with Apache::Util::ht_time) and 
>Cache-content to public from the modperl handler with $r->header_out..
>Has any one succeeeded is caching dynamic content in this configuration

When I have caching problems, I run my pages through cachability to find out
where they are failing. Check it out at:

It reports on page headers as well as gives useful info like the following:

  This object doesn't have any explicit freshness information set, so a
  cache may use Last-Modified to determine how fresh it is with an
  adaptive TTL (at this time, it could be, depending on the adaptive
  percent used, considered fresh for: 2 weeks 20 hr (20%), 5 weeks 2
  days (50%), 10 weeks 4 days (100%)). It can be validated with

The site is a great resource for a variety of caching issues.

   Charlie Garrison[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia 

Re: HELP??? Installation on MAC OS X

2001-04-27 Thread Charlie Garrison


>I am trying to install mod perl on the Apple OS X Server platform.
>I can compile the code OK, both as static and as a DSO  but when I
>try to restart the apache server, I get all sorts of errors.

I found that it was already compiled, but the needed lines in 
httpd.conf were missing. Add the following two lines (at the end of 
the appropriate lists):

   LoadModule perl_module libexec/httpd/
   AddModule mod_perl.c

And then add some mod_per directives (I've used the  syntax):

 require  "/etc/httpd/"; # contains 'use' statements, etc.

 $Location{'/perl-status'}->{SetHandler} = 'perl-script';
 $Location{'/perl-status'}->{PerlHandler} = 'Apache::Status';
 $Location{'/perl-status'}->{order} = 'deny,allow';
 $Location{'/perl-status'}->{'deny from'} = 'all';
 $Location{'/perl-status'}->{'allow from'} = '';

 $Files{'~ "\.pl$"'}->{SetHandler} = 'perl-script';
 $Files{'~ "\.pl$"'}->{PerlHandler} = 'Apache::Registry';
 $Files{'~ "\.pl$"'}->{Options} = 'ExecCGI';

I'm now able to do all development/testing on my box. I was able to 
install all needed modules via CPAN without any trouble.

This was one of the reasons I wanted this OS, so I'm very happy.


  |  Charlie Garrison  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
  |  Garrison Computer Services<>  |
  |  PO Box 141  |
  |  Windsor NSW 2756  Australia   Ph:  +61 2 4575-5247  |