IO function ...

2002-10-24 Thread Sylbert L
Hi there .. i know this question doesn't really belong to this list .. but
does anyone have any idea if the standard IO functions in glibc 2.2.2-10 are
thread safe? Thanks a lot ...

installing a signal handler in module ..

2002-10-24 Thread Sylbert L
Hi ..

I need to catch a custom signal in my module. How do I do this ? I tried
writing a signal handler ..  put it into my Responsehandler module .. but
it doesn't seem to work. Is this possible ? How do I achieve this ?

Thanks ..

getting the PID for a request

2002-10-18 Thread Sylbert L
Is there any way I can get the Process Id or thread ID for a particular
process / thread that is handling my request ? thanks a bunch ..

Passing data from ConnectionHandler to a ProtocolHandler ..

2002-09-25 Thread Sylbert L


I need to modify the request object before it is handed over to a protocol
handler. I'm using 2.0, so suppose I implement a Connection Handler, within
which i read from the socket directly .. modify the data read, now how do I
pass on this modified data to the Protocol Handler ?


help getting started ..

2002-09-05 Thread Sylbert L


I'm just getting started with mod_perl. Was trying out the
Apache::CommandServer sample code provided in the documentation, but I seem
to get this error : Can't locate object method run_access_checker via
package Apache::RequestRec at .

I'm using Apache 2.0.40, with mod_perl 2.0, Perl 5.8.0 on Red Hat Linux 7.2.

Also, I was just reading up on the mod_perl handlers. Is it possible to
modify the working of apache, such that, it doesn't close the connection
with the client ? and the connection with the client remains a constant one
until the client explicitly closes the connection ? Can this be done at a
module level ? Or do I need to modify the Apache source to acomplish the
same ? If its possible with mod_perl, which PerlHandler(s) need to be used ?

Thanks a whole lot. I've just recently purchased Oreilly's Writing Apache
Modules with Perl and C, but  realized that it isn't too much of help, coz
I'm dealing with Apache 2.0  the book is all about Apache 1.3  theres such
a drastic difference between the two mod_perl implementations. Is there any
other source of documentation / help I can find ?

Thanks Again,

Sylbert L

PS : The Code that I'm using can be found at :

Re: help getting started ..

2002-09-05 Thread Sylbert L

Thanks Stas, the code works just fine now.

This is what i'd read :

[Apache 1.3 is hardwired to speak only one protocol, HTTP. Apache 2.0 has
moved to more of a server  framework architecture making it possible to
plugin handlers for protocols other than HTTP. The protocol module design
also abstracts the transport layer so protocols such as SSL can be hooked
into the server without requiring modifications to the Apache source code.
This allows Apache to be extended much further than in the past, making it
possible to add support for protocols such as FTP, SMTP, RPC flavors and the
like. The main advantage being that protocol plugins can take advantage of
Apache's portability, process/thread management, configuration mechanism and
plugin API.]

So if this is true, then shouldn't it be possible for me to implment a
constant connection using Apache 2.0 ?

Thanks again,

Sylbert L

PS : Any idea when the API docs will be available ?

 I'm using Apache 2.0.40, with mod_perl 2.0, Perl 5.8.0 on Red Hat Linux

 Also, I was just reading up on the mod_perl handlers. Is it possible to
 modify the working of apache, such that, it doesn't close the connection
 with the client ? and the connection with the client remains a constant
 until the client explicitly closes the connection ? Can this be done at a
 module level ? Or do I need to modify the Apache source to acomplish the
 same ? If its possible with mod_perl, which PerlHandler(s) need to be used

HTTP is a stateless protocol and while you have the KeepAlive
functionality to serve several requests over the same connection, you
cannot rely on that to keep the connection open.