Your provided code looks accurate.  Given that you get no errors
trying to place the session ID in the first place, it implies that the
$sessionID you are passing in your fetchSession routine is either not being
passed, being passed incorrectly or the object does not, in fact, live in
the database.
      You should check what you are passing into the routine and then see
if the key for the session is in your table.


                      "Rafiq Ismail                                                    
                      (ADMIN)"                     To:      mod_perl list 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         cc:                                 
            >                  Subject: Apache::Session HELP!      
                      Sent by: Rafiq                                                   
                      Ismail (ADMIN)                                                   
                      08/09/02 06:01:23 AM                                             

Hi, I'm in major poop.

Got a presentation soon and my just implemented, implementation of
Apache::Session is not working as per the man page.

I've set commit to 1 and tied a session to a postgres database.  I then
set a field and check the table it's not there.

When I later do a fetch on it, I get a scarey error:

 [error] Object does not exist in the data store at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Store/ line 81

Create and fetch methods, with table schema, below:


sub tieSession
  my $self = shift;
  my %session;
  my $dsn = "DBI:Pg:dbname=".$DBI_DB.";host=".$DBI_HOST;

  print STDERR "\n CREATING SESSION using dsn: $dsn \n";

  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', undef,
                          DataSource => $dsn,
                          UserName => $DBI_USER,
                          Password => $DBI_PWD,
                          Commit => 1

  ## store creation time

  return \%session;


2) fetching the session:


sub fetchSession
  my $self = shift;
  my $sessionId = shift;
  my $dsn = "DBI:Pg:dbname=".$DBI_DB.";host=".$DBI_HOST;
  my %session;

  print STDERR "\n getting session for $sessionId\n";

  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', $sessionId,
    { DataSource => $dsn,
      UserName => $DBI_USER,
      Password => $DBI_PWD,
      Commit => 1

  ## store last access
  $session{LAST_ACCESS} = time;

  $ENV{GUEST_ID} = $session{GUEST_ID} || undef;
  return \%session;


3) Table Schemata


        CREATE TABLE sessions (
           id char(32) not null primary key,
           a_session text





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