Testing for parameter existence

2003-03-17 Thread Marco Guazzone
I'm using the great perl package Apache::Request (with mp1) to fetch
parameters; however it seems there is no way to test if a parameter
exists; in fact even if the parameter does not exist, the
Apache::Request "param" method returns '' (the empty string); so there is
some ambiguity in distinguishing when the parameter does not exist and
when its value is just the empty string.
So how can I bypass this ?
In rewriting future versions of Apache::Request (e.g. for mp2) I think
this could be taken into account.
Thanks in advance!!

Marco Guazzone
Software Engineer
Kerbero S.r.L. - Gruppo TC
Viale Forlanini, 36
Garbagnate M.se (MI)
20024 - Italy
www: http://www.kerbero.com

Did "Can't upgrade that kind of..." come back ?!?

2002-01-11 Thread Marco Guazzone

Hi,    I have written a mod_perl handler that 
"require" other    Perl modules; these modules use the pragma 
'warnings'    (i.e. 'use warnings').    
When I start httpd I get this message in error log:Can't upgrade that 
kind of scalar (#1)    (P) The internal sv_upgrade routine 
adds "members" to an SV, making ==3Dit    into a more 
specialized kind of SV.  The top several SV types are 
so    specialized, however, that they cannot be 
interconverted.  Thismessage    indicates that such 
a conversion was attempted.Uncaught exception from user 
code:    Can't upgrade that kind of 
scalar.If I eliminate 'use warnings' calls all is OK!Note that I 
have problems only for package required whenhttpd starts; infact when I 
process the request I, dinamically, require other packages (according 
to URI) which includethe pragma 'use warnings' and all is OK!!I looked 
up in the mod_perl guide and found in the section"Warnings and Errors 
Troubleshooting" that error'Can't upgrade that kind of scalar"was fixed 
in mod_perl 1.23.Currently I use httpd 1.3.22 and mod_perl 1.26 (and 
perl5.6.1)So what's wrong!?!Thank you in 
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