advice on Apache::DBI Apache::Session and Apache::AuthCookieDBI intergration

2001-06-03 Thread Clayton Cottingham aka drfrog

Hi all,
ive just been researching these
a bit and I'm wondering if anyone has good advice/links on how to 
link these three Modules together ?

heres what im caught on : it best to load Apache::DBI at start up of apache and can i load more than
one connection type? it best to login and then set session or set session and then log in
3. what about 'last session' type storage
4. if Apache::DBI is on at startup how can i load a specific connection type
for Sessions?

i think that's all  the really big questions i have

system info 
mandrake 7.2 with Apache1.3.12, modperl 1.,& postgres 7.1
700Mhz 312 mb ram 

Re: Apache::AuthCookie- help on "make test"

2001-05-18 Thread Clayton Cottingham aka drfrog

Time Co-Ordinate Fri, 18 May 2001 03:35:03 -0700, The Organism labeled Will
Waggoner said:

> Hi Emma,
>  I've gotten this error every time I've run the test for this version of
>  AuthCookie -- but upon installation it works fine.

i can confirm this

Re: perl-based authentication

2001-05-10 Thread Clayton Cottingham aka drfrog


is this not something like what Apache::AuthCookie 
or some other Auth scheme does?
 or am i just missing the boat?

you could use something 
like AuthCookie in a dummy situation
get $r->uri
grab the .htaccess from that location and parse?

Time Co-Ordinate Thu, 10 May 2001 23:16:29 -0600, The Organism labeled Mark
Holt said:

> >
>  >
>  > Not really, the current Apache doesn't let you decide on the fly whether
>  > to challenge the client with basic auth or not unless you use .htaccess.
>  If I wrote my own PerlAuthHandler, could it then choose whether to pass through
>  to the standard AuthHandler?
>  > .htaccess is not used only for auth!!! it's used for adding per-directory
>  > extra configuration (usually to override the defaults).
>  Yes I was envisioning something along these lines in the config file:
>  #code to determine paid status
>  if ($paid) { $AllowOverride = "AuthConfig" }
>  Or something like that.  Not being a mod_perl guru I don't know the syntax, but
>  I wondered if a construct like this would work on a per-hit basis, or if not, if
>  someone knew a better one.
>  > So your second question has nothing to do with the first one :)
>  You're right. one dealing with feasibility of checking for .htaccess files based
>  on perl code, and one with scalability--not checking for .htaccess files when
>  not necessary.
>  >
>  > You can specify the Auth data in your httpd.conf and avoid creating
>  > .htaccess, saving processing time, but making it harder to maintain
>  > (requires server restart for each modification, whereas .htaccess allows
>  > to do 'hot' modifications without restarting the server.
>  That is not feasible, because if we can't even afford to put a VirtualHost tag
>  in for every user, how much less could we afford auth data and server restarts?
>  But you may be on the right track.  Can we use perl code in the global config
>  file to control auth?  I just want a way to activate the standard auth handler
>  per-hit.  It has to be possible in mod_perl.  Someone out there has to be wizard
>  enough to know how.  Hopefully that person will be reading this soon.
>  Thanks,
>  Mark

Re: Fast DB access

2001-04-18 Thread Clayton Cottingham aka drfrog

[drfrog]$ perl
16 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.05 CPU) @ 400.00/s (n=20)
 3 wallclock secs ( 0.07 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.07 CPU) @ 285.71/s (n=20)
17 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.06 CPU) @ 333.33/s (n=20)
 3 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr +  0.01 sys =  0.02 CPU) @ 1000.00/s (n=20)

correct me if im wrong but if is 
working right 
first set is insert
second set is select

find attached the modified ver of
i sued to conduct this test

comp stats
running stock rpms from mandrake 7.2 for both 
postgresql and mysql
 3.23.23-beta of mysql and
7.02 of postgresql

[drfrog@nomad desktop]$ uname -a
Linux nomad.localdomain 2.2.18 #2 Tue Apr 17 22:55:04 PDT 2001 i686 unknown

[drfrog]$ cat /proc/meminfo
total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
Mem:  257511424 170409984 87101440 24219648 96067584 44507136
Swap: 2549432320 254943232
MemTotal:251476 kB
MemFree:  85060 kB
MemShared:23652 kB
Buffers:  93816 kB
Cached:   43464 kB
SwapTotal:   248968 kB
SwapFree:248968 kB
[drfrog]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 6
model   : 3
model name  : AMD Duron(tm) Processor
stepping: 1
cpu MHz : 697.535
cache size  : 64 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
sep_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat
pse36 psn mmxext mmx fxsr 3dnowext 3dnow
bogomips: 1392.64

i will recomp both the newest postgresql and  mysql 

not using any optimizing techs at all i'll post the 

config scripts i use
On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 18:24:43 -0700, clayton said:

