RE: [OT] Wanted: beginning perl books for poor kids

2002-11-01 Thread Stone, Derrick J
oh wait... did you say spanish?
no? German?

Perldoc is a challenge if you're new, because the syntax can be hard to pick up. But 
for a good tutorial, a nice printer would go a long way...

Derrick Stone
Internet Specialist
Web Development Center
UVa Health System
ICQ# 1464194

-Original Message-
From: John Saylor [mailto:johns@;]
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 9:05 AM
To: Nick Tonkin
Subject: Re: [OT] Wanted: beginning perl books for poor kids


( 02.10.31 21:57 -0800 ) Nick Tonkin:
> I'm excited to get them going in perl, and I want to appeal to the list
> for donations of books on learning perl.

I'd say the best 'books' are all on line. Don't underestimate the
[lowly] man pages. Or perldoc [-f].

And there are stories and tutorials and good stuff at or or [and so on]. Hopefully, your students [or
school] has/have the resources necessary to use the on line resources.

Good luck!

.--- ...

RE: [OT] Re: Yahoo is moving to PHP ??

2002-10-30 Thread Stone, Derrick J
The first thing to note is that our working definition of intuitive here translates 
to: based on prior knowledge.

PHP is a tag based language and places relatively complex functions at the fingertips 
of your average joe newbie. It is therefore more intuitive and remarkably faster to 
develop with when you are employing a pool of bell-curve skilled programmers.

It is for this same reason that we offer cold fusion for the dynamic sites we host: if 
you have a bit of experience with HTML, a one day class in cold fusion lets you work 
with cookies and databases, et cetera. In our evaluation of what to support in terms 
of web application languages, we selected perl for its power and Cold Fusion for its 
speed of deployment; the latter over PHP because of its maturity { security, 
stability, features, IDE support }. I laugh at the Java bashing because as time wore 
on, you guessed it, we were asked to write an enterprise calendar in Java. 

Derrick Stone
Internet Specialist
Web Development Center
UVa Health System
ICQ# 1464194

-Original Message-
From: Richard Clarke [mailto:ric@;]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 11:34 AM
Subject: [OT] Re: Yahoo is moving to PHP ??

You are probably not the best people to ask for an answer which 
might advocate PHP,
Can someone who is more proficient in PHP than I (I have used it 
for 5 minutes) explain to me why it is quicker to prototype things in PHP?
I can't understand this statement. Surely this is only 
applicable to people who are not proficient with mod_perl & [% 
my_templating_engine %]?
Much of the code from PHP based websites which I have read has 
seemed to take this prototyping idea too much to heart. It looks more 
like an overly
complex prototype than a well working application.

/me doesn't get it.

RE: mod_perl hangs on apache 2.0.43 (w32)

2002-10-29 Thread Stone, Derrick J
I'll work on deciphering the CVS system. Downloading the binaries works fine... 
mod_perl executes and serves. This tells me that something is missing in the compiling 
procedure, so I'll restart the process by getting the latest of everything and 
compiling again.

I sure appreciate your note.

Derrick Stone
Internet Specialist
Web Development Center
UVa Health System
ICQ# 1464194

-Original Message-
From: Randy Kobes [mailto:randy@;]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 1:35 PM
To: Stone, Derrick J
Subject: Re: mod_perl hangs on apache 2.0.43 (w32)

On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Stone, Derrick J wrote:

> I noticed a similar thread from earlier this month, and I was
> hoping that someone has encountered and uncovered the problem.
> Wishful thinking, right?


>  I have compiled Apache 2.0.43 from the source using the
> default options and adding the openssl module.  I have tried
> both perl 5.6.1 and perl 5.8. Perl 5.6 allows me to compile the
> module that I downloaded from
> while I get
> failures to compile mod_perl when using perl 5.8.

By failures, do you mean failures to use the mod_perl-2.ppd
package? This one was compiled using perl-5.6.1, which in general
is binary incompatable with 5.8.

> So, for the time being, I have downgraded to perl 5.6.
> Configuring make, running nmake and nmake install
> appear to run like a peach. However, I am unable to execute any
> mod_perl scripts.
>  Following the lead of the documentation, I have added the
> LoadModule line, then tried both adding a location directive
> and when that failed, a files directive such as this one:
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> Options ExecCGI

Apache::Registry is for mod_perl-1 - the corresponding
handler for mod_perl-2 is ModPerl::Registry.

>  After executing a regular perl script in cgi-bin, I can rename
> the file to .plx, and it the browser will just hang. The script
> I am using reads as follows:
> #! /perl/bin/perl
> ## printenv -- demo CGI program which just prints its environment
> ##
> use strict;
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> print "Environment variables";
> foreach (sort keys %ENV) {
> my $val = $ENV{$_};
> $val =~ s|\n|\\n|g;
> $val =~ s|"|\\"|g;
> print "$_ = \"${val}\"\n";
> }
> #sleep(10);
> print "";
> Suggestions, please!

I've had problems too with different builds of mod_perl-2 at
various times with perl-5.6.1, such as things hanging - this I
think this is related to certain threading issues in 5.6.1 that
are addressed in 5.8. Since you have a compiler, I'd suggest
compiling mod_perl-2 with perl-5.8, which seems to resolve these
hanging issues. If you have problems with the mod_perl-1.99_xx
sources on CPAN, try the mod_perl-2 sources from CVS - as of a
few days ago, this builds and tests fine on Win32 under perl-5.8.

Although compiling things yourself is preferable, if you're
forced to use a binary, there's a perl-5.8/Apache-2/mod_perl-2
Win32 binary, perl-5.8-win32-bin.tar.gz, under
which unpacks into Apache2/ and Perl/ subdirectories -
installation instructions are summarized in the accompanying
top-level install.txt file. mod_ssl is included in this

best regards,
randy kobes

mod_perl hangs on apache 2.0.43 (w32)

2002-10-29 Thread Stone, Derrick J
I noticed a similar thread from earlier this month, and I was hoping that someone has 
encountered and uncovered the problem.
Wishful thinking, right?
I have compiled Apache 2.0.43 from the source using the default options and adding the 
openssl module. 
I have tried both perl 5.6.1 and perl 5.8. Perl 5.6 allows me to compile the module 
that I downloaded from while I get 
failures to compile mod_perl when using perl 5.8.
So, for the time being, I have downgraded to perl 5.6. Configuring make, 
running nmake and nmake install appear to run like a peach. However, I am unable to 
execute any mod_perl scripts.
Following the lead of the documentation, I have added the LoadModule line, then tried 
both adding a location directive and when that failed, a files directive such as this 

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI

After executing a regular perl script in cgi-bin, I can rename the file to .plx, and 
it the browser will just hang. The script I am using reads as follows:
#! /perl/bin/perl
## printenv -- demo CGI program which just prints its environment
use strict;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Environment variables";
foreach (sort keys %ENV) {
my $val = $ENV{$_};
$val =~ s|\n|\\n|g;
$val =~ s|"|\\"|g;
print "$_ = \"${val}\"\n";
print "";
Suggestions, please!
Derrick Stone
Internet Specialist
UVa Health System