Re: Reloading Modules

2002-05-30 Thread Ted Prah

Stas Bekman wrote:

> Ted Prah wrote:
> > Thanks for the input Stas.  I found your debugging methodology
> > to be very informative and especially useful in a mod_perl environment.
> >
> > I tried your suggestion of commenting out
> >  require $key;
> > in, but it did not work for me.  I'd be happy to try
> > any other suggestions you might have.
> But did you debug whether the module was reloaded from with the
> modified If so was the import() called? If not, try to have
> it as a separate call:
> require My::Test;
> My::Test->import(':subs');

This worked!  The modification to was not necessary for
this to work.

> > Your code to work around Exporter worked fine.  However,
> > I think I'll stick with using Exporter so that I can make use
> > of the export tags.
> But it doesn't seem to work? You can easily extend the import() function
> I've suggested to suppport tags.

Right, it doesn't work unless I restart the server.  Restarting the
server has been made easier due to your advice on cloning the
apachectl script and setting the suid bit.

Thanks again for all your help,


> __
> Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
> mod_perl Guide --->

Re: Reloading Modules

2002-05-29 Thread Ted Prah

Thanks for the input Stats.  I found your debugging methodology
to be very informative and especially useful in a mod_perl environment.

I tried your suggestion of commenting out
 require $key;
in, but it did not work for me.  I'd be happy to try
any other suggestions you might have.

Your code to work around Exporter worked fine.  However,
I think I'll stick with using Exporter so that I can make use
of the export tags.

Thanks again!


Stas Bekman wrote:

> Ted Prah wrote:
> > Hi again,
> >
> > I'm having trouble seeing module changes when I reload
> > a script that uses it.
> That's because doesn't re-exports the symbols when reloading
> the module and doesn't call import() because it sees the module
> in %INC, therefore it still sees the old sub till the moment it gets
> recompiled. Below you will find a complete analysis.
> > I'm using Apache::Reload and my test
> > script/module is as follows:
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> > use strict;
> > use warnings;
> >
> > use My::Test qw(:subs);
> >
> > print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
> > &test1();
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > package My::Test;
> > use strict;
> > use warnings;
> >
> > BEGIN {
> > use Exporter ();
> >
> >
> > @ISA   = qw(Exporter);
> > @EXPORT= qw();
> > @EXPORT_OK = qw();
> >
> > %EXPORT_TAGS = (
> > subs => [qw(test1)],
> >);
> >
> > Exporter::export_ok_tags('subs');
> >
> > }
> >
> > sub test1 { print "In test1 func\n"; }
> >
> > 1;
> > 
> adjust the to do:
> test1(); print \&test1, "\n";
> #test2(); print \&test2, "\n";
> and to:
> ...
> warn "test1:", \&test1, "\n";
> #warn "test2:", \&test2, "\n";
> sub test1 { print "In test1 func\n"; }
> #sub test2 { print "In test2 func\n"; }
> ...
> The first time you run the script you will see:
> output:
> In test1 func
> CODE(0x85ad38c)
> error_log:
> test1:CODE(0x85ad38c)
> you can see that both test1 and My::Test::test1 point to the same sub.
> > When I modify sub test1, and I reload - no changes appear
> > in the browser.  The following gets printed to error_log:
> > Subroutine test1 redefined at /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/ line 22.
> output:
> In test1 func
> CODE(0x85ad38c)
> error_log:
> test1:CODE(0x84ee110)
> as you see the test1 is not the same as My::Test::test1
> > When I touch - the changes appear.  The following gets printed
> > to error_log:
> > Subroutine test1 redefined at /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/ line 5
> output:
> In test11 func
> CODE(0x84ee110)
> now it points to the recent My::Test::test1
> In that way you can debug any "mysteries" in Perl code.
> Now, how to solve this problem. For example comment out
>  require $key;
> in
> that way, will see that My::Test is not in %INC, and require it
> + call its import() method.
> Tell if this worked and we may adjust to have a special mode
> where it makes Perl forget about modified modules and let the code that
> loaded them in first place do the loading (and therefore the importing).
> > Finally, if I add a new subroutine test2 to, export it, and
> > update the script to call test2, the script fails with an
> > Internal
> > Server Error.  The following gets printed to error_log:
> > "test2" is not exported by the My::Test module at
> > /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/ line 5
> > [Wed May 22 15:26:12 2002] [error] Can't continue after import errors at
> >
> > /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/ line 5
> > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/
> > My/ line 5.
> >
> > Then, when I restart the server, the script runs fine.
> Hmm, this one is different. Seems like a bug in Exporter.
> if you remove from the setup, so it won't confuse you and
> adjust the code to do:
> do "My/";
> My::Test->import(':subs');