> Matt Sergeant wrote:
>  > On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., wrote:
>  > 
>  >> H/W : Celeron 433 with 64 MB RAM, IDE HDD using RH 6.1, perl 5.005,
>  >> Postgres 6.5.3
>  > 
>  > 
>  > This is a very very old version of postgresql. Try it again with 7.1 for
>  > more respectable results.
>  > 
>  im very glad to see this thread
>  i wanted a good benchmark for postgres and mysql
>  {i hope to transpose the sql properly!}
>  i do have 7.1 installed and it is very sweet
>  ill report back when i rerun under postgresql at the very least

back in the day
we didn't have no
old school
-dr. frog
it sells itself

Re: Looking for a new distro

2001-01-13 Thread Clayton Cottingham aka drfrog

heya all:

im really waiting for the next bunch of releases here,

im hoping that they all start doing a lil more Q&A before release!!

ive tried a lot of different dists and nothing has me going
"oh yeah!!"

mandrake 7.2 is my current 
"lesser of  Nth evils"

last summer i went to town downloading everything from 
debian to suse and back to slack and redhat 

at the time i started using mandrake its mod_perl was sett up nice

its not bad on 7.2 but it splits up so there is an httpd and an httpd-perl

i dont like having to configure 
both so i un-rpmd then and rolled my own, DSO style
install in less than thirty mins
drop my config in and zoom!!

again some of this has to do with how a dist sets up apache
i like it all in /home/ww 
but most put the conf 's under /etc etc etc.

some of these compatiblility & file management issues drive me nuts!!
and i usually uninstall and recomp my own

well that my take on it anyhow

back in the day
we didn't have no
old school
-dr. frog

Re: Perl as DSO...whats wrong with it, specifically?

2000-07-25 Thread clayton cottingham aka drfrog

ive personally not had any probs with mod_perl as a dso

blue wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Michael Nachbaur wrote:
> > I'm working with IBM (sorry!  Its not my choice!) to try to get
> > mod_perl compiled into their custom version of Apache, and their techs
> > want to know why I can't run mod_perl as a DSO.  So, I need to know,
> > whats specifically wrong with it?  Like, what are the repurcussions of
> > it?  This is going to be run under a lot of load as well.
> is this the continuation of a thread, or a new question?
> this has come up a lot in the mailing list.. have you checked the
> archives?
> --
> Blue Lang  Unix Systems Admin
> QSP, Inc., 3200 Atlantic Ave, Ste 100, Raleigh, NC, 27604
> Home: 919 835 1540  Work: 919 875 6994  Fax: 919 872 4015

best encryption module

2000-07-07 Thread clayton cottingham aka drfrog

whats the best encryption module for use with mod perl?
i want to encrypt passwords store in a db and then be able to check 
what a users inputs against it

Re: ColdFusion in mod_perl?

2000-06-19 Thread clayton cottingham aka drfrog

and/or use the perl dbi and or postgresql's Pg lib

most useful

i used to have to use coldfusion, and it was not fun
especially dealing w m$'s odbc 

Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > I was introduced to ColdFusion the other day. It seems like something
> > which could easily be done in (mod_)perl. Has anyone done this?
> Bah, coldfusion is dated technology. Take a look at something with
> completely customisable taglibs based on XML - AxKit:
> Not that I'm biased or anything :)
> --
> Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
> Providing mod_perl, XML, Sybase and Oracle solutions
> Email for training and consultancy availability.
> | AxKit:

mod-perl and redhat 6.2 's apache rpm

2000-06-12 Thread Clayton Cottingham aka DrFrog

is there something seriously wrong with redhats
apache and modperl rpms?

ive just tried for an hour to get the Pg perl module to load at startup
{through the way}
and it just crashes without any errors

whats the deal ? am i gonna have to recompile apache myself?

Re: [OT] Great book!

2000-05-09 Thread Clayton Cottingham aka DrFrog

another great one ive yet to purchase is object oriented perl
there is some sample chapters 
online somewhere

"J. J. Horner" wrote:
> Well, in an effort to improve my effectiveness when coding perl, I bought
> "Effective Perl Programming" by Hall w/ Schwartz.
> I must say, I am enjoying this book.  It appears to be one of the few tech
> books that I can read front to back and be engaged from start to
> finish.  I bought it Sunday, and I'm already half way through.  I may have
> to go through again to cement the concepts, but the text is informative,
> the concepts are enlightening, and the code examples are as relevant as
> I've seen in any book on programming.
> I give this book 4 1/2 'J's out of 5.
> --
> J. J. Horner
> Apache, Perl, Unix, Linux

Re: How to keep "Connection: Keep-Alive"

2000-03-31 Thread Clayton Cottingham aka DrFrog

r u  talking about db persistence?

postgres does concurrent persistence checking

what does this mean?

it means it handles the whole db in such a way that  coding persistence 
into your perl progs really isnt nessecary
as postgres handles it all for youn automagically

btw anyone notice how much mysql has been dropping out at freshmeat

Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
> If you're referring to a database connection, the Apache DBI module
> keeps the connection alive, not the mod_perl module.
> Jaime Teng wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > How do you make perl script (either on Linux+Apache+Mod_perl
> > or in NT+IIS4 environment) make a "Connection: Keep-Alive".
> >
> > On both environment, the connections always closes after the
> > perl script finished execution.
> >
> > Any idea?
> >
> > Jaime

