[QUESTION] mod_perl skipping phases

2002-07-18 Thread Graham Barr

I am not subscribed to the list, so please copy me on any replies.

We have recently upgraded to the latest 1.3.x apache and mod_perl
and our code is flagging a warning that it did not before.

I am hoping it is the result of a bug fixed in Apache or mod_perl
and that I can change our code to detect and ignore it.

It seems that sometimes some phases of a request are skipped and
the cleanup handler is called.

We have a PerlHeaderParserHandler which gathers all sorts of
information and stores it in pnotes, and later handlers use this

However after the upgrade we occasionally, and it is rare, get a
warning from the cleanup handler that the data structure is not
present in pnotes, which makes me think that the PerlHeaderParserHandler
is not being called.

In an attempt to see what was causing this I added a
  warn $r->as_string
into the cleanup handler. The request looked valid enough, but
there were two things I noticed.

1. This only ever happens on a POST request

2. The response section was always 

  HTTP/1.1 (null)

This make me think that the content handler is not being called

Our system is setup with a lightweight front end apache which proxies
requests to a backend mod_perl server.

Does anyone know of a circumstance that this can happen ?


Re: untraceable uninit warnings

2001-06-14 Thread Graham Barr

Ah, this was a while ago,

I did actually trace the problem down. The handler was returning undef
which was causing these warnings. It was just not taht obvious from the
warning given.


On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 09:48:42AM -0700, Doug MacEachern wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, Graham Barr wrote:
> > Does anyone have any idea what could be causing 
> > 
> > Use of uninitialized value at PerlHandler subroutine 
>`VC::Delivery::Cycle::handler' line 1.
> > 
> > to appear in the errorlog ?
> > 
> > I even added
> > 
> > local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn "here" };
> > 
> > as the first line of VC::Delivery::Cycle::handler, but it never gets
> > triggered, so it would seem the uninit is before the sub is called.
> > 
> > The strange thing is that it is only this one handler that causes
> > such a warning, all others are fine.
> this will only happen if you gave Makefile.PL PERL_MARK_WHERE=1
> which will modify CopFILEGV(curcop) if Perl doesn't know what it is for
> some reason.  not sure why the WARN hook is being ignored, if you can
> whittle it down to a small test case i will have a look.

untraceable uninit warnings

2001-03-07 Thread Graham Barr

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing 

Use of uninitialized value at PerlHandler subroutine `VC::Delivery::Cycle::handler' 
line 1.

to appear in the errorlog ?

I even added

local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn "here" };

as the first line of VC::Delivery::Cycle::handler, but it never gets
triggered, so it would seem the uninit is before the sub is called.

The strange thing is that it is only this one handler that causes
such a warning, all others are fine.


Re: [new module] proposal Apache::DebugHeaders

2000-03-31 Thread Graham Barr

On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 04:07:38PM -0500, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> Hey, I'm not trying to redo anyone's work or step on toes...

I am sure your not, but on the other hand when two modules are so
close in functionality it can help to merge them. There are
several reasons why this can be benificial, not least that it cuts down on duplication
of effort

> I looked at DumpHeaders and thought that my stuff didn't quite fit in
> becuase:
>   1) it's longer - DumpHeaders is short and sweet

That;'s no reason why it cannot be extended. Like many modules on CPAN
DumpHeaders was written to meet a specific task. That does not mean 
enhancements cannot be added.

>   2) it's my attempt at trying to make something OO and extensible

And I would encourage everyone to take a learning cycle, it's fun.

>   3) it has functionality that DumpHeaders doesn't

So extend it.

> (and doesn't 'allow' for
> by name)


>   4) it allows you to track stuff throughout the request cycle (for modules
> that change them)


> Here's the code (minus documentation - if it isn't appropriate it isn't.
> Let me know what you think - I'm open to anything...

It seems to me that these two modules are VERY close in many aspects yet
both have something the other does not.

The two main things I see in DumpHeaders that are not in yours are the ability
to specify a log file (I think yours goes to the standard apache log)
and the ability to specify which IP addresses to dump headers for, this
is VERY useful when trying to debug a problem on a live site that only
a few people see, dumping all headers is just too much.

So that said, what would it take to add these two features to yours ?
I it could do that, and support the PerlSetVars that DumpHeaders uses then it
could just be a drop in replacement.
