Re: mod_perl and current directory (was Re: Newbie Q on Apache::Include)

2003-01-29 Thread perl

Actually I haven't got this to work. I'm yet trying to figure how to load 
the module (PerlModule Apache::SSI) in the .htaccess with it actuall 
residing in the /perl/ directory rather than the standard lib directories.

Why?  It's a module, not a CGI script.

I'm not sure whether the company that's hosting my web site will want to 
install any non-critical module (They ahve done me a favor allowing me to 
run mod_perl ... ) So I want to see if I have any options installing it 
under my directory tree.

If you don't want to put it in your standard @INC paths, you can put it 
under APACHE_HOME/lib/perl/ which is automatically added to @INC by mod_perl.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl and current directory (was Re: Newbie Q on Apache::Include)

2003-01-29 Thread perl
At 10:50 AM 1/29/2003, Perrin Harkins wrote:


I'm not sure whether the company that's hosting my web site will want to 
install any non-critical module (They ahve done me a favor allowing me to 
run mod_perl ... ) So I want to see if I have any options installing it 
under my directory tree.

Okay.  You need to modify @INC then.  Take a look here for examples:



Newbie Q on Apache::Include

2003-01-28 Thread perl

Can someone direct me to a good tutorial for Apache::Include?


mod_perl and current directory (was Re: Newbie Q on Apache::Include)

2003-01-28 Thread perl

You can do this.  Technically I think you can POST to a file, but you 
don't need to.

You can do this lots of ways, including post-processing the output of a 
CGI script with a module like CGI::SSI.  What I

Tks that way worked except for the #config sizefmt of mod_include

would suggest is writing a script that you will run under 
Apache::Registry, and calling Apache::Include-virtual('/uri/of/file') to 
do the includes.

From the documentation of the Apache::Include I couldn't make out whether 
it handled other features like set which I am using. But your siggestion 
led me to search on CPAN and found Apache::SSI. That was reasonably 
well-documented and I was planning on using it except the module couldn't 
be found. Is it true what was said in one of the other threads -with 
mod_perl (Apache 1.3.27) the current working directory is different from 
the dir where the script lies? If so how does one use code organized uder 
one's own directory? (Need to know this as my host does not want to install 
modules for me.)


Re: mod_perl and current directory (was Re: Newbie Q on Apache::Include)

2003-01-28 Thread perl
At 06:54 PM 1/28/2003, Perrin Harkins wrote:


Tks that way worked except for the #config sizefmt of mod_include

That should work fine.  What's broken with it?

(Frankly I'm so eagar to not just get my feet wet in mod_perl (just started 
on it today), but drown in it I didn't follow up on this prob.)

!--#config sizefmt=Mb --  works with mod_include Got a [an error 
occurred while processing this directive] (well actually the errmsg that I 
had set) with CGI::SSI. As I said I didn't really follow-up to see if this 
is a prob.

From the documentation of the Apache::Include I couldn't make out 
whether it handled other features like set which I am using.

It does not implement SSI, it just integrates an extra tag (#perl) into 
mod_include.  Everything that works in your current mod_include pages 
should continue to work.

Oh kinda like embedding perl code in an shtml?

But your siggestion led me to search on CPAN and found Apache::SSI.

Apache::SSI is good too.  It will use more RAM, but it is slightly faster 
than mod_include.

Actually I haven't got this to work. I'm yet trying to figure how to load 
the module (PerlModule Apache::SSI) in the .htaccess with it actuall 
residing in the /perl/ directory rather than the standard lib directories.


[QUESTION]PerlHandler and PerlLogHandler Phase

2002-02-01 Thread Mod Perl

I am been working on modperl for some time this is the
first time I am posting a question on the mailing
list. Please bear with me if I miss something or give
too much information.

