Re: Problem running CGI Script

2001-05-25 Thread Owen Boyle

Garima Kishore wrote:
 Assuming I have configured Apache server for running CGI scripts on the
 Linux platform , I get an error when I type the URL
  http://MYMACHINENO:8080/cgi-bin/.PLX PROGRAM on the browser
 ERROR:The requested item could not be loaded by the proxy.Operation
 timed out.

This type of error occurs when the program goes into a loop or hangs and
the browser is left waiting until it gets fed up and times out.

Your URL looks very strange... Is your program really called .PLX?
What is the word PROGRAM doing on its own in the URL - is it meant to
be an argument?

Please check a few things: 

- Does your program run properly from the command line?
- If you want to send arguments, use the correct CGI syntax, e.g.


- the argument list is joined to the program name with a ?
- arguments and values are joined with a =
- extra argument/value pairs are joined with a 

Best regards,

Owen Boyle.

Re: Regarding the PerlAuthenHandler

2001-05-11 Thread Owen Boyle

qazi Ahmed wrote:
 Syntax error on line 547 of 
 Invalid command 'PerlRequire', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not 
included in
the server configuration

Are you *really* sure you have installed mod_perl? Try ./httpd -l to
list the modules and check..


Owen Boyle.

Re: Prob with configuring CGI.

2001-03-29 Thread Owen Boyle

Vikram Hari Deshmukh wrote:
 Well I have started with CGI, 2 days back. But some aspects makes me confused.
 I am having Apache server over Redhat linux 6.2.

I'm a bit confused too... You mention CGI but you posted to a mod_perl
list. Are you using mod_perl? 

To run plain old CGI programs (using an external perl interpreter), all
you need is:

Directory /home/httpd/cgi-bin
  Allow from all
Options +ExecCGI
ScriptAlias /cgi /home/httpd/cgi-bin

call it with http://my_domain/cgi/my_prog

To run CGIs under mod_perl (using the mod_perl interpreter), with
one-shot persistence (i.e. script executes then exits) use

Directory /home/httpd/perl-run
Allow from all
Alias /perl-run/  /home/httpd/perl-run/
Location /perl-run
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
  Options +ExecCGI

call it with http://my_domain/perl-run/my_prog

To run CGIs under mod_perl but with persistence (i.e. the interpreter
stays loaded and global variables remain set) use Apache::Registry;  

Directory /home/httpd/perl
Allow from all
Alias /perl/  /home/httpd/perl/
Location /perl
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options +ExecCGI

call it with http://my_domain/perl/my_prog

You can also write your own handlers in mod_perl but that's quite a way
from CGI - I don't think that's what you're trying to do...


Owen Boyle.

Re: [OT] ApacheCon BOF

2001-03-21 Thread Owen Boyle

Nick Tonkin wrote:
 Personally I find the very name Apache a little uncomfortable..
 ... but the relevance of an http server to the Apache nation
 escapes me (and the symbolizing of the Apache nation with a feather
 strikes me as stereotypical at best).

Most of you will have seen, at least in photgraphs, the remarkable
sandstone escarpment of Ayer's Rock in Australia. For millenia this was
a sacred place for the aboriginal Australians. When europeans first
started touring the continent, they happily scampered up it since to
them, climbing to the top of things seems to be the obvious thing to do.
After about a century of this, it finally occurred to someone to ask an
aboriginal what he thought about people climbing the rock - did he mind?
The answer was "Yes, actually". 

Nowadays, although Yulura (to give it its original name) is still
climbed (the native austalians choose not to assert their opinions) you
should be aware that you climb it with the disapproval of a people to
whom it is holy. You might as well whack a few pitons into the Wailing
Wall or bungee-jump in St. Peter's Basilica.

The point I am making is that you cannot anticipate how people of a
different culture might think about symbols and names and places. It may
be that people of the Apache Nation are indifferent to the name being
used for a computer program, or they may like the association with a
freedom-loving, open-source, not-for-profit organisation which is
striving against corporate greed to make the world a better place, or
they may find it offensive. I don't know.

Did anybody ask them?


Owen Boyle.

Re: please help with perl script

2001-03-20 Thread Owen Boyle

Keletso Mokgethi wrote:
 i am a novice trying to run a perl script on apache

 i created
 a directory under httpd called "perl" in which i
 stored the script. according to redhat's linux 6.2
 apache/ssl documentation, mod_perl is ready to run
 once the server is launced and there is no need for
 any changes in httpd.conf

Hold it right there! If you created a directory, you had better tell
apache about it - for that you *need* to edit httpd.conf... let's

 hoping to run the script i entered the URL:
 and got the reponse: Forbidden
 "you don't have permission to access
 /perl/Read_dat.perl/ on this server.