Re: Installation

2000-03-31 Thread Clayton Cottingham aka DrFrog

the only thing i can think of is maybe the updates you installed fixed
the prob

two months ago none of their upgrade apache rpm's didnt fix
it then

oh well

Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
> That's peculiar. Must be a case of beginners luck, because mine worked fine on the 
>first try, and I'm using mod_perl with the Apache DBI module that is absolutely 
>smoking my PostgreSQL databases with it's persistent database connections.
> All I've done was to install all the updates recommended by RedHat for their 6.1 
>distribution [located on their FTP site], Perl DBI, Apache DBI & PostgreSQL's Pg 
>module. It all works great, and I was a Windows/ColdFusion twit just six months ago!
> There just may be some other issue involved here, because my system is running fine, 
>and I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a Linux/mod_perl guru... I did 
>nothing that wasn't blatantly obvious to get it to work!
> Clayton Cottingham aka DrFrog wrote:
> >
> > redhat 6.1 's apxs is broken
> > i had to recomple apache to get it to work in dso mode
> >
> > Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
> > >
> > > Why not try RedHat v6.1? Installing it is a snap! I had it up & running in no 
>time. After installing the rpm file for mod_perl, just follow the directions to 
>activate it in the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf then reboot to activate the changes if 
>your a former
> > > Windows user.;-)
> > >
> > > No need to recompile Apache. My DSO setup works quite well!
> > >
> > > **EDIT the "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" file
> > >
> > > #uncomment the line below under the section
> > > # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support
> > > LoadModule perl_modulemodules/
> > >
> > > #uncomment the line below under the section
> > > # Extra Modules
> > > AddModule mod_perl.c
> > >
> > > #add the following line
> > > ScriptAlias /perl/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"
> > >
> > > #uncomment the following lines
> > > # If the perl module is installed, this will be enabled.
> > > 
> > >   Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/cgi-bin/
> > >   
> > > SetHandler perl-script
> > > PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> > > Options +ExecCGI
> > >   
> > > 
> > > *
> > > Now, anything that is accessed as will
> > > run as a perl script... Use this setup only if you want to test scripts as both 
>normal cgi & mod_perl scripts, otherwise you'll need to point the "Alias /perl/ 
>/home/httpd/cgi-bin/" line & "ScriptAlias /perl/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"
> > > line to point to another directory of your choice.
> > >
> > > Hope this helps!
> > >
> > > > Annette wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I have been trying to install mod_perl for the last couple of weeks and I 
>still have not been successful. I am new to Linux and have installed RedHat 6. I used 
>the Custom set-up and installed mod_perl during the installation. I entered the 
>command 'perl
> > > > -v' and it tells me that I have perl loaded but not mod_perl. Does anyone know 
>what I have to do to enable mod_perl, tell if I have it enabled, or where I can read 
>about the installation under RedHat 6. I have tried installing it using src files,
> > > > followed the directions line by line and still nothing. Is this the right 
>mailing list to ask this question? Where should I go if not? Apache is up and running 
>just fine. Any input would be appreciated.
> > > >
> > > > Ann.

Re: Installation

2000-03-31 Thread Clayton Cottingham aka DrFrog

redhat 6.1 's apxs is broken
i had to recomple apache to get it to work in dso mode

Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
> Why not try RedHat v6.1? Installing it is a snap! I had it up & running in no time. 
>After installing the rpm file for mod_perl, just follow the directions to activate it 
>in the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf then reboot to activate the changes if your a former
> Windows user.;-)
> No need to recompile Apache. My DSO setup works quite well!
> **EDIT the "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" file
> #uncomment the line below under the section
> # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support
> LoadModule perl_modulemodules/
> #uncomment the line below under the section
> # Extra Modules
> AddModule mod_perl.c
> #add the following line
> ScriptAlias /perl/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"
> #uncomment the following lines
> # If the perl module is installed, this will be enabled.
>   Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/cgi-bin/
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> Options +ExecCGI
> *
> Now, anything that is accessed as will
> run as a perl script... Use this setup only if you want to test scripts as both 
>normal cgi & mod_perl scripts, otherwise you'll need to point the "Alias /perl/ 
>/home/httpd/cgi-bin/" line & "ScriptAlias /perl/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"
> line to point to another directory of your choice.
> Hope this helps!
> > Annette wrote:
> >
> > I have been trying to install mod_perl for the last couple of weeks and I still 
>have not been successful. I am new to Linux and have installed RedHat 6. I used the 
>Custom set-up and installed mod_perl during the installation. I entered the command 
> > -v' and it tells me that I have perl loaded but not mod_perl. Does anyone know 
>what I have to do to enable mod_perl, tell if I have it enabled, or where I can read 
>about the installation under RedHat 6. I have tried installing it using src files,
> > followed the directions line by line and still nothing. Is this the right mailing 
>list to ask this question? Where should I go if not? Apache is up and running just 
>fine. Any input would be appreciated.
> >
> > Ann.