I have been working on a project that can be described
as an online library. The modperl portion of it adds a
header,navigation bar and a footer and display the
content file of the book which I shall try to draw
The URI is used to determine what ModPerl nav. bar to
generate. These URI are always in the format 
/en/book/bookname/ch01p01.html. I have used the
following in my configuration file
Location /en/book
PerlHandler MyApache::StartBook
PerlLogHandler MyApache::ActivityLogger

Things would have been great if the ch01p01.html was
just one long html file without images,stylesheets and
a number of script src=. calls.  The general
format of these html files are as follows.
Javascript Global Variables set,
the content file to open.
script scr=js/bookconfig.js
script scr=js/+chapterNum+P+chapterPage+.js
script scr=js/chapnav.js
script scr=js/footer.js

Here is the layout
ModPerl Gen Header(Nav. Bar for suhjects in library)
ModPerl|  Contents of the course
Gen.   |  which contains html,stylesheets,
Nav Bar|  images,audio files,java class files
for selected   |  in a directory below the html file
book   |  [-JS Nav bar mainly images]
   |  [!-Footer with current page number]
ModPerl Footer (Copyrights info.)

Here are the problems/Questions that I face:
1. Since in this case each requests for a html file
has multiple files that need to be downloaded by the
client. Am I right to assume that the handler will act
on each and every file requested file below my
/en/course URI?

2.If the answer to the above question is YES? The
Handler will add headers,footers for everything. What
do I need to do to apply the handler logic just to the
requested page and return the remaining files that are
needed to complete the requested page as they are?  

3. When I move these JS files outside the /en/course
URI they seem to work? But now when I put them with
in? It just displays the Javascript code like simple
text on the browser.

4. In the Logging Phase, I need to store the last
requested page as a bookmark. So if the user logs out,
and logs back in it takes him to the same page. Since
the html files are made up of some many requests to
other files, it stores the last file it requested. It
may be path to an image file,style sheet file etc...
Is there any way I can circumvent this problem?

Thank You very much for you help in advance. I
apologize if the email is too detailed.


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Re: [QUESTION]PerlHandler and PerlLogHandler Phase

2002-02-01 Thread Mod Perl

Thanks Thomas,
  Here are the problems/Questions that I face:
  1. Since in this case each requests for a html
 file has multiple files that need to be downloaded 
  the client. Am I right to assume that the handler
 will act on each and every file requested file 
 below my /en/course URI?
 Add something like
 return DECLINED unless $r-content_type() eq
 near the top of your handler.
 This way only html-documents get handled by your
 handler, the rest falls
 through to the default apache handler.

This one did work for most of the cases. Which is the
first war among many battles? I also have cases where
the book content has pop up windows to display meaning
of words that do not need the entire header to be
displayed .i.e. the handler should not be act on such
a request. 
Is there a way I can put them in a directory and when
the uri matches that directory, i disable the handler?
If so how can I do it?


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RE: [QUESTION]PerlHandler and PerlLogHandler Phase

2002-02-01 Thread Mod Perl

Thanks Rob for your reply.
--- Rob Bloodgood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  2.If the answer to the above question is YES? The
  Handler will add headers,footers for everything.
 What do I need to do to apply the handler logic 
 justto the requested page and return the remaining 
 files that are needed to complete the requested 
 page as they are?
 In the Eagle book (as well as a Perl Journal
 article) there is an example of a 
Apache::Header/Apache::Footer.  CPAN doesn't show
 them right now.  But you could implement them as 
filters using Apache::Filter to mark up each
 document on its way out, based on URI.
I shall look into this.  There is some database
entries that have to take place as the web pages are
being servered. 
  3. When I move these JS files outside the
 /en/course URI they seem to work? But now when I 
 put them with in? It just displays the Javascript 
 code like simple text on the browser.
 SCRIPT SRC=/en/course/one.js/SCRIPT
 ... or you could template them in directly, since
 you're playing w/ the content already.
Reply: Most of the books are already existing in that
format. To Change them would be a lot of code
rewriting,testing and deploying. 

  4. In the Logging Phase, I need to store the last
  requested page as a bookmark. So if the user logs
 out, and logs back in it takes him to the same
 Since the html files are made up of some many 
 requests to other files, it stores the last file it
  It may be path to an image file,style sheet file
 etc... Is there any way I can circumvent this
 You could use a cookie, issued with each document,
 noting what url they are on right now??  Logging it
(storing it) and then  reading it back are bound
 to be way too much work.
Reply: I kind of figured this portion out. Though its
is not a clean way to do it. In the,
I plan to use $r-the_request instead of $r-uri. 