There are a few reasons why you might get this... In short, apache has
to be able to find the program and access to the directory has to be

Before doing anything else, look in httpd.conf until you find the
ErrorLog directive, then find the file it is pointing to and tail that
file while you run your prog to see what errors you are getting ($ tail
-f /home/apache/logs/error_log)

Back to the problem: I think you are trying to run your script using the
Apache::Registry. To do this:

- let's assume your ServerRoot is "/home/apache"
- check mod-perl is compiled into apache ($ /home/apache/bin/httpd -l
and look for mod_perl)
- put your script in /home/apache/perl (already done)
- check it is executable ($ chmod +x Read_dat.perl)
- its first output has to be the script-header (print "Content-type:
text/html\n\n"; - NB note the two "\n").
- in httpd.conf, you need the following

Directory /home/apache/perl  # this "allows" apache into the directory
  Allow from all

Alias /perl/  /home/apache/perl/ # this lets it find the script
Location /perl # this tells it what to do
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options +ExecCGI
- restart apache
- hit the URL; http://localhost/perl/Read_dat.perl

By the way, in case you don't actually have mod_perl, bear in mind that
you don't need to use mod_perl to get apache to execute a perl program.
You can just use plain old-fashioned CGI. A simple configuration that
might get you running quicker is:

- create a directory /home/apache/cgi and put Read_dat.perl into it
- make sure it is executable 
- its first output has to be the script-header (print "Content-type:
text/html\n\n"; - NB note the two "\n").
- in httpd.conf:

Directory /home/apache/cgi
  Allow from all
DocumentRoot /home/apache/html
ScriptAlias /cgi /home/apache/cgi

- restart apache
- hit the URL; http://localhost/cgi/Read_dat.perl

Now you should get some output. 

Check the error_log to see if anything goes wrong (this will log
apache-level errors). If you need to debug your program, switch on

ScriptLog logs/script_log

and this will log STDERR from the script.

best regards,

Owen Boyle.

Apache::ASP - Forbidden

2001-03-16 Thread Owen Boyle

Francisco Ramiro Pereira wrote:
 When I run http://localhost/eg I got this:
 You don't have permission to access /eg/ on this server.
 Apache/1.3.14 Server at Port 80?
 When I run http://localhost/asp/sample it works well.
 What I'm doing wrong.

What does your DocumentRoot point to? The URL http://localhost/ will
lead to whatever directory is defined by DocumentRoot. So you should

DocumentRoot  /home/httpd/html


http://localhost/   --- /home/httpd/html
http://localhost/eg --- /home/httpd/html/eg


Remember to put an index.html file in each directory (or define
DirectoryIndex, or set Options +Indexes)...

Also, check you do not have a Deny directive blocking access somewhere..
A sensible configuration would be:

# Deny access everywhere and then allow it only where needed
Directory /
  Deny from All
Directory /home/httpd/html
  Allow from all


Owen Boyle

PS To check, look in the error_log when you get the Forbidden error -
you'll probably see something like: "/home/httpd/html/eg/eg does not

Re: List your software with new feature-based search engine

2001-03-16 Thread Owen Boyle

Dear BigSofte,

You must have read my mind! I do *indeed* have a software product which
I would love to have your help in marketing!!!

It is called ListGuard-2.0 and is an intelligent agent which uses
heuristic pattern matching to detect spam mails and advertising and
purge them from mailing lists and other public forums. 

I hope to sell it to the maintainers of public mailing lists so they can
keep their lists free of unsolicited junk mails. Could you help me sell


Owen Boyle.

Re: Forbidden access

2001-03-08 Thread Owen Boyle

Paul Cotter wrote:
   Also there's a typo:
  It has been confirmed by the original author that the typo was only in
  the email sample.
 There was also a /Locatiom but I guess this was a transcription error

As a general rule, when posting slices of config, code etc. to the

ALWAYS use your window-manager's cut'n'paste utility to grab the code.
NEVER transcribe it by typing it in again...

If you try to type it in, you will only type in what you THINK it says -
not what it actually says, i.e. you might unconciously correct an error
in the code or introduce a new error which becomes red-herring.


Owen Boyle.