backticks in mod_perl

2001-10-05 Thread EXP


Simple question, it seems that the backticks won't work as expected in 
mod_perl scripts.
Is there some module like Apache::SubProcess to read the output of a 
command into an array?
(my @out = `command`;)
I am sure the answer is somewhere out there, but I couldn't find it.

EXP - Your resource for 3Dimensional Warfare

PS: Big Brother IS Watching You!

Restricting cpu time for mod_perl scripts? AND Reevaluating perl scripts under mod_perl.

2001-09-26 Thread EXP


I am currently using Apache::Resource to limit the maximum amount of ram 
the apache childs are allowed to use.
However, I can't really use PERL_RLIMIT_CPU because it is kind of pointless 
to kill every apache child that reaches
this limit. I need a way to restrict cpu time on a per script or per run 
basis. But I am not sure if this is possible as
far as I understand the mod_perl layout.
Anybody did this? Or any suggestions?

My second problem is related to this one. How can I add perlcode via 
httpd.conf (PerlModule, ...) which is
reevaluated at EVERY request? I am thinking about adding some own perl code 
which sets an alarm an
checks every now an than how much cpu time the currently running perl 
script allready got (by substracting
the value of consumed cpu time at the start of the script from the current 
value) and execute a die() when
a certain maximum is reached. In theorie (if there are no mod_perl related 
problems with this, the user doesn't
use the alarm function in his scripts and doesn't specify any handlers for 
the die signal) this could work.

Some other probleme here. How do I tell mod_perl to execute inside 
the current scope but without
saving the compiled code or any variables? I could do a system(""); 
but that wouldn't allow me access to
the variables I need. A simple require works but mod_perl then 
caches everything in ram.
I thought maybe an eval { require }; would do it but it seems to be 
exactly the same as without the eval.
Is there a way to do this?
Example problem:
$somepackage::somevar = 1;
system("");   #doesn't cache it but doesn't allow accessing the 
var either
require  #caches and bloats the apache process but allows 
accessing the var
eval {
};  #exactly the same as withoit eval
#what did I miss?
if ($somepackage::somevar == 1) {


EXP - Your resource for 3Dimensional Warfare

PS: Big Brother IS Watching You!