The PerlLogHandler being called on every request will
be overwriting the same data in the database.  Let us
assume that the web page request has 5 more files that
it depends. Would not the PerlLogHandler be called
when each file is being server.

Do You Yahoo!?
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

Re: What hapened to

2001-10-03 Thread Perl Man

At 02:42 PM 10/3/2001 -0700, you wrote:

Does anyone have factual information about the
AxKit website?

Here's what I got after trying to join their email list:

After 10 days (232 hours), your message could not be 
fully delivered.
It failed to be received by the following address(es):
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (host: (queue: network)
Problems usually are due to service interruptions at the receiving 
machine. Less often, they are caused by the communication system.
Your message follows:

Re: ANNOUNCE: Apache::OpenIndex

2001-10-01 Thread Perl Man

At 03:02 PM 9/27/2001 -0700, you wrote:
George Sanderson wrote:
 Apache::OpenIndex (OpenIndex-1.00.tar.gz) was uploaded to CPAN on 14Sep2001
 and is currently released.  This was my first module.  I enjoyed journey.
 OpenIndex provides a file manager for an Apache modperl web site using a
 web browser.
 It is a extensive rewrite of the Apache::AutoIndex module (written by
 Philippe M. Chiasson), which in turn was a remake of the autoindex Apache
 OpenIndex also provides the same functionality as autoindex, therefore it
 can be used to both manage and navigate a web site.
 A demo is available at:
 | George Sanderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I get a You don't have permission to access /Apache/OpenIndex/demo/ on
this server message.
Someone created a file with a .test extension which interferes with a
test environment that I have set up.  Normally my web files don't end with
.test so, I have not had this problem in the past.  If you log in using:
You should be able to access all files after you login, regardless of the

Re: Post processing Perl output through PHP

2001-07-15 Thread perl

  I am having a nightmare trying to get some PHP into the output of
  a Perl script. PHP. I've heard rumours of Apache 2.0 allowing multiple
  filters, which would be perfect when it's out, but not yet obviously.

 Add PHP support to your server, and use subrequests to get the
 results of the processing.  Or, run PHP on another server, and
 use LWP to fetch pages from that server which will be included
 the output fromt he main server.

Running PHP elsewhere is out of the question, as both the PHP and Perl
code uses data stored on the system. By 'Add PHP support', if you mean
adding PHP such that I can write and serve .php documents, then this
is already in place, as most of the site is in PHP!, but if you mean
something other than this... please explain more ?

'and use subrequests to get the results'

Sorry for sounding stupid, but what exactly do you mean... ? I am
calling the PHP CGI binary from inside Perl to get output, and it works
fine from a shell, but not through Apache. Do you mean using lynx to
fetch a page on the server to a file and use that.. ?

That is the only solution I have found to date, calling lynx -dump with
a http://localhost/ address to get Apache to return the PHP file to me,
with all the correct PHP expansion. I can then read this output using the
perl script and include it in my perl output, back to the browser.

The problem comes in that I want to specify a host of different PHP
commands in my Perl output, and get Apache to process them on the way
back, so using this trick, I have to create (from the perl script) a bunch
of temporary files containing PHP, somewhere (now globally writable) under
the DOCUMENT_ROOT tree, fetch them using lynx again needing to use a writable
area (although /tmp is fine here), and then include them in my output, and
then clean up the files!

There must be an easier way !!!

Please help me... I've spent over 20 hours reading nearly every forum
on and a whole host of other sites now, and I've found
two others who have exactly the same problem as me, and having emailed them,
they never found an elegant solution... they ended up re-writing all their
code in one or the other.

But I've got over 40,000 lines of Perl, and the entire rest of the site is
in PHP, so this is an unbelievable task if I have to resort to it !?!?!?

Help ???


RE: Post processing Perl output through PHP

2001-07-15 Thread perl

 I'm not entirely sure if I'm getting what you're asking here - I get the
 impression you want the Perl program to call the php script, such as
 http://localhost/script.php3 and get the results from that script which you
 then push into  the results of your perl script, correct? The reason  I'm
 not sure is the part where you create a bunch of files in your tmp directory
 and then process those. Are you saying you're getting perl  to create PHP
 code, and getting Apache to process those, and then returning the results,
 or that you're getting perl to create a batch command essentially?

