Re: [OT] Which is the fastest XML/XSL engine?

2002-08-30 Thread mmaunder

Thanks very much for your super fast replies. LibXSLT looks awesome. I found some 
benchmarks which you're probably aware of:

Thanks again,


On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 09:53:49AM +0100, Ben Ausden wrote:
> > What is the fastest technology available for transforming XML 
> > using XSL under perl/mod_perl on apache? The only perl api 
> > I'm aware of is XML::XSLT which is not particularly fast. I'd 
> > like to do transforms in realtime for a high traffic site.
> Try the XML::LibXML and XML::LibXSLT modules, which use the Gnome project's XML and 
>XSLT C libraries:
> They're extremely fast, in my experience.
> regards,
> Ben

[OT] Which is the fastest XML/XSL engine?

2002-08-30 Thread mmaunder


This is rather off topic, but since I will be running this under mod_perl:

What is the fastest technology available for transforming XML using XSL under 
perl/mod_perl on apache? The only perl api I'm aware of is XML::XSLT which is not 
particularly fast. I'd like to do transforms in realtime for a high traffic site.



Re: modifying @INC at startup and version of perl used

2002-08-29 Thread mmaunder


Use the perl internal variables to figure out what version you're running under: $] 
and $^V
Use these whether you're running perl or mod_perl. You might want to direct questions 
relating to perl in general to the perl beginners list.
Please see perldoc perlvar for more details.


On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 10:44:15AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> This is probably a luser error as I am quite new to this malarkey, however I have 
>been experimenting for a while without progress now. I need to know how to find out 
>exactly which version of perl mod_perl is configured to use, and if this can be 
>changed as a non-root user, and how to set the @INC.
> I have a simple startup script that prints @INC, which prints
> @INC: /sbcimp/run/pd/perl/5.005_03/lib/sun4-solaris
> /sbcimp/run/pd/perl/5.005_03/lib
> /sbcimp/run/pd/perl/5.005_03/lib/site_perl/sun4-solaris
> /sbcimp/run/pd/perl/5.005_03/lib/site_perl
> this makes me think I am running 5.005_03? 
> In the conf file I have 
> PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB 
> but this does not seem to update the @INC. (I've also tried combinations of PERLLIB 
>and SetEnv etc).
> When this is set however I get the following errors
> Can't locate object method "boot" via package "mod_perl" at 
>/sbcimp/run/pd/perl/5.005_03/lib/site_perl/sun4-solaris/Apache/ line 8.
> and
> [Thu Aug 29 10:41:12 2002] [error] syntax error at 
>/sbcimp/run/pd/perl/5.6.1/lib/ line 306, near "{^"
> syntax error at /sbcimp/run/pd/perl/5.6.1/lib/ line 311, near "{^"
> etc, which is making me think I am mixing incompatible perl binaries and modules. 
> Does that seem reasonable, and if so what can I do to use perl 5.6.1?
> Many thanks for your time.
> jamie
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$r->print() with slow clients and stop button

2002-08-28 Thread mmaunder


I've created a meta-search that prints out status messages to 
the browser as it receives responses from the servers it is searching by
setting $|=1 and using $r->print. It runs as a mod_perl handler. I'm running
apache 1.3.24 and mod_perl 1.26 on Linux. 

I'm finding that my web app has slowed down radically since I started doing
this. I've tracked it down to the $r->print statements. I suspect that each
statement is waiting for acknowledgement from the client before it will
continue execution. Sometimes children are tied up for 2 minutes! I suspect
these may be where the client has dropped its dialup connection and
$r->print is waiting for acknowledgement of a packet. 

Has anyone else had this problem? I've set httpd.conf's Timeout setting to 5
seconds as a temporary fix. As I understand it, this will affect the amount
of time perl waits before triggering soft_timeout or hard_timeout when doing
$r->print operations?

I'd like to somehow send data to the client and have execution continue until 
the end of a time critical section, after which it will wait for acknowledgement 
of all data that was sent and if that is not received within X seconds, kill
the connection and return OK.

The only way I can think of doing this is to get the client socket
connection, temporarily change it to non blocking, do a send on it, finish
the piece of code, and then change it back to non-blocking once I've
confirmed the data was sent correctly. I'm afraid (very afraid) that this
will break apache or mod_perl somehow. Does this sound like a workable
solution? My C isn't too hot, so I'll be coding the entire thing in Perl and
running it as part of the handler. 

Is there a better or easier way to do this?