Reloading Modules

2002-05-22 Thread Ted Prah

Hi again,

I'm having trouble seeing module changes when I reload
a script that uses it.  I'm using Apache::Reload and my test
script/module is as follows:

use strict;
use warnings;

use My::Test qw(:subs);

print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";

package My::Test;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Exporter ();


@ISA   = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT= qw();
@EXPORT_OK = qw();

subs => [qw(test1)],



sub test1 { print "In test1 func\n"; }


When I modify sub test1, and I reload - no changes appear
in the browser.  The following gets printed to error_log:
Subroutine test1 redefined at /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/ line


When I touch - the changes appear.  The following gets printed
to error_log:
Subroutine test1 redefined at /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/ line


Finally, if I add a new subroutine test2 to, export it, and
update the script to call test2, the script fails with an
Server Error.  The following gets printed to error_log:
"test2" is not exported by the My::Test module at
/export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/ line 5
[Wed May 22 15:26:12 2002] [error] Can't continue after import errors at

/export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/My/ line 5
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin/
My/ line 5.

Then, when I restart the server, the script runs fine.

Thank you for any help you can provide,


Re: Reloading Library Files

2002-05-20 Thread Ted Prah

Stas Bekman wrote:

> Ted Prah wrote:
> >>do you test only this script alone? What happens if you add the package
> >>declaration and then call it using the full name? e.g.:
> >>
> >
> >
> > Yes, this is the only script (and corresponding library file) that I use
> > for this test.  When I use the package declaration and make the call
> > using the full name, the reloads work fine.
> >
> > The reason I am using the library file is to follow your recommendation
> > in the mod_perl guide where a script is split into two files to avoid
> > the nested subroutine problem.  Out of curiosity I tested the sample
> > code ( and and they too did not reload properly
> > when was modified.  Does the reloading of a modification
> > of work for you?  I would prefer to use the library file
> > approach as opposed to the package approach as a lot of our code
> > uses libraries that are not in packages, but will move to packages if
> > that is a necessity.
> Well, that explains everything.
> When you require() a library without that doesn't declare a package for
> the first time from the registry script, all its global symbols (subs,
> vars, etc) get imported into the namespace of the caller, i.e. the
> registry script (APACHE::ROOT::...).
> When Apache::Reload require()s that library that doesn't declare a
> package, all the global symbols end up in the Apache::Reload namespace!
> So the library does get reloaded and you see the compile time errors if
> there are any, but the symbols don't get imported to the right
> namespace. So the old code is running. Moreover this leads to a
> pollution of the Apache::Reload namespace, which may cause to problems
> if you happen to overwrite some of its symbols (subs, vars, etc).

That explains the library files not reloading - Thanks!

> I suppose if you want to use the cheap workaround, you have to
> s/require/do/. Remember that the guide suggests the trick as a
> workaround, not a solution you go with during the normal development.

I didn't realize that using the library wrapper was a cheap workaround
to the nested subroutine problem.  The effects of the nested subroutine
problem is my biggest concern with writing code for mod_perl.  What
I liked about the trick is that it completely eliminates this problem.
I won't lose sleep wondering if somehow the code went into production
with a nested subroutine.  I realize that there are other ways to eliminate
the nested subroutine problem, but what are the preferred techniques
used by mod_perl developers?  Check the error_log file for problems
and fix as needed?