This is the problem.. I'm not just fetching a local php page, I am actually
using Perl to generate a bunch of PHP commands, which I then want Apache
to process on the way back to the client. Until a stable 2.0 Apache is
out and I can use SetOutputFilter, I am left with (what I think is the only
choice left...) creating a temporary file, under DOCUMENT_ROOT, putting the
generated PHP into it, using LWP or friends to fetch that page throuh Apache,
which will then parse the PHP with mod_php, and send that output back to
the client via 'print $fetched_contents;'

 Either way, the 'simple' way to do this is using LWP, as suggested by
 someone else on the list. Even if it's running on the same server, LWP will
 work just fine. LWP is a perl module that you can get on CPAN to do http
 requests for you. That is, directly in your perl program instead of using
 lynx, you can call to get another web page like so (untested):

Ironically, having tried the suggestion from Darren, I discover that I don't have
LWP installed. My sysadmin however, will install anything for me as long as
I provide him with an RPM for it.

I don't mean to sound lazy, and I have just checked, but I can't
quickly put my hands on an rpm which includes LWP::Simple for Red Hat 7.0

Assuming I sort this out, I think I will have found a way out, by creating a file
with my PHP in, as described above.

On another note, mentions the 'forthcoming' stable release of 2.0.
Does anybody have any idea of how long this will be... From what I read on the
net, and the Apache FAQ, it will be very simple to specify that a certain
directory will be filtered through another module, ie getting perl script output
filtered through PHP by Apache before returning to the client. Perhaps somebody
has experience with the beta release of Apache 2.0 ???


Post processing Perl output through PHP

2001-07-14 Thread perl

Hi all,

I am having a nightmare trying to get some PHP into the output of
a Perl script. PHP. I've heard rumours of Apache 2.0 allowing multiple
filters, which would be perfect when it's out, but not yet obviously.

I've tried calling the CGI PHP from inside Perl in a few ways:

$result = `/usr/bin/php -q  EOF
?php echo Hello World; ?
print Content-Type: text/html\n\n;
print PHP output was $result\n;exit;

I've also tried running this command as a system() call in Perl, and
sending the output of /usr/bin/php to a temporary file, then using
Perl to open and read the contents of that file.

Both methods work if I call the script myself at a shell prompt. In
the case of the file creation, an 11 byte file is duly created.

However, when I call the perl script from a web browser, I lose the
PHP output. The code given above doesn't help narrow it down, but
in the case of the file creating version, I notice back at a shell
prompt that the call to /usr/bin/php has made a 0 byte file... which
obviously explains why I see nothing once Perl copies it to the output.

So, that means there is something about /usr/bin/php that is making it
generate absolutely no output when called via apache and the perl script.
I am guessing that this has to do with the environment variables, as I
can see no other way in which /usr/bin/php would be aware of a difference
in its environment.

So, my question is, does anybody know how to persuade PHP to give me the
output when called in this way... perhaps by forging an environment
variable from Perl first, or some clever command line switch...

Alternatively, and much preferred, some way of parsing the whole of the
perl output through PHP before returning to the browser. Then I could
just print PHP tags in my Perl output and Apache/mod_php would handle
the rest on the way back...

For reasons that really aren't worth going into, I need to access some
messy PHP functions from Perl, and I can't rewrite the PHP functions in
Perl because I have .php pages that need them, and I can't rewrite the
Perl scripts in PHP either. If I can't find a way of doing this, I will
probably tear all my hair out and then sit down to rewrite a separate
copy of every routine in Perl, and have two copies of all the code in
two different languages... nightmare come true !

Please please help me !!!


Apache with MOD_PERL

2001-05-28 Thread perl . mail


I will install apache_1.3.20.tar.gz and mod_perl-1.25.tar.gz on the HP-UX
I have installed all perl modules e.g


Finally I am doing following:

$gzip -d apache_x.xx.tar.gz
$tar xfv apache_x.xx.tar
$gzip -d mod_perl-x.xx.tar.gz
$tar xfv mod_perl-x.xx.tar

$cd mod_perl-x.xx
 $perl Makefile.PL \r
   APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \r
   APACHE_SRC=/usr/local/apache_x.xx/src \r
   DO_HTTPD=1 \r
   USE_APACI=1 \r
 $make install 

The mod_Perl doesn' t work correct.

