Re: Cheap and unique

2002-05-07 Thread Simon Oliver

> >digest source might be able to locate the bits just by trying a lot of
> >them. I would expire them after a while just to prevent that from
> >happening by stating that if there is a 15 minute session, new random bits
> >are generated each five minutes.

I missed the start of this thread, but how about generating a new id (or
random bits) on every vists: on first connect client is assigned a session
id, on subsequent connects, previous id is verified and a new id is
generated and returned.  This makes it even harder to crack.

  Simon Oliver

Re: Client capabilities (and JavaScript)

2002-05-02 Thread Simon Oliver

Michael Nino wrote:
> If the browser is Lynx then send text only version otherwise send JavaScript
> browser "sniffer". The JavaScript sniffer can check for CSS, DHTML, DOM,
> plugins, etc... then redirect back to the server for the correct
> implementation.

Do you have a sniffer example - I have an idea for a module that
dynamically generates a sniffer/redirector.

  Simon Oliver

Re: Client capabilities

2002-04-30 Thread Simon Oliver

Martin Haase-Thomas wrote:
> HTTP defines an 'Accept' header.
But that's not much use.  For example lynx replies with

HTTP_ACCEPT text/html, text/plain, image/*, image/jpeg, text/sgml,
   video/mpeg, image/jpeg, image/tiff, image/x-rgb, image/png,
   image/x-xbitmap, image/x-xbm, image/gif, application/postscript,

But it can't render images or postscript!

Your best bet is to use the HTTP_USER_AGENT header.  From this you can
work out what browser the client is using and marry this info with a
database of browser capabilities (Microsoft provide one for use with IIS).

The main problem is that a client can be modified from the "standard"
install to prevent JavaScript, StyleSheets, Images, etc and there is no
way to detect this server side.

You can detect JavaScript at the client side and redirect to a JavaScript
enabled URL or use the  tag to provide alternative content.

Again at the client side you can use DHTML to determine client
capabilities and redirect or display alternative content accordingly but
this will not work with all browsers, see:

  Simon Oliver

Re: Memory explodes loading CSV into hash

2002-04-29 Thread Simon Oliver

Have you tried DBD::AnyData?  It's pure Perl so it might not be as fast
but you never know?

  Simon Oliver

Global (to page) variables under Apache::ASP

2002-04-23 Thread Simon Oliver

In my httpd.conf I have set 'PerlSetVar UseStrict 1' because I always use
sctict anyway and I see in the docs that this might become the default
too.  So I always declare my variables with my().  

Suppose I have a master ASP file that includes other scripts and these
other scripts need access to the variables declrared in the master - no
problem.  But reading through the docs it looks like turning on
DynamicIncludes would save alot of memory and be generally more

Indeed, it would also "protect" the variables declared in one file from
another because the includes are compliled and called as seperate subs.  
And here lies the problem, how to declare a vaiable in the master ASP file
that is also in the scope of the dynamic include?

  Simon Oliver

DSO & suexecx & mod_perl

2001-07-05 Thread Oliver

OK, but I  can I govern this:

in the apache configuration of ./configure
I tried to add some DSO (Dynamical Shared Objects) like this

./configure --enable-module=most --enable-shared=max --enable-suexec --suexe
c-caller=apache --suexec-docroot=/home --suexec-userdir=/home --suexec-uidmi
n=500 --suexec-gidmin=100 --suexec-safepath=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin --a
ctivate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a --enable-shared=perl -

after running make and then make install

I tried to restart httpd
it failed.

My Question:
What can I do to have most of the DSO object modules for apache and mod_perl
running as suExec.

> sure... they don't conflict, but you also can't use them at the same
> time... module effectively means internal to apache, and exec effectively
> means external ... so you can have mod_cgi call external programs using
> suexec, or mod_perl handle perl scripts internally to apache ... but they
> don't combine

> > hello list,
> > I tried to configure my new apache (with APACI) like this:
> >
> >
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --activate-module=src/modules/perl/li
> >
bperl.a --enable-shared=perl --enable-suexec --suexec-caller=apache --suexec
> -docroot=/home  --suexec-userdir=/home  --suexec-uidmin=500 --suexec-gidmi
> >
100 --suexec-logfile=/usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_log --suexec-safepath=/us
> > r/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
> >
> > My question:
> >
> > Is there any possibility to run Apache
> > with suexec and mod_perl ?

suexecx & mod_perl

2001-07-05 Thread Oliver - GoodnGo.COM \(R\)

hello list,
I tried to configure my new apache (with APACI) like this:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --activate-module=src/modules/perl/li
bperl.a --enable-shared=perl --enable-suexec --suexec-caller=apache --suexec
-docroot=/home  --suexec-userdir=/home  --suexec-uidmin=500 --suexec-gidmin=
100 --suexec-logfile=/usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_log --suexec-safepath=/us

My question:

Is there any possibility to run Apache
with suexec and mod_perl ?