> Was this explanation clear enough? We need to add it to the
> Apache::Reload manpage to avoid this kind of questions in the future.

Makes sense.

> Funny though, that it's the first time this problem has been reported.
> Which shows that most of the people don't use workarounds when they do
> real developments :)

> __
> Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
> mod_perl Guide --->

Ted Prah
NetCasters, Inc.

Re: Reloading Library Files

2002-05-20 Thread Ted Prah

Stas Bekman wrote:

> Ted Prah wrote:
> > Thanks Drew, I tried that, but it did not work.
> What happends if you add:
> PerlWarn On
> in httpd.conf
> or
> start the script with perl -w?
> any warnings?

I had PerlWarn On and added -w anyway, but there were no errors.

> do you test only this script alone? What happens if you add the package
> declaration and then call it using the full name? e.g.:

Yes, this is the only script (and corresponding library file) that I use
for this test.  When I use the package declaration and make the call
using the full name, the reloads work fine.

The reason I am using the library file is to follow your recommendation
in the mod_perl guide where a script is split into two files to avoid
the nested subroutine problem.  Out of curiosity I tested the sample
code ( and and they too did not reload properly
when was modified.  Does the reloading of a modification
of work for you?  I would prefer to use the library file
approach as opposed to the package approach as a lot of our code
uses libraries that are not in packages, but will move to packages if
that is a necessity.

Thank you, I really appreciate your help.

> - test script which calls entry_point in
> ---
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> require '/home/cgi-bin/';
> My::Z::entry_point();
> ---
> --
> package My::Z;
> use strict;
> sub entry_point {
>  my $r = Apache->request;
>  $r->content_type('text/html');
>  $r->send_http_header;
>  print "HERE 1";
>  #print "  HERE 2";
> }
> > Ted
> >
> > Drew Taylor wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Have you tried moving the PerlInitHandler & PerlSetVar up and out of the
> >> directive, making it global for the server? I'm not sure that
> >>would fix it, but it's worth a try.
> >>
> >>Drew
> >>
> >>At 02:37 PM 5/17/02 -0400, Ted Prah wrote:
> >>
> >>>I have tried Apache::Reload as well, but I get the same results.
> >>>
> >>>Ted
> >>>
> >>>Drew Taylor wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Take a look at Apache::Reload or Apache::StatINC. Reload is more flexible,
> >>>>but StatINC has been around a little longer. Both have worked well for me.
> >>>>But be sure that you don't use these modules on a production server. :-)
> >>>>
> >>>>httpd.conf
> >>>>==
> >>>>PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
> >>>>
> >>>>Drew
> >>>>
> >>>>At 01:38 PM 5/17/02 -0400, Ted Prah wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>Hi,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I am new to mod_perl and am having problems seeing the
> >>>>>changes made to library files.  Must I restart the server every
> >>>>>time I change a library file in order to see my changes?  My
> >>>>>test code and environment is below.
> >>>>
> >>==
> >>Drew Taylor  |  Freelance web development using
> >>   |  perl/mod_perl/MySQL/postgresql/DBI
> >>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  Email jobs at
> >>--
> >> A DSL provider with a clue. Sign up today.
> >>
> >>==
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ted Prah
> > NetCasters, Inc.
> > Phone:  978.887.2100 x44
> > Fax:  978.887.6750
> >
> --
> __
> Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
> mod_perl Guide --->

Ted Prah
NetCasters, Inc.
Phone:  978.887.2100 x44
Fax:  978.887.6750

Re: Reloading Library Files

2002-05-17 Thread Ted Prah

Thanks Drew, I tried that, but it did not work.