I get only The Apache ENVIROMENT, Is that correct?

HTTP_ACCEPT=application/, application/msword,
application/, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT;
Apache/1.3.20 Server at Port 3000

SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25

Thanks a lot for you help

Best Regards


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Child keeps seg faulting

2001-04-25 Thread Mod-Perl List

I have the following config: Solaris 2.7, perl 5.6, php4 and mod_perl 1.25 compiled 
statically into Apache 1.3.19. This exact same config works flawlessly on several
Suse machines and a few Red Hat machines. After building and testing the server, I
get the following error when trying to execute the printenv cgi script that comes
with Apache:
[Wed Apr 25 14:58:04 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) PHP/4.0.4pl1 mod_perl/1.25  \
configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Apr 25 14:58:07 2001] [notice] child pid 11107 exit signal Segmentation Fault (11)
[Wed Apr 25 14:59:06 2001] [notice] child pid 11108 exit signal Segmentation Fault (11)

Anyone have any ideas?


Problem building on Solaris 2.7

2001-04-24 Thread Mod-Perl List

I am trying to build mod_perl 1.25 as a DSO on Solaris 2.7
and when I execute perl Makefile.PL, it says I will probably
get core dumps and to upgrade to perl 5.6. I am running
Perl 5.005_03, the latest considered stable on Solaris 2.7. I
cannot upgrade to 5.6 due to heavy perl code already on this

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


PUT handling (somewhat off-topic)

2000-09-06 Thread mjd-perl-modperl

I apologize in advance, because this isn't directly related to
mod_perl.  But I really wasn't sure where to ask.  Posting to
comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix didn't produce any result.  There
doesn't seem to be a mailing list for discussion of Apache generally.

I am trying to get apache to invoke a CGI program in response to PUT
requests.  This is a FAQ.  The FAQ instructions are very clear and
straightforward and don't work for me.

I have the following in the VirtualHost section in my httpd.conf:

   Script PUT /cgi-bin/Put

/cgi-bin is ScriptAliased correctly.  /cgi-bin/Put has permissions set
propserly and runs correctly from the shell and also when I send
Apache a GET request for it.

When I send Apache a PUT request using 'telnet', the request is
received.  However, my PUT script does not run.  Instead, Apache
fabricates a 200 response that looks like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 08:57:12 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) mod_perl/1.19
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

the body of the response is empty.

I know that /cgi-bin/Put isn't being run because it would have
produced a 206 response, not a 200 response,  because it would have produced
a nonempty body, and because it would have written a log to
/tmp/Put.err, which it didn't do.

The access log entry looks like this: - - [05/Sep/2000:04:57:12 -0400] "PUT /~mjd/p/index.html 
HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "-" "-"

There is no entry in the error log.

I get the same behavior when I put the 'Script' directive into a
Directory section and send a PUT request for a file in the

I don't want Apache to respond to the PUT request itself.  I want it
to run /cgi-bin/Put and have /cgi-bin/Put generate the response.  The
on-line manual and the FAQ all say that the

   Script PUT /cgi-bin/Put

directive that I have should do that, but it isn't doing it.  Does
anyone have any suggestions about what might be wrong, or about a more
appropriate forum in which to ask?

Passing a hash to a cgi outside a form?

2000-08-21 Thread perl

Hi there!

Sorry for this question which might sound easy to 
you, but, does anyone know :
How can a CGI pass and receive a hash without a 

Please have a look at the 
following simple scripts :

This is test.cgi
use CGI;

$list-{'value1'} = 
'apple';$list-{'value2'} = 'fruit';

print "Location: test2.cgi?list=$list 

This is test2.cgi

use CGI qw (:standard);

print header;

$list = param('list');

foreach (keys 
%{$list}){ print "KEY IN LIST 
= ",$_,br;}

Thank you for your help 