N:GoodnGo.COM (R);Oliver -
FN:Oliver - GoodnGo.COM (R)
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name-based virtual host ->suexec: command not in docroot

2001-07-02 Thread Oliver

Hello All,
I'm using name-based virtual hosts on Apache 1.3.19

I need to run a cgi from one of the virtual hosts, but I get the following
suexec.log - command not in docroot (/path/to/cgi)
error.log - Premature end of script headers: /path/to/cgi

Anyone know why and what I should do? Thanks!
Please Help. 
Oliver Etzel, Munich

Re: [Apache] Re: [CGI] CGI Script don´t run under Linux´s Apache

2001-07-01 Thread Oliver

Hello People,

OK I looked into the Error_Log there it is written:

Premature end of script header

What can it be?

- Original Message -
From: "Phil Buckley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 6:34 PM
Subject: [Apache] Re: [CGI] CGI Script don´t run under Linux´s Apache

> The first step would be to check the error logs...
> It sounds like you may have to modify the httpd.conf file to give
permissions to execute cgi scripts, or the cgi-bin alias might be wrong,
could be alot of things, but start with the error log, try looking in
> On 6/28/2001 at 6:14 PM Oliver wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I spent a couple of days and nights getting the Apache 1.3 running -
> >Now I run some tests with simple CGI-Scripts which were working on
> >webserver very well AND everytime I try to run the Perl script from
> >I get the well known ERROR 500 message. On other machines they are
> >I guess I misconfigured the Apache
> >How can I get the CGI-Scripts running???
> >Every hint is worth of gold
> >MfG Oliver Etzel
> >
> >
> >-
> >This is the cgi-list mailing list:
> >To unsubscribe, send email to:
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> >
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> >subscribe cgi-list
> >
> >No one may in any way attempt to data-mine or archive the
> >mailing list for financial gain without the express permission
> >of
> --
>  Apache Mailing List -
>  (un)subscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> (send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in case of problems)
> --

CGI Script don´t run under Linux´s Apache

2001-07-01 Thread Oliver


I spent a couple of days and nights getting the Apache 1.3 running -
Now I run some tests with simple CGI-Scripts which were working on another
webserver very well AND everytime I try to run the Perl script from cgi-bin
I get the well known ERROR 500 message. On other machines they are running.
I guess I misconfigured the Apache
How can I get the CGI-Scripts running???
Every hint is worth of gold
MfG Oliver Etzel

Apache Konfiguration Error 500

2001-06-28 Thread Oliver - GoodnGo.COM \(R\)

Hallo,jetzt habe ich tagelang damit zu gebracht den 
Apache 1.3 zu installieren undzum Laufen zu bringen ... -aber jetzt 
bekomme ich bei perl Skripten die im cgi-bin Verzeichnis vomBrowser aus zum 
Laufe gebracht werden sollen -> die ERROR 500 Meldung.Die Perl 
Skripte liefen auf einer anderen RedHat Linuxmachine problemlos.und konnten 
von jedem Webclient aufgerufen und ausgeführt werden.
Ich denke mal ich habe den Apache falsch 
Wie bekomme ich die Perl Skripte zum laufen???Ich bin 
für jeden Hiweis dankbar .

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N:GoodnGo.COM (R);Oliver -
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Changing "Normal" pl-scripts to mod_perl

2001-06-19 Thread Oliver - GoodnGo.COM \(R\)

Hello List,

I know now to configure the apache httpd.conf so that i can use mod_perl.
What I want to know is how I have to change my old CGI-script which are
written in Perl so that they  work under mod-perl Apache???

Who give me a hint?
Are there any example Scripts?
Oli Etzel

N:GoodnGo.COM (R);Oliver -
FN:Oliver - GoodnGo.COM (R)
NOTE:Jederzeit suchen wir Partner- und Affiliateprogramme
TEL;WORK;VOICE:0049 (0)89 54071102
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Re: MyClass::import() not being called.

2000-10-20 Thread Oliver Moffat

Do you want to run import() at each request or just once per child? I
believe import() only gets called once per child, the first time, not on
every request. That's exactly what I'd expect it to do and how I've
observed it, but someone with more knowledge would have to confirm that.

Rodney Broom wrote:
> Good evening all,
> I've got this happy little access handler that works just fine. Now I need for
> it to accept parameters through import(). The catch is that MyClass::import()
> isn't being called. I've done all of the obvious stuff, like including lots of
> debugging messages, reading the docs, reading the Apache modules book, and even
> searching the archives for this list, no help. Does anybody know what's
> happening here?
> Rodney Broom

Possible Bug in Makefile.PL of mod_perl 1.24?

2000-10-16 Thread Oliver Schönwald


I'm currently experiemnting with the Installation of the Apache Webserver with
several Modules (ssl, php4, perl and more). I'm installing anything from source,
using the Apache 1.3.12-Webserver, mod_ssl 2.6.5, mod_perl 1.24, php 4.0.3 and
jserv 1.1.1.

