Make test with mod_perl 1.26 - further iinfo

2001-07-30 Thread jmeltze

> What version are you using?
> perl -MCGI -le 'print $CGI::VERSION'

Version 3.02.  Is there a way to go back to an earlier version, if that 
will take care of this problem?  It was installed by either 
Bundle::CPAN or Bundle::Apache - I have installed both of these 

> i think I've seen the same problem with v 3.02 which unfortunately
> gets installed by CPAN shell.
> In any case, when you have a problem with some test you should post
> the output of the verbose run. In your case it's:
> make start_httpd
> perl ./t/TEST -v modules/cgi
> make kill_httpd

Here is the output from that:

 /usr/local/src/mod_perl-1.26> # make start_httpd
../apache_1.3.20/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t &
httpd listening on port 8529
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
/usr/local/src/mod_perl-1.26> # perl ./t/TEST -v modules/cgi
modules/cgi.module CGI is installed
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
ok 5
FAILED test 4
Failed 1/5 tests, 80.00% okay
Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed
modules/cgi.t 51  20.00%  4
Failed 1/1 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 1/5 subtests failed, 80.00% 
 /usr/local/src/mod_perl-1.26> # make kill_httpd
kill `cat t/logs/`
rm -f t/logs/
rm -f t/logs/error_log

> > The only thing I have NOT done is installed Perl 5.6.1, which both
> > Bundle::CPAN and Bundle::Apache tried to install.  Is this necessary
> > for this to work?  Perl 5.00503 is on the box already.  I was not
> > planning to upgrade Perl at this time.

Is there any way to avoid starting to install Perl 5.6.1 when you 
install Bundle::Apache or Bundle::CPAN?

> you can always do:
> cpan> force install mod_perl
> to ignore the results of tests. Of course it's a good thing to report
> a bug and solve it.

What would the side effects be to doing this, if there is a problem 

IN any case, thanks for the help and direction.  

-- Jonathan

Make test with mod_perl 1.26

2001-07-29 Thread jmeltze

Greetings.  I had a mod_perl setup with Apache 1.3.11/ mod_perl 
1.24 on a RedHat Linux box running fine.  Then I decided (or was 
asked, actually) to upgrade to Apache 1.3.20/ mod_perl 1.26.  

The Apache install by itself ran fine, but when I try to 'make test' 
with mod_perl, I get the following error:

../apache_1.3.20/src/httpd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t &
httpd listening on port 8529
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
/usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
modules/cgi.FAILED test 4
Failed 1/5 tests, 80.00% okay

No other errors but this one, but this one is enough to stop the 
install from working.

Any ideas?  I have tried reinstalling, redownloading...

The only thing I have NOT done is installed Perl 5.6.1, which both 
Bundle::CPAN and Bundle::Apache tried to install.  Is this 
necessary for this to work?  Perl 5.00503 is on the box already.  I 
was not planning to upgrade Perl at this time.

I looked through the mailing list for similar errors, but no one 
seems to be having this exact problem.



re: Why is this book out of print? (Thanks)

2000-07-17 Thread jmeltze

I will try the online sources - many thanks for the pointers.  And I
have the Perl Cookbook, so I will look in there too.

I checked the local Barnes and Noble, and two Borders stores.  No

Thanks to all for the help.

-- Jonathan

On 16 Jul 00, at 21:49, m m wrote:

> Not exactly sure why this book is out of print,
> "but its available online through the O'Reilly Open
> Books Project".
> And I think I saw a copy of it in my local Barnes and
> Noble, so you might wanna try your local bookstore.
> >I wanted to use mod_perl with the LWP modules, and I
> >was
> >recommended the Pelican book, "Web Client Programming
> >with
> >Perl".  I went looking for it and it is out of print.
>  >Has another book
> >replaced it in the O'Reilly library?  It seems like
> it >has not lost its
> >relevance.  A friend I know who has it says that it
> is >exactly what I
> >need.
> >Can anyone answer this, and/or point me in the right
> >direction?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> __
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Why is this book out of print?

2000-07-16 Thread jmeltze

I wanted to use mod_perl with the LWP modules, and I was 
recommended the Pelican book, "Web Client Programming with 
Perl".  I went looking for it and it is out of print.  Has another book 
replaced it in the O'Reilly library?  It seems like it has not lost its 
relevance.  A friend I know who has it says that it is exactly what I 

Can anyone answer this, and/or point me in the right direction?

