Authentication handlers

2001-03-02 Thread Kiran Kumar.M

hi ,
i'm using mod_perl authentication handler, where 
the user's credentials are checked against a database and in the database 
i have a flag which tells the login status (y|n),  but aftr the user logs out 
the status is changed to n , my problem is that after logging out if the 
user goes one page back and submits the browser sends the username and 
password again , and the status is changed to y . Is there any means of removing 
the username and password from the browsers cache.

Thanks in advance


Process Running Even after timeout

2001-02-22 Thread Kiran Kumar.M

 I have a program that fetches data from 
mysql database,since the database is huge the user gets a time-out(this has been 
taken care now :-)) , but when i see the process list the mysqld process for 
that request is still running , Dosent apache close the database connection 
after it sends a timeout ???


General Question

2001-02-15 Thread Kiran Kumar.M

 I would like to know what header 
to print to view this on the browser, if text/html is entered the image is not 
displayed and if image/gif is entered the image does not appear , thanks 
in advance


ps: if this is not the right place to ask this 
question please tell me where i can find help 

open(F1,"images.gif") ||errorhandler;

while(F1) { 
 $imgcont .=$_;}
print" html message here";
print $imgcont;

print" html message 