My actual installation sequence is configure the apache webserver, then to configure
and install the php4-module (statically), then to configure and install the
(also statically) and after that the other modules. To be able to add further modules
using DSO, I enable the so-module also.

When I tried to install mod_perl, I used the following command:

perl Makefile.PL APACHE_PREFIX=/apps/apache/1.3.12 \
APACHE_SRC=/apps/install/apache/apache_1.3.12 \
USE_APACI=1 DO_HTTPD=1 EVERYTHING=1 ADD_MODULE=src/modules/php4/libmodphp4.a

However, the script tried to "enable" the php4-module, although it should have been 
"activated". When the script starts the configure-command for the apache server, it
fails in activating php4 due to this.

I took a look into the script and it seems that the problem lays in the following
which analyzes and handles the ADD_MODULE-parameter:

  for (split ",", $ADD_MODULE) {
if(/([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) {   
  $cmd .= " --enable-module=$1";
elsif(m:(src/modules/[^/]+/[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*):) {
  $cmd .= " --activate-module=$1";

I think the first if-clause within the for-loop logically already contains the
else-clause. By this, the script will either construct an
for the apache or will ignore it. When I replaced the if-clause with the else-clause
vice versa, the script handled it as it should:

  for (split ",", $ADD_MODULE) {
if(m:(src/modules/[^/]+/[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*):) {
  $cmd .= " --activate-module=$1";
elsif(/([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) {   
  $cmd .= " --enable-module=$1";

Have a nice day,

Oliver Schönwald
Department of Applied Computer Science I
University of Hagen, Germany

Re: mod_perl and ActiveState perl (v5.6.0 618)

2000-10-09 Thread oliver

On Fri, 6 Oct 2000 15:48:20 -0500 (CDT), Randy Kobes wrote:
>It would be good to try to track this down ...
>- if you use a non-mod_perl apache config file, but simply
>add in a line to load ApacheModulePerl.dll, does the problem

Using the a stripped down httpd.conf, with just the line:

LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl

added, causes Apache to raise an application error after doing:

net start apache
net stop apache

(i.e. starting and stopping apache as a service)

>Does it occur if you simply stop and start apache,
>or is it only after certain requests are made? Can you
>narrow down the type of requests that cause the problem?
>- are you preloading any perl modules? 
>If so,
>can you narrow it down as to which one(s) cause the error?
>Or perhaps, if it's only after certain requests are made,
>which scripts or modules seem to cause the error? Is there 
>anything useful in the apache error log?

No requests need to be made to replicate the error, it just needs to be
started and stopped; nothing is logged.

>- are you using an apache binary *without* EAPI support
>(used, eg, by mod_ssl)? The mod_perl ppm was compiled
>without EAPI support.

AFAIK, no.

I'm trying it with two versions of Apache; one I compiled using the
1.3.12 source (using default settings), and the precompiled Win32

>- did you clean out all files and libraries from a possible
>earlier installation before installing these? Especially

Yup - building from scratch makes no difference (neither does
reinstalling everything...)

>If you want to compile your own, grab the latest cvs
>mod_perl sources (links are at
>These sources have the patches you mentioned above
>already applied, and with them all mod_perl tests
>should pass.

Done - it looks like it's got the patch, but the problem's still
there when the Apache service is stopped...

In all cases, it looks like the mod_perl tests complete successfully.

mod_perl and ActiveState perl (v5.6.0 618)

2000-10-06 Thread oliver

I'm trying to get mod_perl to run with Apache (v1.3.12) and ActiveState
Perl (v5.6.0 618) under NT

I can compile mod_perl successfully by changing the library files to
refer to the ActiveState Perl libraries, but when I attempt to use the
resulting DLL, I simply get application errors...

I read an article by Sarathy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on this mailing
list (25th Aug) that suggested a few changes that could be made to the
mod_perl source to get it to work with ActiveState Perl. These changes
allowed me to get a working build of mod_perl, but unfortunatly it
still raises an application error when Apache is shutdown

The "official" Win32 ppm build of mod_perl for Win32 (made by Randy
Kobes) also suffer from the same problem when Apache is shutdown...

Can anyone help me with this?

New Bloke question - modifying canned footer (Eagle book)

2000-02-03 Thread Oliver Holmes ITS 1999

Hi there,
I've got the canned footer (Eagle book chapter 4) 
up and running, and it edits html files on the local host fine using the 
... directive.
I was wondering how to implement the footer so that 
it appeared on all html files (ie. external files), and not just local html 
Thanks for any help...

form/user data timing out ?

1999-10-28 Thread Oliver

Hi all,
...I've implemented a simple form based search page which presents
results 10 at a time on request.

It works fine...nearly. If the user does a search, but then doesn't
touch their browser for a couple of minutes then the embperl page seems
to lose their data.

so is there a time-out going on here, or is a server process dying
naturally ?
I've looked at the docs for Apache::Session (used by Embperl I'm
thinking), but no luck yet.

suggestions appreciated,