
I heared a lot of people complaining that they can't get mod_perl-1.99_09 running
on Mac OS X. Here is a little scenario that worked for me.

These are the steps:

Sources: Grab the sources from your closest mirrors and untar them.
If this is the first time you upgrade to 5.8.0, note that Apple
ships 5.6.0 with Mac OS X and both are binary incompatible
to each other, so you might have to rebuild some of your modules.


Perl: Compile Perl with iThreads.

        % cd perl-5.8.0
        % sh Configure -de -Dusethreads
        % make
        % make test
        % sudo make install

Apache: Compile Apache with MPM worker style

        % cd httpd-2.0.45
        % ./configure --with-mpm=worker
        % make
        % sudo make install

mod_perl: Last but not least.

% cd mod_perl-1.99_09
% perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache2 MP_INST_APACHE2=1
% make
% sudo make install

Note: Dont forget to append "LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so" and
"PerlModule Apache2" to your httpd.conf!!!

Thats it!

Not guaranteed to work for you, here it works fine, at least until now.
There are still lots of tests that fail.

Sebastian Riedel

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