Hi list :-)

Does anyone know how one goes about disabling a particular handler within a specific location? For example, consider the following:

   <Location />
        PerlInitHandler config
        PerlOutputFilterHandler filter

   <LocationMatch "/(images|gfx)/">
        ## what can I put here to say "don't run" to the above handlers?

## OR

    <Files ~ "\.(jpg|jpe?g|gif|png)$">
        ## something here...

For all HTTP requests for files everywhere excluding directories with /images/ and /gfx/ in it, I want to
run my PerlInitHandler and my PerlOutputFilterHandler. All my handlers do is set up some config variables
and run an xml filter. It's useless overhead to run these handlers on images.

I'd change the directory structure so the image dirs and the perl locations don't overlap, but its just not practical for this app.
I figure I can test for file/mime types of the requested file in my handlers, but I'd love to be able to deal with this issue from within httpd.conf.

Here is my setup, in case you need it:
mp 1.99_08
apache 2.0.44
Linux RH > 7.2

I would appreciate any thoughts about this at all! Even a 'I think your going about this entirely the wrong way' would be helpful. This is all development software I'm working on, so I'm free to change alot.



## Matt J. Avitable ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
## General Partner / Programmer
## Escapement Arts And Media

## http://www.escapement.net/
## Phone: (804) 400-0605

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