Drew Taylor wrote:

> Have you tried moving the PerlInitHandler & PerlSetVar up and out of the
>  directive, making it global for the server? I'm not sure that
> would fix it, but it's worth a try.
> Drew
> At 02:37 PM 5/17/02 -0400, Ted Prah wrote:
> >I have tried Apache::Reload as well, but I get the same results.
> >
> >Ted
> >
> >Drew Taylor wrote:
> >
> > > Take a look at Apache::Reload or Apache::StatINC. Reload is more flexible,
> > > but StatINC has been around a little longer. Both have worked well for me.
> > > But be sure that you don't use these modules on a production server. :-)
> > >
> > > httpd.conf
> > > ==
> > > PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
> > >
> > > Drew
> > >
> > > At 01:38 PM 5/17/02 -0400, Ted Prah wrote:
> > > >Hi,
> > > >
> > > >I am new to mod_perl and am having problems seeing the
> > > >changes made to library files.  Must I restart the server every
> > > >time I change a library file in order to see my changes?  My
> > > >test code and environment is below.
> ==
> Drew Taylor  |  Freelance web development using
>   |  perl/mod_perl/MySQL/postgresql/DBI
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  Email jobs at
> --
> A DSL provider with a clue. Sign up today.
> ==

Ted Prah
NetCasters, Inc.
Phone:  978.887.2100 x44
Fax:  978.887.6750

Re: Reloading Library Files

2002-05-17 Thread Ted Prah

I have tried Apache::Reload as well, but I get the same results.


Drew Taylor wrote:

> Take a look at Apache::Reload or Apache::StatINC. Reload is more flexible,
> but StatINC has been around a little longer. Both have worked well for me.
> But be sure that you don't use these modules on a production server. :-)
> httpd.conf
> ==
> PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
> Drew
> At 01:38 PM 5/17/02 -0400, Ted Prah wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I am new to mod_perl and am having problems seeing the
> >changes made to library files.  Must I restart the server every
> >time I change a library file in order to see my changes?  My
> >test code and environment is below.
> ==
> Drew Taylor  |  Freelance web development using
>   |  perl/mod_perl/MySQL/postgresql/DBI
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  Email jobs at
> --
> A DSL provider with a clue. Sign up today.
> ==

Reloading Library Files

2002-05-17 Thread Ted Prah


I am new to mod_perl and am having problems seeing the
changes made to library files.  Must I restart the server every
time I change a library file in order to see my changes?  My
test code and environment is below. - test script which calls entry_point in
use strict;

require '/home/cgi-bin/';

use strict;

sub entry_point {

my $r = Apache->request;

print "HERE 1";
#print "  HERE 2";



My Test Procedure:

1.)  Start server (w/ -X option)
2.)  Run via browser - output is "HERE 1"
3.)  Uncomment out second print statement in
4.)  Reload via browser - output is "HERE 1"
 I would expect it to display the output of
 the second print statement, but it does not.
5.)  Re-start server
6.)  Run via browser - output is "HERE 1  HERE 2"

If I deliberately put an error in and reload, I receive
an error message.  So, it appears that the library file is
getting reloaded.  But why don't my changes show up?  Also,
here is the output in the error_log that displays Apache::StatINC

Apache::StatINC: process 21891 reloading /home/cgi-bin/
Apache::StatINC::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x211220)') called at /dev/null
line 0  eval {...} called at /dev/null line 0

I have extended @INC by using "use lib .." in the startup file.  I
have read through the mod_perl guide at, but
am unable to resolve this problem.  Should I replace the 'require's
with 'do's in development and then switch back to requires when
moving to production?

My Environment:
perl version:  5.6.1
mod_perl version:  1.26
apache version:  1.3.24
OS:  Solaris 2.8

from httpd.conf

PerlWarn On
PerlModule Apache::StatINC
PerlRequire /httpd/conf/

Alias /cgi-bin/ /home/cgi-bin/

PerlModule Apache::Registry

SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
allow from all
PerlSendHeader On
PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
PerlSetVar StatINC_Debug 1
use strict;

# Extend @INC if needed
use lib qw(/home/cgi-bin);

# Make sure we are in a sane environment.
$ENV{MOD_PERL} or die "not running under mod_perl!";

# Don't include the name of the virtual host in the package name
$Apache::Registry::NameWithVirtualHost = 0;

# Load Perl modules of your choice here
# This code is interpreted *once* when the server starts
use Apache::DBI ();
use DBI ();

# Tell me more about warnings
use Carp ();
$SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;


Thanks for any help you can provide,
